(no subject)

Aug 20, 2006 01:57

A sequel! Since we all asked so nicely. It's my second story, and it's 2 am, so if it's kinda lacking Im sorry.

Title: Blueberry Muffins
Rating: R
Spoilers: Zero
Disclaimers: Zero

Lynette decided she wasn't going to be a 'Mrs. Lynette Van De Kamp', that's why she playfully pushed Bree off of her. Bree gave her this smile that sent chills up her spine. Bree stares at her arm for a moment.

"Do you have goosebumps?"

Lynette blushed and tried to pull her sleeves down, she then replied with a quick "no!"

"Aren't you just precious, Mrs. Van De Kamp"

Lynette's goosebumps quickly go away. "I am not Mrs.Van De Kamp!!!" Lynette gets off the couch and grabs Bree, and they passionately kiss. Bree is the first one to moan. While still kissing, they move over to the couch. Lynette breaks the kiss and pushes Bree onto the couch. Lynette stares down at Bree, she's been wanting to do this all day. Ever since she woke up, she was determined to spend her day with Bree, the only person that completes her. Of course, she has Tom- he's wonderful, but she doesn't feel complete when she's with him. Bree looked upto Lynette. Bree loved Lynette with everything in her heart. The only thing Bree could find upsetting about Lynette was the fact, they would never be together. They will always have to have these secret affairs when the kids are out, or when the husband is at work. This pained Bree, every morning this sits in the back of her mind, when she's cleaning the house, cooking dinner, or making love to Rex. It always lingered that she could never be 'Mrs. Scavo'. But in this moment that thought disappeared, it vanished somewhere in the back of her mind next to what to pack in the kid's lunches, and what to make for dinner.

Lynette began to unbutton Bree's pink sweater. The buttons were so small she had trouble getting them undone. Bree couldn't help but laugh, it's things like this Bree loves about Lynette, all of her quirky moments. Bree helped Lynette and unbuttoned the sweater for her. Bree then decided to help Lynette undress as well.

"Let me help you, sweetie"

Bree took off Lynettes bleach stained shirt. Yes, Lynette looked amazing even after having four kids. Bree couldn't help herself, she unhooked Lynette's bra which lead to another kiss.This one though, was full of passion. Lynette's hand made her way to Bree's bra and unhooked it. Things began to heat up. Lynette kissed Bree's neck a couple times, then went further down, pushed away the bra, and began to kiss her chest. Bree was begining to moan.


Lynette enjoyed teasing Bree. But she decided maybe this time she'll be nice, and not tease so much. Lynette looked down at Bree, so beautiful. Lynette slid her hand down Bree's khaki pants. Lynette hadn't even began and Bree was already moaning. Lynette's fingers went under Bree's little pair of underwear. Then suddenly a timer went off. "Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! It got louder and louder and louder and louder. Bree layed there with Lynettes hand down her pants. How awkward. Bree cleared her throat,

"I guess I should take care of that."

Lynette didn't know how to respond. So she didn't. She thrust her fingers into Bree. Bree let out a "Ooo!!" She didn't expect that to happen. Each thurst got harder when the timer got louder and louder. With every beep, Bree let out a moan. Bree was about to reach her climax when she realized the muffins might be on the verge of burning. She didn't know what to do. Bree decided that she could always make another batch, she decided to put the muffins in the back of her mind. Bree was clearly in ecstacy, that would have never happened with Rex. Bree reached her climax, it was one of the greatest climaxes ever, she was suprised. After Lynette stopped they layed there on her couch in each others arms. They couldn't have been happier, until the smell of burnt muffins lingered through out the house. They looked at each other. Lynette looked around unsure what to do.

"Bree....I don't want you to burn your house down."

Realizing what Lynette had just said Bree came back to reality, she just burnt a batch of her blueberry muffins. She got up from the couch frantically. She didn't even realize she wasn't wearing a shirt and her pants were unbuttoned. All she wanted to do was save the muffins. She grabbed her oven mits, and opened the oven. A black cloud came out, Bree could not stop coughing. Lynette heard her and opened a window in the living room since the black cloud was coming that way. lLittle did she realize she was topless as well, and Susan could see her in the window, in all her glory.
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