DCU_Freeforall Table (Diana/Steve)

Jan 25, 2009 01:17

Yes, I've taken the plunge! :) I made a claim on saavikam77's dcu_freeforall comm and chose Steve/Diana as my pairing. I knew I'd have the market cornered there! ;) I chose 15 prompts and hope to have a nice mix of short and long fic and bring in other characters as well! :)

Claimed: 1/27/09

Completed: 3/26/12-7/1/12

The fic requests I've taken the past two years is very similar to this claiming, but it's still different enough to keep things fresh for me! :)

The table is Custom so that's why it jumps all over the place and has no theme. I mean, where else can you get prompts of 'scar/scarred', 'laughter', and 'blood' side-by-side? ;)

This is definitely my project for 2009.

Diana/Steve Prompt Table for the DCU_FFA

T2; P18 mind control
T2; P37 magic
T3; P20 armor
T3; P65 jet
T8; P44 pilot

T10;P10 crystal
T10;P26 Library of Alexandria
T10;P38 ritual
T11;P8 laughter
T12;P42 scar/scarred

T12;P51 blood
T13;P23 where are my pants?
T14; P6 love at first sight
T16; P25 flood (writer's choice)
T16; P46 sunrise (writer's choice)

web counter code (this counter installed 5/28/09)

steve trevor/wonder woman, dcu_freeforall, steve trevor/diana prince, challenge

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