(no subject)

Aug 18, 2006 12:30

Title: Love doesn't ask why
Author: me
Characters: belong to Marc Cherry
Chapter: Five - "I can't just give up!"
Words: 1.652

Summary: Read and find out what happens when they're walking down the empty Street...alone! Has Bree enough Strength to hold her back?

Chapter five

“Where do we go?“ asks Lynette as they walk down the empty Street.
“I don’t know. Somewhere.” She answers shortly.
“Are you furious with me? A little bit angry?” Lynette asks suddenly.
“Why? No, I wouldn’t be furious after all.”
“I mean, because of the Story I told them about your Birthday.”
”I liked it!”
”Do you?”
“It was wonderful to hear a little bit from the past. Even that Birthday. It wasn’t that bad!”
”It was funny!” Lynette says entering the silent Park.
“It was the best Birthday I ever had!”, Bree says seriously as they crosses the playground.
“Because I was with you!” she whispers. “ I can’t remember the time, when I’d felt so good as I did this night. I wasn’t alone. I was with you, Lynette. And up to know this is one of the most important reasons why I loved my life! Not even, because of my husband or my children. It was because of you! You’d given me always some kind of protection and comfort. When I felt lonely, sad or I don’t know, but what I’d always know was that you would be there. I felt good, when I thought of you, living on the other side of the Street so that I can come to you whenever I want, call you, crying and having arguments together! And what I loved must was the fact that I know you will always be there. It was such a good feeling, too know that there was someone waiting for me, my best friend. And yet, you’ll leave!”
Bree stops talking, here eyes are full with tears. They are standing near by the Lake, the moon throws his light glittering on to the calm water. The grass under the women feet is bright, too. A few trees around them , throwing big shadows to the ways. Bree goes on. She stands beneath a tree, she watches over the Lake and the white moonlight is reflecting on their porcelain skin. She feels tears running down her cheek.
“I don’t know what to say!” Lynette whispers.
“You don’t have to say anything!”
”But I wanna say something! I can’t standing her, listening to the wonderful words you told me…and reply nothing.” Her voice gets quiet and she tries hard not to start to cry.
“It’ll be better”, Bree whispers tearful. “All you do is hurting me again!”
Bree says furious and louder. She gets a few steps away from her.
“Believe me, I never wanna hurt you!”
“You’re doing it again!”
It touches Lynette so hard, that her eyes are full with tears, running down her cheeks while she watches at Bree.
“You hurt me so much, when you told me about your leaving! There was a world breaking down inside of me!” She screams and ends this sentences in desperate crying.
Lynette couldn’t think, she is crying, too. She wants to do something and has to be careful. She doesn’t want to hurt her much more. Bree turns round. Lynette walks over and lays carefully and soft her waist. She feels her body shivering.
Lynette lays her head on Bree’s shoulder. There are never ending seconds of silence, crying in despite and sadness.
!I don’t know what to do without you!” Bree whispers. She hasn’t stop weeping.
“You’ll find some other one. You’ve Susan and Gabby,” Lynette says quiet. “You’re a strong woman Bree Van de Camp. You’ll get over this.”
“And what if I don’t want? I’m so afraid that someday I’ll forget about you, because I couldn’t see you every day. And I’ll have other things to do and all this Stress with my kids…everything will be different and you’ll be so far away!”
Lynette nuzzles Bree back, her arms closing around her waist. She takes her hand and lays them on to her stomach. They are feelings warm and soft as they ever did when she’d touched Bree’s hands. Lynette tries hard to control herself. She doesn’t want this conversation to end in a complete disaster. So, she tries best to appease Bree. Lynette smells the scent of her perfume and feels that soft silky hair on her own cheek.
Lynette thinks carefully again about her words before speaking in a low voice to Bree.
“It’s not that simple, Sweetie!” She says.
“Than make it simple, because I’m trying really hard to understand!” She replies with a hoarse voice. “I can’t handle with the thought that you’ll never come back to Fairview and you’ll never be my neighbour again!”
“Don’t you think I wanna? Don’t you think I thought about all those things the past weeks?”
“I don’t know. And that’s what scares me, the most!” Bree answers and feels much more tears coming up.
“Oh my god, Bree.” She leans a bit more into their embrace and feels the warmth of her neck. She is speechless at all.
“God, Lynette. You’re my best friend.” Lynette has never heard her using the Holy fathers name in such a situation.
“I can’t just give up. I don’t know how!” She whispers and her voice dies in sadness once again.
“Remember you’re not alone. I’ll always be there for you.”
She begins and turns her round to watch into her tearful and red eyes.
“You’ve Susan and Gabby…and your Family!”
”It’s not the same!”
“I’m sure. Someday it will be. They love you and would never give you up, you’ve got Rex!”
”Never give me up as you do?” She asks upset.
”I’ve got Rex. And I hope that that’s enough. But what if not?”
She asks her friend and seems to be completely desperate even as Lynette is at this moment.
She looks into the wet eyes of the red haired woman, the tears are still falling down. Than she hears her own voice inside her mind saying :” This is your last chance. Now or never!”
Bree must have thought the same then suddenly she feels something that presses itself on her lips. Something warm and soft, so careful.
Lynette couldn’t think. She must flying! The feelings she feels at this moment are indescribable. She lays her arms around Bree’s waist again and pulls her closer to feel the gentle warmth of her body.
Bree touches her back softly with one hand, the other hand is on Lynette’s neck. She embraces her harder, but soft. She is afraid of falling down and lost consciousness. She feels so weak and her legs are shaking. She opens her mouth a little bit more and feels Lynette’s tongue just everywhere, giving her that special feeling she’d missed for so long. Their kiss gets more intensive, Lynette had closed her eyes just as Bree did and enjoys that amazing feeling that they are with each other.

