Memories [Chapter 4]

Apr 24, 2009 21:12

Title: Memories
Author: dephi
Pairing: Pitego
Genre: Angst
Rating: PG - 13 for the angst
Disclaimer: Own the plot, not the characters
Summary: The promised they made should be fulfilled. Yet a person halted him right when he was about to proceed. Would he do it at last, or would he break the promise instead?
Notes: Hi, I'm back *waves*. Oh, and there's a side story of Ryopi's friendship :)

Yamapi was walking through the hall leading to his office that morning. The hospital was as crowded as usual -- people waiting for their turn sitting on benches, doctors and nurses, or even dentists, walking to almost all directions, janitors keeping the floor as clean as possible although footsteps made it almost impossible, but well that was what they were hired for.

Everything was the same in Yamapi's eyes; loud cries coming from pediatricians' section as if those toddlers realized that they were put on a danger which was merely their imagination, which had Yamapi's attention more than usual as one of the baby...boy, no it's a girl, was overly cute, fat, and chubby, tempting him to have one of his own, which should remain only as a dream for awhile. There was a few moments when Yamapi decided to stop and observe the whole picture, wanting to capture the precious moment when mothers consoled their children while the newly born (or well, a few years older than that) would react in a funny way in a photo. However, only a sigh escaped his parted lips as a smile crossed his face then he glanced at the clock hanging on the wall before continuing his adventure.

His second stop was at a small section, where similar cries and some grumbles were heard. But on the contrary from the previous one, those sounds mostly came from adult. Antiseptics replaced fragrance's role, filling the whole place with uneasiness. Even the most patient person slowly turned into a restless one, tapping anything nearby with horror on one's face. Looking upward, he spotted the sign and sighed.


The young doctor let another sigh leave his mouth before proceeding with his real intention, stepping further to cardiac section. There, another usual view was seen. People greeting him, one of the doctors they might be seeing. And there was this obaasan who smiled at him, giving a small nod of appreciation. Yamapi recognized her as his late patient's wife. Too bad his life was taken at the end although the ojiisan was such a nice friendly guy. But that was how life actually is; born, grown-up, got married, gave birth or watched your wife giving birth to a new life, until lastly death. Until death do us apart -- maybe that sentence really suited the old pairing's condition.

Yamapi sighed, the smile on his face faltered a little as the obaasan turned away with her young companion, probably her granddaughter from her appearance. Shooting an envy look at the old woman’s back before resuming his halted trip, he held the urge to sigh as his legs started moving again, smile formed on the corner of the red lips.

It was not his practical hours yet, so it didn’t surprise him seeing that there was practically nobody outside his room, lest a queue. Not even his nurse had made her appearance. Yamapi twisted the knob to the left to open the door, pushed the wooden material, before he stepped inside. Closing the door quietly, the young doctor stepped further when a screwed-up tissue suddenly jumped and landed right in front of him, only a few centimeters from the tip of his toe. Yamapi raised a brow then bent his body forward, a hand extended to reach the thin material, when another ball came, followed by some others.

Shooting a glance inside, Yamapi finally spotted a petite guy’s figure, settling at the sight for a moment, before his lips released a sigh in exasperation.


The said guy seemed to finally realize his presence, as their eyes finally met each others. Yamapi simply stood there, crossed arms brought closer to his chest, as he leaned against a white wall. Balls of tissues running on the floor, left untouched, slowly covered with grey dusks tainting its whiteness.

Tegoshi's movement was also stopped as he just sat on the previously clean and neat bed, resting both arms in side, as a half taken tissue pack was sitting next to him. There was no smile, no reaction, let alone a word. What was there was only a straight stare directed to the young doctor from a distance.

Yamapi sighed again.

Bending his body forward, Yamapi picked those trashes one by one until all of them were collected, then throwing it to the nearest bin. Not even a word was exchanged between the two of them while Yamapi kept himself busy with a session of cleaning and tidying his room. Once finished, the young doctor pushed the bin on the corner with his toe before he stepped further inside, shortening the distance between him and his guest.

“So, what are you expecting from me today, Tegoshi - kun?” Not wanting to beat around the bush, which had always been proved wasting his time, the taller of the two asked directly.

With those round eyes, Tegoshi stared at Yamapi, locking their gaze for awhile, before a smirk, definitely something he faked, was curved on the corner of his lips. “Oh, it’s nothing, Yamashita - sensei.”

Yamapi was no fool; he could directly hear the emphasizing Tegoshi purposely used for whatever reason he didn’t know. It had been days since he declared that he would be a good guy, willing himself to babysit an adult-yet-childish-inside namely Tegoshi Yuya. It had also been days since his old friend came and requested him to do him a favour. Being a good doctor, and friend at the same time, also since it was his nature, Yamapi did not, or rather could not, reject the request.

His attempts on understanding Tegoshi more simply confused him and burdened him at the same time, as the younger boy was actually more complicated than what he initially thought.

“I was bored earlier and I couldn’t find anything interesting to do earlier, so why shouldn’t I pay a little visit to a good friend of mine? That’s a brilliant idea, right?”

There he goes again. It was always the same faked innocent smile and weird laugh. Having spending lots of times with Tegoshi made him learn a lot about him. He smiled, but the smile never reached his eyes.

All of a sudden there was a knocked on the door, followed by his nurse’s soft voice telling him that his first patient would be presented soon. Before he was able to give any reply, the shorter man walked past him, then the female nurse, exiting the room in a flash, leaving Yamapi in a wonder, jaw dropped in awe.

