New Fic: What Is Fanfiction Part I

Aug 18, 2006 19:03

Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: Nothing

Summary: Whilst Gabby is searching through the internet for her modelling photos she finds a website full of stories about the housewives and one of the stories makes two of the girls admit their real feelings for each other.

The girls all concentrate on the cards in their hands. They’re all over at Lynette’s house this time. Susan groans, “I’m out.” Edie sighs, “Me too.” Gabby looks at the cards hoping that they will change magically. “Me three.” Bree grins at Lynette. The others go out to the living room and start their weekly gossip. Lynette and Bree continue to play, their eyes flirting with each other. Bree’s eyes shine as she looks at the perfect hand in front of her. Lynette only groans and throws down her cards. Bree giggles, “I win!” Lynette smiles and hands over the money. Gabby walks up to them, “Hey Lynette can I use your laptop I wanna show the girls some of my modelling pictures.” “Sure it’s just sitting on the table go ahead.” She smiles and leaves to go back to the computer. Bree helps Lynette tidy everything away on the table, not taking very long since she is a perfectionist.

They come and join the others on the couch as Gabby types her name in Google. She clicks search and starts to scroll down until a link catches her eye. “Guys look…” She points to the screen, where all their names are. “Desperate Housewives Fan Fiction.” Bree looks at her name on the screen and frowns, “What is fan fiction?” The girls look at each other and shrug. Lynette sighs, “Gabby click on it.” Gabby obeys and watches as a picture appears with all them on. “What the hell?” Edie looks at the screen, studying her face, “They could have used a better picture of me.” They all look at her and roll their eyes. “How the hell do they know about us?” Susan shouts. Lynette thinks carefully, “Maybe they remembered us from that catwalk we did, remember?” “Oh yeah.” Bree looks at all the links, “They’re all stories about us.”

Gabby scrolls down until she see’s a link labelled, ‘7 deadly sins’ She begins to read out loud, “Title: 7 Deadly Sins Author: bree_addiction Rating: NC-17 Disclaimer: Own Nothing, Rex decides to have a lil game with Bree under the table whilst having the reverend over for dinner.” Bree fires up, “For god’s sake this is crazy.” She really did think this was stupid but a part of her wanted to read it. Lynette rested a hand on her shoulder and motioned to Gabby to scroll down. Gabby found another link. “Title: Break me and Heal me Author: bree_addiction Rating: R for sexual suggestion Disclaimer: Nothing, Summary: Lynette uncovers Bree’s secret and tries to heal her with more than a hug. WARNING FEMMESLASH.” Lynette and Bree exchange a glance, “What secret’s this?” “I don’t know, I wanna know what femme slash is?” Edie laughed, “This girl must never stop writing things look she’s wrote loads.” She pointed to the screen and most of the links had the name of the same author. Susan nodded, “Yeah and they’re all rated for sexual content.” Bree started to really wonder what these stories meant. “Gabby let’s read it.” They gave her a look before finally clicking on it. All the girls huddled around the screen and started to read.

Bree hears her husband walk through the front door and as usual she carries out her usual routine. She’s already dressed in the corset, garter belt with stilettos and painfully walks behind the door awaiting his arrival. Rex opens the door and turns to Bree, grinning with delight. Bree bucks up all the courage she can and pushes her disgust aside, flashing a convincing smile back. But something is different, Rex doesn’t usually look at her, he waits for her to instruct him.

Bree starts to shake as she reads the words, how the hell did they know about her secret? “This is…. wrong.” Lynette stroked her back reassuringly and went back to reading.

Rex grabs Bree and kisses her brutally hard, pushing her back into the wall. Bree pushes him back away and gasps breathlessly, “Rex you’re hurting me.” Rex only smiles and grabs her close, “It’s my turn, I think you deserve to feel pain.” “Why?” “You didn’t think I’d find out, about you and her.” “Rex…I” Before Bree gets a chance to answer Rex dives in for another bruising kiss. Bree continuously pushes Rex away but he won’t let go, instead he pulls her roughly over to the bed and ties her hands behind her back tightly. “Rex please, don’t do this.” “Ok, you’re right I should be hurting her, after all she did try to steal you from me.” “No, Rex please don’t hurt her. I’ll take her pain.” Rex laughs and unbuckles his belt, removing it swiftly from his trousers, Bree gasps in shock as he swishes it through the air, fast.

