Collide [Chapter 7]

May 04, 2009 21:29

Title: Collide
Author: dephi
Pairing: Akanishi Jin/ Kamenashi Kazuya
Rating: PG - 13 for swearing, curse, etc.
Disclaimer: The plot is mine, and I wish I own all characters appearing here.
Summary: What would you do when you were given the second chance to live? Kamenashi Kazuya was once on the verge of death and gained his life again but he lost his memory. There Akanishi Jin came and changed his life...

From afar, the fast firm steps were heard, like a monotonous rhyme in one's ear. With a bouquet of roses in a hand, leather jacket covering the upper part of his body as the first shield against the low temperature the air conditioner created, the man walked in confidence, and was only halted when he reached a closed door, standing in front of it with a crossed arms, before extending a hand to knock it.

A sound of confirmation was soon given, and the door was pushed opened. The man took a few steps inside, before pulling it then shut it tightly.

Walking further inside, he decided to stop when he spotted the host in a bed, leaning against a pillow. The eyes, black hair, nothing was different. He was still the same clueless guy, now raising his head, casting a glance at his visitor with twitched brows.

Although amused, he decided to say nothing, instead staring at the poor guy helpless guy whose fate was too unpredictable. Matsumoto had a dream, a dream which was too high to achieve, but he strived to reach the top. When the chance was given to him, it did not give him even a second thought to take it, pretending and disguising until he was discovered.

Just when he thought that he would never be able to get it anymore, everything suddenly went smoothly, without him putting any effort like this. And just one more step -- no, he did not have to do anything other than waiting. When the time came, he would conquer everything in an arm.

But now it was not the time, yet. He was still nothing, but he would become someone soon enough. And the least he could do to express his gratitude was visiting this place he did not know who afford this.

The confused face was now followed by gape. The so-called poor guy opened his mouth, attempting to say something.

But his visitor was way faster than him.

"It's been long, Kazuya."

The young sick man frowned at the call of his name, which was replaced by horror shortly after when what he lost slowly found its home.

Just like a shadow, it faded away little by little when the light engulfed the whole room, the vague recollection finally returned little by little.


What could be worse than being partnered with Aiba on a serious mission which put his life, position, and reputation at stake?

Subaru had always thought that nothing worse could happen, not when having Aiba around was his scariest nightmares, when the most disastrous catastrophe was there to take care of, as a cold shiver of fear ran through him.

And here he was, sitting on the rooftop of the hospital, from where he could see his investigation target clearly through its drawn back curtain, while the other carefree angel was running happily as if he was a little boy in a huge playground. The first angel, despite unnecessary foolish noises the other made, put his full concentration on the small binocular both of his hands grabbed tightly, eyeing the young man lying in bed carefully, not even missing the tiniest movement he made.

As the sound was getting louder and louder, and Subaru decided that he could not ignore the distraction any longer, the angel put the tool aside. Standing up from his comfortable position, Subaru started walking, and with a hand, he caught the hem of Aiba's robe, stopping the whole foolish activity in an instant.

Aiba turned with a playful smile crossed his face, a brow raised as the result of the sudden surprised. "What is it, Subaru - chan?"

"You!" Subaru raised his tone, before sighing then releasing his tight grip at the soft fabric. "Stop fooling around. We're in the middle of working."

"But I have nothing to do~" Aiba stuck his tongue out, before crossing his arms then drawing it closer to his chest. "Don't you feel bored with watching a human boy without any rest?"

"That's our job!" Subaru restated while casting a glance at his current partner. "We'll have to do it whether we like it, or not." to keep my position remained untouched. Of course, Subaru never voiced that out.

Aiba had so many to say and argue, including how job should be combined with fun, or even how their little boy would not disappear in an instant and even if he did, they would still be able to trace his position easily. However he was against it all when his eyes spotted a small glow on Subaru's pocket.