It seems as if their are sparkles flying around them, while they are kissing so passionate like there’s no tomorrow! After never ending minutes Lynette is the one who breaks the kiss. She’s completely breathless and looks into Bree’s eyes and whispers:” I will never leave your heart!”
Bree didn’t reply, she isn’t able to speak, in the matter of the fact that she tries to breath calm. All she sees is the truth in her eyes beside that sadness and desire. Before that awkward silence grows up Bree kisses her again and again. So, they didn’t notice the time passing by, when they sink into a never ending kiss. Both of them forget the fact that someone could see them. It was early in the morning and nobody knows where they were. The risk to be seen by someone who could look after them or something. But that doesn’t matter. They’ve better things to do at the moment. It is still early in the morning when they first change some words. On the horizon, still far away there is a rose line, because of sunrise. They sits down on the bench and watches the beautiful sunrise in non-verbal conversation. Bree sits down on the left side, Lynette’s head rests on her knees. Her legs are laying on the bench. She watches the sunrise as Bree does.
The red haired woman closed her eyes and enjoys that soft feeling Lynette still gives her. It is unbelievable to sit on that bench exactly this morning and watch the sunrise together, After a few minutes Bree looks down at Lynette. She must have been falling asleep a few minutes ago and now Bree notices how tired she is by herself, but she couldn’t sleep. Not after that amazing morning. She raises one hand carefully and brushes a few hairs tenderly off Lynette’s face, then touches her warm cheek.
A short glance to the clock tells her that it is half past six! She hates to destroy this wonderful atmosphere by waking up Lynette softly. She turns her head slowly and watches up to tired-smiling Bree. She raises her head and lays her hand into her neck and leans her forward to kiss her again. After a few seconds Bree whispers:” We shouldn’t do this!”
”I know, “ replies Lynette while kissing her once more.
“It’s time to go back.”
As an answer Lynette stands up finds herself in the arms of her friend. Just once more before they’ll go apart in a few hours. Lynette raises her hand and touches Bree’s cheek. She takes Lynette’s hand and leans her hand beside.
“Let’s go home now!” She says.
And the two women made their way home. They aren’t speaking after all, but it isn’t that embarrassing silence at all it is silence of enjoying. Enjoying the presence of each other. Everyone has his little secrets. Dirty secrets, sad secrets and, yes secrets of kissing someone else even if you’re married! So, they left the park, the place where they’d first kissed and nobody would ever know what happened in the night before leaving…
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