Memory Box [Prologue]

Apr 13, 2009 16:13

Title: Memory Box
Author: dephi
Pairing: RyoDa, more like Ueda-centric tho
Genre: Angst
Rating: PG - 13 for the angst
Disclaimer : I own the plot, not the people
Warning: There might be character's death later. Might
Summary: Reports were out, words slipped out of mouths. The line between life and death was so thin, too thin. It was just a matter of time before everything was over.
Notes: A comeback fic? Beta by annatanhe

It was a room full of blue, blue marble wall with coral motif, light blue marble floor. A round white tub sat in a corner, while the shower was in the other. A few sheets of white paper tainted with black ink were scattered on the ground, some folded neatly, some torn apart, while some others were slightly scrunched up or crumpled at the corners.

The sound of water was loud, running deep from the tap, a rhythm created when each drop made contact with the white tub. Rose petals were being picked one by one by thin fingers, floating on the water. A mixture of various colours such as red, yellow, pink, white and blue were following the unstoppable water flow.

Flowers' scent was overwhelming in the bathroom. Water eventually overflowed from the tub when it had reached the top, running down from the sides. The white papers were covered in water one by one, not sparing any.

The robe with white and grey stripes was the only thing covering his slim body. He sat in one of the corners, with his body curled, before his hands drew his knees closer to his chest while he sank deeper inside, hiding his face. His eyes were empty. His mind flying without directions. A soulless body.

The sound of water drops was ringing in his ears over and over again. His finger tapping on the marble floor, slowly but with force, creating a loud sound whenever the nail came in contact with the blue floor. His breaths, even heavier than ever, added the etude ringing inside the room, and at some point they were all combined in a steady rhythm.

Was it all the truth?

No matter how much he thought, none of it seemed to be true. The serious face, eyes piercing right through his, heavy tone used. The same sentence always haunted him, chanting repetitiously inside his brain like a spoilt record player. He couldn't shove it out of his mind if he tried.

Slowly, he moved his hand and stared at his fingers, at his skin. It was almost flawless and the colour was normal, not paler than usual. That couldn't be true, right? His empty eyes gleamed in happiness as his mouth was trying to curve a smile on the corner of his lips. But that was just what he forced himself to do in his mind. The fact said differently and he could do nothing about it, the papers swimming in water were the proof.

A single tear dropped from his eyes, followed by a few others, before he brushed it away harshly with his hand. His heart wanted to scream his wish loudly. 'Why?' he wanted to ask. It ached so badly and it hurt him from inside. 'Why?' if he could scream it, he would. But it was meaningless. 'Why?' tears were overflowing from his beautiful orbs. Why did it have to be him?

Another tear fell before he shoved it away for the last time. He stood up and looked at his reflection in the mirror. His eyes were red. So this is the end? He laughed silently as he thought that. Ironic and pitiable, but his pride wouldn't let people see him that way.

A heavy sigh escaped his mouth as he threw his robe away. Another sigh slipped as he put his legs one by one inside the tub and submerged himself inside the full water.

He couldn't decide his fate, and this was what he got...

E/N: I'm back, at last :))
If you're wondering why should I write such a sappy angsty comeback fic? The answer is...I DON'T KNOW...
Anyway, if you're waiting for my other ryoda multichapters' update, I shall say sorry. When I lost the whole archives, I also lost my plot draft, which means I have no draft atm, no plot, and it'll take some time to get it all back. Sadly to say, I'm putting both Masterpiece and The art of manipulation on hold.. D:

So, that's all. This fic isn't going to be that long, I think, only a few chapters and it's done. However, I might not update the next chapter that fast, as I have to work on my ficremix challenge, while my health fails me... D:

Thanks for reading and comment is definitely ♥ for a comeback fic? :p

g : angst, r : pg-13, *multichapter, p : nishikido ryo/ueda tatsuya

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