This was going to be hard.


It was inside a crowded café on lunch hour, when people tried to enjoy the short break as much as possible before all their previous activities would be resumed again. A few waitresses walked around unstoppably, trying to serve as much table as possible, while at the same time a smile stayed on the obvious tired face.

The two guys were sitting on a small round table near the counter, one was holding a cigarette in hand, puffing it slowly. The other settled his eyes on the opened menu book in front of him, while a waitress was waiting beside. Once settling with his order, he murmured a thanks while splashing a smile at the young girl, making the said waitress blushed in embarrassment, cheeks slowly turned into a bright pink, before leaving the table in a haste.

“You and your flirty self.” The shorter man retorted, before throwing his cigarette end away. “It’s amazing how you haven’t changed that much, or rather I haven’t spotted any significant changes from you.”

“Hmm?” Yamapi mumbled, shooting a glance at his companion, before throwing a laugh. “Well, I am still as hot as ever, if that’s what you were implying, Ryo - chan.” The laugh grew louder for a moment, before it eventually died down.

The latter said nothing, simply snorted, right when the waitress came to serve their orders, then left their table, once again with the same cherry coloured cheeks after stealing a glance at Ryo. Smiling victoriously, Ryo leaned backward, a hand taking another cigarette from its pack. “That’s the difference between the two of us, Pi. I don’t need to do anything to have girls around me, don’t you think so?” he lit then puffed it.

“Whatever, Nishikido.” A sigh followed the sentence while Yamapi rested a hand on the table, while the other held the glass full of orange coloured liquid. “So, what are you trying to do with summoning me, Ryo?”

There was no reply coming from Ryo which made Pi wondered, as he twisted his head around only to meet Ryo’s serious gaze. It was indescribable and somehow Yamapi had the feeling that he wouldn’t like the discussion they were having next.

“It was about Tegoshi…” Ryo finally said, “…and her, Pi.”

And so another moment of silence overwhelmed the two of them once again, this time taking longer than the previous one, before the taller one finally spoke up again to break the silence and at the same time start the serious conversation.

What they didn’t know was there was a pair of sad lonely eyes watching the two of them from a distance. And the bad situation was getting even worse than ever. Misunderstanding, sadness, and fear.

He comes not because he wants it.

-- Ryopi's Side Story--

It was like that at first; I did not know you, nor did you know me.

“Don’t act like a fool, Nishikido. You snatched my girlfriend away, and now you’re acting as if you know nothing? That won’t work on me, Nishikido.” An enraged tall boy with his two friends cornered Ryo on the rooftop, while one other was simply leaning against one of the wall nearby.

Ryo raised a brow and sighed, attempted to walk pass through the menwall, but failed as the enraged boy grabbed his uniform collar while shooting an angry glare full of hatred at the shorter man. “I never act like one, and I don’t recall stealing your so-called girlfriend away, Akanishi. Maybe that’s just an excuse she used to dump you.” Ryo snorted, shrugging Akanishi’s arm from his uniform. However, his ignorant act simply lit the fire inside Akanishi as the said guy clenched his fist, attempting to punch Ryo.

Right when the clenched hand was about to meet Ryo’s cheek, another hand grabbed it, stopping its movement all of a sudden. Ryo raised a brow, sighting the fourth boy pulling Akanishi’s fist away from his cheek. Not that he was afraid of that weak punch.

“Let it off, Jin. It’s useless. He’s not worth it.” With that although hesitant, Akanishi left the spot followed by the other two boys. The last boy simply shot a glance at Ryo, before following the rest three, exiting the rooftop.

I didn’t know that we could be this close.

“We meet again, Yamashita.”

Yamapi raised his head, twitching a brow once spotting the guy greeting him. “Oh, it’s just you, Nishikido.”

“I take it you’re expecting someone else? Someone you are treating in such fancy restaurant? Someone special?” Unlike usual, the infamous grumpy yet cool Ryo talked a tad bit too much, pulling the chair in front of Yamapi without even being invited. Yamapi, although preferring to remain silent, twitched his brow, before twisting his head to his right, avoiding Ryo’s eyes.

“Such a fancy restaurant. Well, your date should be grateful for this, am I right? But that’s just if only I didn’t spot this girl with a short guy, hands entwined. What do you think, Yamashita?”

Without even hearing the next sentence, neither giving a response, Yamapi stood up in rage, eyes full of hatred and sadness, finally understanding how it felt to be dumped.

Are we friends, or not?


The said girl turned her head once her name was called, tears stared flowing once again. “Onii - chan!”

“Rina!” Yamapi hugged his younger sister, patting her hair with his hand slowly as if she was about to break anytime soon. He then raised his head to meet her saviour’s eyes, only to spotted red liquids tainting a few parts of his skin. “T-Thank you, Nishikido. Thank you.”

“Not a problem.” The said guy shrugged.

“I’ll do anything in turn, I promise, I promise.”

And that was the start of our weird friendship…

E/N: Sorry, this one is short and weird, but the side story should make-up for the length. Anyhow, I'm back. I lost my whole fic archive last time which eventualy lead to my disinterest in writing, then I got sick too... Ugh.. Now exams...
Anyhow, once again I'm offering. Anyone would like being my beta reader? I just...idk. lol~
Hopefully I can update fast, but as long as wasurenaisa's other maintainer (withcoffee) is still on a hiatus, I doubt I can update fast.

g : angst, p : tegoshi yuya/yamashita tomohisa, r : pg-13, *multichapter

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