Rain, don't go...

May 05, 2009 18:29

Title: Rain, don't go...
Author: dephi
Pairing: Ryoshige
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Plot is mine, not the muses D:
Summary: When the rain pouring down, a man alone inside the room, it's reminiscing time.
A/N: My second shot. The summary is just as fail as the first one, and this one is sort of angsty-ish.

From the deepest side of the huge building, inside a sparsely furnished room. A pillow fell down from the bed, another was gripped tightly on a hand, feather leaking out from the widely torn cover, before it finally joined the other on the cold floor.

The drawn curtain letting the sunbeam sent inside through the windowpane, before it slowly turning dark. White and grey masses now forming one by one, covering the sun until it disappeared quickly behind the clouds.

A single drop of rain fell from the sky to reach the ground, and in a flash the busy city was granted with a cloudburst.

Ryo stood up, leaving the messy bed he had been lying at for hours alone. Reaching the window, a hand crept up, fingers pressed against the cold glass. Ryo could barely hear the sound, played inside his ears like a bad melody, far from enjoyable but he had to bear it.

He raised his head, looking up at the dark clouds.

Then he sighed.


For Ryo, Shige was like water. It was soothing and calming. The flow was clear, easy to follow, and when he felt like it he could get a hold of it with his bare hands.

Shige was always like that. His moves were predictable, and instead of using forces, the younger guy naturally followed him, even without the said guy realizing it. That was where Ryo always stood; as someone one shall admire, one of the oldest and one of the most famous among the members.

Just with a hand, he could collect a good amount of water, keeping it safely inside any container he wanted. It was Ryo's first impression of Shige; a weak guy he could manipulate easily, hiding under his wing. He was on the front, while the latter was behind him. It was even easier than a simple math’s quotation, and nobody, not even Shige, would object that sentence.

Shige had his pride, of course, but he was vulnerable against the older Osaka man. He could only comply, or maybe whimper a bit, whenever a strong hand grabbed his hand and pulled him somewhere else where there were only the two of them. The grip would eventually loosen, and Ryo would simply pull a chair which popped up out of nowhere, then sat silently. A puzzled look would cross Shige's feature, but he was too scared to voice even a word, so he joined Ryo instead.

It was started like that and somehow they got deeper and deeper.

Shige was smart. Like water in a container, taking its form immediately, Shige was a fast learner, and he eventually adapted with Ryo's weirdness. Dealing with Ryo was never an easy thing to do, unless Ryo let someone see him deeper, but that was not the case for Shige. Despite the so-called relationship they suddenly had, which created question marks above their fellow members' head, there was always a wall somewhere, a sign that Shige could not go any further from that point. He obliged it, but somehow he managed to understand more as if he was a physic, able to do mindreading. Of course, he was just a normal human being who possessed no such power.

Shige was strange, but maybe that was why Ryo could not let him go.

But just like water, once reaching the ground it would disperse and won't go back anymore. Ryo knew it would happen, sooner or later, and he knew how to refrain it from happening, or even not making it happen. But he chose to let it be.

There was no breaking sound, no loud shouts, it was ended in silence. But the small heart inside was breaking little by little, not knowing how to return to its original form.

And that was it. Regret and resentment always came too late. Always.


Ryo closed his eyes, letting all the reminisce story played inside his brain one by one. By the time he regained his sight, a sigh escaped his parted lips right at the same time.

He raised his head, looking at the rain which did not seem like ending soon.

Wishing it would really never stop.

E/N: I'm not really sure about this one, but well, thanks for reading. Comments and constructive criticism are ♥

p : kato shigeaki/nishikido ryo, g : angst, *oneshot, r : g

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