Miracle, or not? (Original by rolling_scone)

May 02, 2009 08:54

Title: Miracle, or not?
Author: dephi
Pairing: Jinda
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not owning the plot, not even the muses >.<
Summary: Jinda bodyswitch?
Notes: A remix of rolling_scone's (bad hearted boytrap babydoll but) you're so damn hot.

It was started inside a sparsely furnished room; two flower vases lying on the cold marble, broken into small pieces scattering around the withered red roses, like Swarovsky crystals reflecting lights. A wide square creation of art was thrown on the farthest corner on the room, water wetting its surface, as the fallen glass pierced through the painted material, ripping it widely.

There were two figures, one was bigger from the other. Both eyes were settled one to another, one's jaw dropped while the other tugged a playful smile, curling a strand of brunette hair with a finger.

The bigger of the two shook his head, horror seen on his pale face, before he suddenly stood up, both hands pressed against the glass table which started turning cold because of the low temperature inside the room. A glass once again fell from the corner because of the sudden shaking, creating a loud sound once making a contact with the green marble. The brunette, initially busy with an admiring session of his hair, raised a brow at the sudden voice, finger stopped moving. The now broken glass was sighted from the corner of his eyes, sigh followed, before he shot a glance at the confused boy.

A sigh of frustation left the standing guy's mouth, head shaken, before looking at the smaller guy with his piercing dark brown eyes. The latter simply returned the stare, a finger fixing the position of the sitting glasses on his nose.

Gaping and demanding for an answer, the first guy stared at the other, biting his lower lip, eyes full of confusion.

The inept quiet was kept for a few moments, until a mischievous smile played on the brunnete's lips, his head was shaken once. Jaw once again dropped and groan of frustation followed, before another breaking voice was heard later, a few other things finally reached the cold floor.

Finally satisfied, he turned back, sighting the flashing smile he had never seen on the mirror before. Yet another exasperated sigh followed, before returning to his previous seat, chin leaning against his palm.


Miracle dawned upon them.

Well, maybe it was not a great one when only one between the two of them was satisfied by it.

It was Jin, but not Jin. It was Ueda, but not Ueda. Bigger, but a boxer was inside, slimmer yet the singer was beneath the skin.

Ueda sighed for the umptheen time that morning, chin now resting on the cold table. The bigger body, muscular but his real body was one too, halted his movements a tad bit too much, and as much as he wanted to get his slim body back, he couldn't. The reason itself was unknown -- waking up on a fluffy bed only to had his body transformed all of a sudden -- let alone how to return all this chaos to normal.

His eyes were settled on the fat around the exposed stomach as not-so-slim fingers moved slenderly, touching it like how he played around with his fluffy round pillow, slightly chuckling when the soft skin bounced back. It did not take even a second before another sigh escaped his lips, followed by a low groan.

From the corner of his eyes, the sight of Jin, or him, or whoever it was, smiling widely was caught. Walking barefoot, Jin settled his gaze fully on the slim leg, thin fingers danced around crumbs on the floor. He wriggled on tip-toe, starting another experiment of how flexible the slender fingers could be, and later tripped down, creating a loud 'thud' sound when the bottom reached the green marbles. The same position, leg crossed, was kept for a few moments, eyes staring in awe, before giggles broke the silent when Jin decided that another trial could be engaged.

Ueda sighed.

The fascination was blatantly seen on Jin's face. From the very first moment he started with the curly hair, pulling and toying with it, before he set his attention on the feet later. Ueda had cursed many times, whenever his hair fell one by one. Jin would then shoot a frightened stare at the body's owner each time, looking for any hint of anger from Ueda's feature. Ueda, although furious, would cancel his attempt in scolding Jin when the puppy eyes were showed. It happened for the first time, second, third... After the fifth time, Jin suddenly decided to stop the staring routine as the older man could only pierce an ignored glare while silently curse. However, the oblivious Jin would keep on playing until he was finally bored.

Now when Ueda saw his body on the floor, a scar was inevitable, he took the initiative to approach Jin, but stopped when a growling voice was heard. The playing activity was immediately paused, as Jin stared at Ueda with those puppy eyes, again.

Ueda sighed, changing his direction to his brand new refrigerator. Scratching his head, he made a mental note to have it washed later, after he's done with this issue. The door was soon opened once he was in front of it and a hand suddenly grabbed a plate of small cake lying inside. Ueda glared at Jin in reflex, getting a hold of the plate from Jin's hand, before placing it back on its original position. Another hand almost reached a can of beer, but this time the boxer was clever enough to close the door even before Jin was able to take one.

Smiling victoriously, Ueda turned around, flashing his smile at Jin. However only a disappointed pouty face greeted him. He did not like that. Sighing, Ueda re-opened his refrigerator, snatching two cans from the lower side.


Although it was started with much refusal and annoyance, as the time goes by yet not even the tiniest clue about this abnormality was discovered, Ueda found himself getting more and more used to it. It was...big, much bigger than his own body, but it was convenient in a way. Now he did not need to tip-toe anymore to reach the top of his highest shelf.

Another difference he felt was on the way he reacted to a thing. There were some certain sensitive parts which appeared all of a sudden, the high sensual desire he had never known to have before, in which he recognized all as Jin's. Obviously, his current shelter was actually owned by Jin, so it shouldn't bring much surprise to him. However, that little secret should be kept for himself.