They stare at the screen in shock; tears are forming in their eyes. Bree and Lynette refuse to look at each other. Bree starts to put it all together, “I think I know what femmeslash means.” Lynette nods but starts to feel a little uncomfortable sitting next to Bree. “I’m glad you care about me that much.” Lynette regrets saying the words as she remembers this is only a story. But would Bree actually do that for her? Bree smiles, “You’re my best friend, of course I care about you.” Gabby pulls them back to reality when she starts to read on.

The blow to her back makes Bree cry out, as the sharp pain cuts through her. “Stop.” Her voice is breathless and she fails to say another word. Rex fires another blow, this one harder than the last, and the sudden crack of sound assures him, he’s broken the skin. Bree screams louder as the blood flows heavily out of the deep cut. Rex delivers another few blows until he is satisfied she has felt enough pain. Bree lies on the floor, cuts covering her back, blood smeared all over, tear stained face and broken inside and out.

Gabby starts to cry and reaches over for the box of tissues and blows into it. Susan and Edie follow suit, wiping their tears away. “How can he do that to you!” Lynette however is holding a shaking Bree tight. She whispers softly, “It’s ok.” Bree cries into her shoulder and holds onto her. Gabby is too terrified to read on so she scrolls down, missing out the bit about Rex hurting Bree. “Ok it’s getting better.” The girls resume to reading.

Lynette closed the door quickly and kissed Bree tenderly. Her touch couldn’t be anymore different from Rex. Bree allowed Lynette to take off her outfit, she loved the way Lynette carefully tried not to touch the cuts on her back. Lynette lifted Bree up onto the dryer and positioned herself in between her legs. Once she was divested of her clothes, Bree started to undress Lynette finally wrapping her legs around her waist. The two women moaned softly when their bare-skinned bodies touched each other, fitting together perfectly. Lynette’s hand slid down Bree’s stomach and grazed her finger over her clit. Bree gasped in delight and grabbed Lynette’s shoulders for support. Lynette smiled and thrusted her fingers in, causing a very ferocious reaction from Bree.

“HOLY SHIT!” Lynette cried. Gabby’s mouth was agape as was Edie’s. Susan tried to look away, not knowing what to say. Bree had blushed bright red and had pulled away from Lynette’s hug. She was so amazed by this story and she wanted more. “Lets just finish it.” The girls nodded.

Tom awoke to the sound of a loud moan, coming from downstairs. He looked over to find an empty space. ‘Oh I hope Lynette’s Ok.’ Tom scrambled into some trousers and ran down the stairs following the sound of the noise. “Lynette, are you ok?” Tom finally came to the laundry room door. “Lynette, why the hell are you doing laundry at this hour?” Tom shook his head and tried the door handle.

Bree was speechless, “Oh my heavenly days.” The girls sat still, neither daring to speak. Their tear stained faces and mouths agape. Lynette looked over at Bree and sighed. She’d wanted that to happen for so long. It’s as if someone found out her secret and wrote a fantasy about it. She wanted to tell Bree everything but she looked so uncomfortable and lost. Not to mention scared. Bree got up and raced into the kitchen leaving a bewildered Lynette behind. “Um…I’m gonna go see if she’s ok.” The girls nodded half paying attention as they were still in tears.

Lynette came up behind Bree and found her friend crying heavily at the sink. Lynette spun her round and wiped away her tears, hugging her tightly. Bree allowed herself to relax into her arms, resting her head against her shoulder. Lynette ran a hand through Bree’s silky hair causing her to shiver. She wanted nothing more than to just kiss her now. She wanted the story to come true. Bree whispered something faintly into her shoulder but loud enough for Lynette to hear. “I love you Lynette.” Once again she was speechless. Lynette tilted up Bree’s head and she saw so much love in Bree’s watery eyes. She leant in to kiss her and was amazed when Bree responded. Lynette felt like she was in heaven. This kiss was more than just comfort; it was love.

Part 2 coming up soon!! Comments are loved :)
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