BSG: Lay Down Your Burdens Part II

Mar 19, 2006 17:57

Having held an election, I now ignore the result. (No, not completely!)

BSG: The Politics )

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Comments 20

clari_clyde March 20 2006, 04:45:56 UTC
Part I. (Since LJ has limits on comment lengths.)

Remember who else said, “I’m the president. I don’t have to listen to anyone else”? Laura Roslin, when she was dying of cancer and made the decision to abort Sharon’s fetus. And, she learned it from the late President Adar.

I think my fave scenes were the juxtoposition of Gaius being sworn into office and Gaius making love to Six. It’s just visually stunning to simultaneously see him take an oath to protect the human colonies and literally be in bed with a Cylon. And to see Roslin there front and center knowing what a two-face Gaius is!

As for Gaius himself, I wonder how much Six’s death played into his incompetency. When Six said that she wasn’t going to New Caprica, Gaius was just so adamant that everyone would go to the planet and it makes me think that he’d been entertaining thoughts of starting a new life on the planet specifically to start a life with her. And his scene after the nuclear bomb explosion, I just got that he was honestly grieving. And it seems like Chip Six hadn’ ( ... )


bop_radar March 20 2006, 04:56:17 UTC
Yes! Exactly! It seems like this is a recurring theme about the presidency.

Yeah--the juxtaposition of the sex scene and the being sworn into office was fantastic. A bit obvious and OTT for me, but I took a lot of cynical delight in it nonetheless. I seem to have pushed through my Gaius-revulsion and out the other side, to a place where I now just sit back and marvel at the crazyness that allows him to triumph.

I hadn't thought that he was counting on New Caprica as a place to start a life with Six--because didn't vision!Six have to point out to him the merits of the place in the first place? He only became so adamant later once he saw it would win him the election. I see it more as part of his inflexible personality. He doesn't really enjoy politics, and he's not a principled person, so he would take no pleasure in admitting he was wrong or compromising on the issue once he'd committed to it.

Yeah--that's one of the main things I'm looking forward to in Season 3--the interaction of Caprica Six and Gaius.


clari_clyde March 20 2006, 08:56:30 UTC
Hm, I look at the juxtaposition and I don’t know if I should be cynical or optimistic about Gaius. On the one hand, he’s basically betraying the human colonies and on the other, he’s sharing something very meaningful and emotion for Six. Glimpses of the scene where they make love show me that he’s capable of being sympathetic but the swearing in remind me how swarmy and creepy he is ( ... )


clari_clyde March 20 2006, 04:47:13 UTC
Part II. (Since LJ has limits on comment lengths.)

Starbuck. To me, Kara is someone who wants to be housewive but is defined as Starbuck. It’s another gender bender on the stereotypes where women want the meaningful job but are defined by their home and where men might want to be the daddy who spends time with the kids but gets defined by his work. Kara may think she wants to be a wife but, deep down, I think she’ll soon realize that Starbuck is who she really is - war or no war.

As for the election being an example of how humans frak things up… I actually think that the frak-up was done by Roslin when she declared abortion illegal. I think that’s where she killed her political career. And regarding the Cylon retreat, I don’t blame her for not wanting to go back to Caprica and using that as a political weapon since 1) the colonies are now wastelands that need rebuilding and unlike the Cylons, less than 50,000 humans won’t have the toasters to do grunt work aad 2) after a campaign of genocide, I wouldn’t trust the Cylons ( ... )


bop_radar March 20 2006, 05:01:18 UTC
Yeah, your take on Kara is similar to mine. I agree--she thinks she wants to be a wife, but she'll realise that Starbuck is who she really is, with all that that entails, war or no war. I kind of like though that she *got* married and really abandonned Galactica temporarily--hopefully she'll get it out of her system! Though I fear that she will be resentful at this life being ripped from her again.

Yes! I want to see more Cylon interaction too. That would be great. The contrasts between them and humans are fascinating. The scene where the two priests mock the humans for not being able to 'let go of the past' (ie the mass genocide) was fascinating: the humans were shown up as so ... well... human.


clari_clyde March 20 2006, 09:12:10 UTC
I hope Anders isn’t marked for death if only because he’s pretty! :-p Yes, I’m shallow.

My fear for Kara is that she’ll lose Anders and go back to being reckless in the cockpit. One of the things I liked about “Scar” is that she had a realization that she had something to live for, for once. Or maybe she’ll find something to live for in fighting the Cylons.

