Through the Lenses

Apr 27, 2009 20:05

Title: Through the Lenses
Author: dephi
Pairing: implicit Ryoshige
Rating: G
Disclaimer: The plot is mine.. :D
Summary: Shige loves taking photos, capturing special moments through the lenses, but not Ryo.
A/N: There's always the first for everything... Anyway, the summary sucks. I don't know what summary shall fit this best D:

Shige loves taking photos more than anything.

The beauty of a wide lavender field on the outskirt of the town, with a few jasmines surrounding it, is kept on a big canvas frame hanging on the wall of their house living room. A few baa - chan and jii - chan standing in the middle of the flower bed, staring at those purple flowers with eyes full of awe, as a group of kids running through it with cautious, not wanting to ruin the flowers which have struggled through a long process before blossoming, while some of the girls were sitting altogether, making a small circle on the ground, fingers connecting a flower with another to create a crown of flower of their own.

It is nothing nearing that of professional's, however Shige takes a good pride of it, and despite feeling slightly embarrassed by it, he lets his mother frame it then hang it, taking the role to firstly greet every visitors.

And there's a day when all NEWS members decide to invade his comfortable house, first time for some. When those some new visitors look at the picture in amazement, and when a certain sharp tongued Osaka guy who, despite being older, is shorter than Shige, suddenly casts a long penetrating glance at him.

Shige blinks, once, twice, a brow raised in confusion. The room is full of noises, of the so-called Koyamama and his two children, Massu and Tegoshi, while Yamashita stands somewhere in silence. However it seems like there's nobody else there, as their eyes are locked, and Shige could barely feel his heart flutter while even though he wants to say a thing or two, he decides against it at the end to hide his nervousness.

He lets his eyes close in a flash, only to find the stare sent to him earlier disappears, directed to the photo instead. Shige sighs.

"Say, why won't you take my photo?"

Shige's eyes widens in surprise, before sending yet another look at the older man, a long lasting silence once again overwhelms the two of them.

"No, Nishikido - kun." he shakes his head. "I'd better not."


Shige loves taking photos more than anything.

Although not making any voice, it speaks louder than words, he believes.

Just like the moment Massu ate his gyoza with eyes gleaming in full happiness, or when Tegoshi was pulling yet another prank at Koyama. Yamashita's greatness was perfectly captured through the small lens. Only a picture each, but it tells a lot to him.

Shige always puts his works on a special album, when those photos are glued orderly. It's plain and textless, there isn't any cute stickers (obviously) attached in it, just numerous photos.

But it works like a diary for him. Without creating long sentences to describe his complicated feeling, just a single photo is more than enough. Whenever he has the time, Shige will always take the album he keeps on the upper side of his shelf, opening each pages one by one while reminiscing over the story. The pictures itself will tell everything to him, just like a storyteller, then he will smile contentedly, knowing that no matter how bad the photos were taken, or how crazy his mood was during his ventures, he knows that he has captured good shots.

When it comes to subjects or themes, Shige is not a picky man. Well, except when it has something to do with Nishikido Ryo. For whatever reason he doesn't know, Ryo has never been captured in any of his collections. Ryo is always there, either conversing with Yamashita with their so-called cool look, or even interacting with Tegoshi (read: following whatever Tegoshi wishes from him), or something else, but he is not his lens' good match. The timings are probably bad, or it is just a force coming from deep down which makes Shige avoid capturing any Nishikido Ryo's moment.

He prefers to think that it's the first one, though.

"Hey, Shige. Do you hate me? Or does your camera hate me?"

Shige is, once again, gaping, a camera in hand, trying to capture another moment inside his dressing room which he will treasure inside his album like usual. There comes the same stare, which he always tries to avoid, but fails.

Taking a deep intake of breath, he forced a smile on the corner of his lips. "Neither, Nishikido - kun. Neither."


Shige loves taking photos more than anything.

Anything means everything, or whatever.

There are times when his mother will complaint about how he always spends most of his time with his hobby, as if his world only goes around it. His group mates are just another thing, as even the considerate Koyama will sometimes wonder whether Shige really needs a counseling or what, just to figure out how he can be separated from his so-called immovable buddy.

Shige shrugs that all off, simply ignoring it.

However, when it's Ryo who speaks up, he could never ignore it, not even for just a few seconds.

He has noticed the difference; After a long time full of contemplation, wondering why his finger refuses to click the button whenever the second oldest member of the group is around, he comes up with one most possible conclusion.

His heart's flutters, the sudden loss of words -- all leads him into a thought, which even until now he refuses to accept.

"Don't you want to keep a photo of me?" It's just another question directed to him. Different usage of words, but similar meaning.

Shige sighs. He's still unprepared, but after jumping into a conclusion, he knows he could not lie anymore.

"No." The answer comes immediately, or rather too soon.

"Because I want to keep it inside my heart instead of a photo."

Shige loves taking photos more than anything.

Well, except Ryo.

E/N: First attempt on this fairing, and I'm not sure whether I've written this just fine. Anyway, thank you if you have spared the time to read this ♥

p : kato shigeaki/nishikido ryo, *oneshot, r : g

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