I’ve had Tard the Grumpy Cat on my Tumblr bookmarks list for a while now. But all the sudden this week he’s popping up all over the place on my friends list and on Facebook.
I’m particularly fond of his Christmas look. I think he’s adorable. And not just because Grumpy Cat
totally looks like Jeremy Renner.
I bark at pants. He did
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Comments 13 makes me so happy that my dogs aren't chewers. Or thieves. Or smart enough to open doors. Oh boy, am I lucky!
Flash has even started listening to voice commands. Of course when he wants to do something and you tell him no, he yodels. It's actually pretty funny that I have a Tyrolian dog.
Yeah, dog shaming totally reminds me why I don't think I'd be a very good dog mommy. Even if I am the biggest bitch in the pack.
Typically, dogs destroy not because they're bad or punishing you, but because they're nervous. If you leave them alone for too long, they get into trouble. Luckily X-racing greyhounds are used to being alone for 23 hours a day, so they rarely have separation anxiety. They just sleep. But unlike cats, dogs are companion animals. They want to be with their pack leader. Alone for too long, they kinda don't have a purpose, and it makes them a little crazy.
And of course, for my dogs to have separation anxiety, I'd have to actually, you know, leave the house sometime. ;)
I'm more of a cat person. I need the freedom to be able to take off for the weekend without needing a pet sitter. I want a furry body to cuddle with who isn't going to try to take up half the bed. I can deal with the occasional barfing and butt in my face, because I know they're not going to eat my shoes or bark and annoy the neighbors when I'm not home.
For me, dogs are kinda like children. I enjoy them if they belong to someone else. ;-)
No regrets.
But much like I Can Haz Cheeseburger, after a while it starts feeling repetitive. And then, just when I'm thinking I'll stop, someone comes up with something truly brilliant!
Damn time suck. =P
This = All Of Tumblr.
Damn their crack for its crack-li-ciousness.
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