As for humans being human, well… cylons are cylons. It’s almost psychopathic how they are able to so wilingly let go of the fact that they murdered 12 billion people. I think humans and cylons could learn from each other but that would be messy. Oh wait. Doh, that would make great TV.


asta77 March 20 2006, 15:49:36 UTC
whereas Kara and Anders proved to be escapists. While I think the show as done a craptacular job of setting up Kara/Anders and Lee/Dee, in the former's case I understand the importance of it in showing us a key aspect of Kara's psyche. As you mentioned, she was preparing to marry Lee's brother before he died. I have no problem believing she desires a serious, committed relationship. Having such an unstable and painful childhood, she longs for the stability of a happy family life, she longs to be loved ( ... )


bop_radar March 21 2006, 00:16:01 UTC
Yeah, I have no problem imagining Kara longing for a stable family life either. In fact I admire her for pushing so hard to overcome her scarring past. To me, it shows her typical strong determined nature ( ... )


bloodygoodgirl March 20 2006, 18:57:30 UTC
Okay, so my thought about the episode were more along the line of BSG!Yay. But I'll try to put something meaningful into this.

I thought the reveal of the priest as a cylon was well done, with his previous line to cheif of "cause I've never seen you at the cylon get togethers" taking on a whole new meaning. And loved the "I'm not a cylon... oh"

The scene with Anders and Kara and Lee. Yeah, totally hot. Okay not much meaning in that but it needs to be restated because it's totally true.

Huh, I didn't even think about how the cylon's retreat would/could have affected the election.

Was so excited to see your thoughts on the finale. My friend Sara now knows more than she ever wanted to about BSG. But she wrote a text message yesterday and used frak! She shall be converted.


bop_radar March 21 2006, 00:28:33 UTC
BSG!Yay is a totally valid response!

I loved the 'I'm not a Cylon...oh' moment too. So great! I love the priest character. He's a great addition to the team.

And Kara and Lee are hot regardless, but add in the hotness of Anders and Kara's possessive pawing of him in front of Lee... *fans self* I loved how oblivious Anders was. Lee was pretty silent and then just wandered off, so it will be barely a blip in Anders's mind. But if you know the two characters, the scene was so major. From Kara running up to hug Lee (with all the echoes of their past reunion hugs/kisses) through Kara's pissy goading about Dee, to Lee just standing watching in silence that leeeetle bit too long. God, the sexual tension was insane.

Hee, yes, you will convert your friend in time! The BSG love will spread... I have already converted my boyfriend and am working on others...


I of II norwich36 May 31 2006, 06:01:16 UTC
I watched the last 4 episodes on the train to San Francisco this weekend ( ... )


Re: I of II bop_radar May 31 2006, 06:44:42 UTC
Holy Crap alright! *clutches* I've been waiting for you to catch up so we can share the pain/confusion/angst/excitement through the long wait until October...

I can't BELIEVE they did the fast forward either. They take such major steps on this show--it's mindblowing. And they certainly shock-jolted the audience!

to me that just signals that he is *so* toast for the toasters
Oh I HOPE so! He is pretty, but geez, I don't want Starbuck in mushy romantic mode all the time!

they are the emotional heart of the show
*clutches* *whimpers* They are, right? It's not just me and my crazy Kara/Lee loving ways? The Kara/Lee ship took some bashing this season...

how creepy was it that Leoben went looking for Kara? I
expected him to kill Anders right there, actually
Hmmm yeah, Leoben is creepy as all get out! But exciting too--I want to know what his deal is with Kara so badly. And I'm so excited about the cylon-human interaction that will presumably occur next season.

is a sort of reboot, bringing the characters back to their original ( ... )


Re: I of II norwich36 June 1 2006, 05:38:57 UTC
Hmm. Maybe I was overstating to say that Billy was Roslin's conscience. I guess what I meant is closer to what you said above: because she was his mentor (and I really think she thought of him as a son) she wouldn't have made the choices she did if he were still alive--and even if she had considered them, he had neither the skill nor the guile to implement them.

It's true, as you said, that Lee's relationship with Roslin seemed to vanish in the second part of season 2, and that is kind of odd. I actually think both Adamas, at different times, acted as her conscience.


Re: I of II bop_radar May 31 2006, 06:46:58 UTC
Sorry about the Crazy Italics of Excitement! ;-)


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