Or he would become the pathetic victim Jin usually was.

The clock never stopped spinning; Hours were spent on tv-gaming session, when beers kept them company. Line of cans was getting longer and longer, almost surrounding the big black couch, and a few pack of snacks Ueda had long kept inside one of his 'secret' boxes were torn here and there. Ueda would randomly took a few chips and pushed it inside his mouth, munching it, but when Jin intended to take any, the boxer would immediately send his deathliest glare, which looked lesser deathly as Jin's eyes were not as convincing as his, and the younger man would give up his attempt, pouty feature appeared.

Although he pitied Jin, Ueda still did not let him taste any, while he enjoyed it. It was a rare chance, and he doubted he would be able to eat snacks as much as he did today when he got his own body back, so Ueda decided to make a good use of it, ignoring all the cutesy Jin came up with his face.

Jin simply meshed their feet together, turning most of his concentration on the big LCD, a few times stealing glances on the snacks but was only able to bite his lower lip instead. As a little revenge, he elbowed Ueda in the nose, making the latter winced in pain, curses were no longer evitable. Jin would then grin mischievously, humming random tunes but failed once he wanted to reach high notes.

Ueda complained, however it went ignored, as another elbowing moment was the answer given. Nose turning red while his long awaited winning never came, the boxer let of his grip on the console, curling himself on the corner of the couch, facing Jin backward.

However, Jin was not as silly as people always claimed him as, and that fact simply slipped off Ueda's brain at that moment. A shriek was inevitable, eyes widening in surprise, and Ueda found himself facing Jin with his amused feature, laughing. A hand defended the collarbone in reflex, after Jin tickled the sensitive part.

'I hate you' was muttered, but that couldn't stop Jin from laughing.



Just when Ueda thought nothing worse could happen, not when Jin had made use of his weakness until its fullest, the said man returned from the bathroom inappropriately -- undone jeans, boxer down -- revealing the bare skin of Ueda's stomach -- noted, not Jin's stomach.

Once again, the round eyes widened, seeing his own secret part was revealed by its current temporary owner, while Jin simply walked closer, smiling playfully.

Ueda snapped, pushing Jin to cover it in any way, but failed as Jin managed to defend himself and Ueda’s body, walking around then settling himself on the big couch again. A smirk played on the feature -- a smirk Ueda knew he hated so much.

The older man sighed, before following Jin, attempting to take the seat right beside Jin, but a hand suddenly grabbed his. Shooting a glare at Jin in reflex, he only found himself unable to free himself from the tight grip, while Jin had left his chamber, standing in front of him with a naughty grin. Staring in horror, Ueda realized how strong his body actually was, how he could make one vulnerable against him.

It was a tad bit too late to realize when his hand was pulled to touch the exposed stomach. Trying to resist it but failed, Ueda could only let Jin took the control over his hand, moving it deeper and deeper, and he did not want to see that. However curiousity and the overly high libido torn his thought apart, as Ueda found himself stealing a few glimpses at the tight hand’s direction.

When his lips crushed into something, something wet and he simply didn’t want to think what Jin was attempting to do. He wanted to resist back, but the sexual desire around him, the sudden rise of his active libido - Ueda simply followed what his incoherent mind told him to, giving in at Jin’s lead.

Although the big body shouldn’t remain as an accessory only.

Protest almost left his mouth when Jin started unbuttoning Ueda’s jeans, however he stopped thinking at that moment, letting the talented tongue showing the art of licking, biting, and whatever - his brain could not work properly any longer to decipher what action was happening to him.


The strange feeling returned to haunt him, and Ueda couldn’t help opening his eyes, raising his fingers to see if anything was wrong.

Nothing was different.

The moment his eyes were about to close, the boxer realized that something was indeed different. Blinking his eyes a few times to ensure that his eyes did not trick him, he sighed contently once it was confirmed. Thin fingers, muscular arm - all was his, not the same big one.

Beside, the younger guy stared at Ueda with his puppy eyes, fingers touching his red nose, complaining in pain.

Ueda sighed.


Koki ran to Jin, clinging to his shoulder, flashing a toothy smile at the lead singer, looking like a puppy wagging its tail. Shiver ran through Jin’s neck, and the taller man shoved the hand away.

“Tat-chan~” Koki sing-songed, attempting to hug this time, however Jin was able to escape right before the embrace came. Before another attack was launched, he shot his finger at Ueda then the supposedly rapper splashed a grin, before hugging the boxer.

It might be because he had stayed inside Jin’s body or because Jin had stayed inside his body a bit too long, anyhow Ueda sighed frustatedly when his brain did not work as good as it used to be. It took him a moment of being crushed by the thin arms to realize who it was.

“J-Junno.” The first guess did not need a word to confirm, as the slow nod and buried face on his shoulder answered everything.

Nakamaru came out later, studying both Jin and Ueda’s figure.

“We’re not.” Jin said, however Ueda clarified it immediately, “We were,” The serious expression faltered away once it was said while black-eyed Junno and Kame appeared all of a sudden, Junno’s hand on Kame’s shoulder.

“So, how did you fix it?” Nakamaru asked curiously.

Much to Ueda’s horror, the boxer gulped and gaped, jaw dropped, losing his words.

*oneshot, r : pg, !remix, p : akanishi jin/ueda tatsuya

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