Out of curiousity, the tall angel bent his body forward, brows twitched, eyes observing the pocket, wondering what was it. Subaru noticed it, and in an instant he took the small crystal he kept inside the pocket, and sighed in relief when seeing that it looked pretty normal, despite the bright light the small thing produced.

Subaru closed his eyes for a moment before deciding to take a look at Kame, only to notice that there was something weird, when another guy happened to be inside, and Kame's face, it was too indescribable; a mix of confusion, anger, sadness, just all kinds of feeling. He tried to figure out what the problem was when another small noises were made, distracting his focused mind, and all he could do was to face it and ask Aiba to stop disturbing him. But Subaru found himself unable to say anything upon seeing his partner's complicated expression -- eyes widened in shock, jaw dropped.

"I-It d-disappears. It's half disappeared." Aiba stuttered in shock, forcing Subaru to settle his eyes on the crystal in his hand. "Subaru, the crystal is broken. I-It's broken..."

So, what could be worse than being partnered with Aiba on a serious mission which put his life, position, and reputation at stake?

Losing the control he hadn't even conquered.


'Fancy seeing you again'

Everything was shaking; the bed, the pillow, the ground. No, it was not that, or maybe it was that.

The fragile body shook uncontrollably; both arms crossed, grabbing the soft fabric tightly. The huge bed inside the spacious room was shaking like it was about to fell down.

'You are a good boy, right?'

His vision was getting clearer, yet blurred at the same time. The big china vase on the corner of the room, wide green carpet on the floor, sparsely furnished room. Nothing looked different, except that they were moving in his eyes.

Images came one by one, searching for a place inside its original position. Some were recognizable, some other were not; all were mixed and he no longer had a control over his own brain.

'Don't you remember me?'

There were too many to take at the same time; his brain's capacity was too small to take it all. Eyes widened, grabs tightened. Mumbles of words escaped his parted lips.

Who am I?

The door was slowly opened as a girl stepped inside with a file in hand, then shutting it. A breaking sound was soon heard when she accidentally tripped down, creating a friction with the blue vase, now laying on the floor, broken into pieces. It took another moment before she got a hang of herself then stood up, brushing the dust on the edge of her skirt.

There inside the spacious room was spotted, as luxurious as ever. A gasp of excitement was soon heard, followed by a sigh later. She could never afford this, she thought.

Further and deeper the patient awaited. Words were hissed, but she could understand nothing.

Why am I still alive?

"Kamenashi - san? Kamenashi - san?"

His head was shaken even harder. His ears heard his name but he could not find the power to react.

Why can't I just die?

"We need a help. The patient here is getting a problem."

Somebody, save me...


'Let me introduce you to Maki, Jin. She is your fiancé from today on.'

'What? I've never heard anything about this before, dad. And heck, arranged marriage? You've got to be kidding me.'

'Too bad I'm deadly serious about this. And no, Jin, you could not object this. This is my final decision, and whether you like it or not you are now engaged.'

Jin sighed for the umpteen time that day after the unexpected announcement of his sudden engagement came. Reaching for the glass filled with clear red liquid, Jin sipped it, letting the alcohol go through his throat, then another sigh followed.

Raising his eyes, the girl's feature was spotted. The so-called Maki was well, beautiful and supposedly rich as well. The occasional conversation between the two of them went pretty well so far; at least he couldn't spot anything wrong about her, and he should have been able to accept it.

But Jin knew that he just couldn't.

Splashing an attempted smile at the girl, Jin's fingers roamed the table, looking for the abandoned glass, while another hand tapping his chair impatiently. But unluckily, a breaking voice was soon heard, at the same time followed by the rapid raise of his heart beating.

Even the playful Jin knew that it was a sign, or probably a bad omen, but he did not know what caused it. All he knew there was this uneasy feeling suddenly overwhelming him as a name somehow popped up to his brain.


E/N: Sorry for delayed update. A lot has happened. And sorry if you spot more grammatical mistakes, and such here T^T

p : akanishi jin/kamenashi kazuya, r : pg-13, *multichapter

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