BSG: Lay Down Your Burdens Part II

Mar 19, 2006 17:57

Having held an election, I now ignore the result. (No, not completely!)

BSG: The Politics )

bsgseason2, bsg_meta

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I of II norwich36 May 31 2006, 06:01:16 UTC
I watched the last 4 episodes on the train to San Francisco this weekend.

Holy crap. I spent a dazed hour after the finale just saying "holy crap" over and over. My initial thought was that the ending was a dream sequence (maybe Baltar's dream sequence, since he put his head down and woke up a year later), but if that were true we would have only found out about his story, not everyone's.

I can't *believe* they just fast forwarded a year when the whole first two seasons was a nine month period, though. Damn. I suppose it gives them a lot more interesting stuff to work with than just an endless space chase, but DAMN.

Although I agree with you that Kara marrying Anders is believable, to me that just signals that he is *so* toast for the toasters. (I doubt it'll be something as simple as pneumonia). Even though I don't expect Kara and Lee to get together until the last season, they are the emotional heart of the show, so there's no way she's going to be married to Anders for long. (Oh, and how creepy was it that Leoben went looking for Kara? I expected him to kill Anders right there, actually).

I loved seeing Roslin as a teacher, *not* simply because that's where her heart was and it was something she could be effective at, but also because the whole point of this New Caprica interlude, I assume, is a sort of reboot, bringing the characters back to their original positions, but on a new playing field, or something like that.

I thought Roslin's attempt to steal the election was interesting. Like you, I think this is clearly a meta-comment on political power being made by the producers: power corrupts. But the fact that Adama could still bring Roslin back from the brink of total corruption was good, I thought. (And suddenly I understood the larger purpose of Billy's death. Which I hated, by the way. I knew there was no way Lee could die, so when Billy got shot in that episode I was heartbroken--I really liked him. But he was Roslin's conscience, too, so he needed to go, or else the whole setup with her new politically savvy aide (who I generally liked) wouldn't have worked.

I didn't think they would be rigging the election--I thought it was just going to be a smear campaign against Gaius. God knows, there must be plenty to smear him *with*--he acted like a total nut half the time because of his invisible conversations with Six. I have to say, my main response to the whole election rigging scheme was not to despair at Roslin's corruption but to be mad at how *incompetent* she was at it!


Re: I of II bop_radar May 31 2006, 06:44:42 UTC
Holy Crap alright! *clutches* I've been waiting for you to catch up so we can share the pain/confusion/angst/excitement through the long wait until October...

I can't BELIEVE they did the fast forward either. They take such major steps on this show--it's mindblowing. And they certainly shock-jolted the audience!

to me that just signals that he is *so* toast for the toasters
Oh I HOPE so! He is pretty, but geez, I don't want Starbuck in mushy romantic mode all the time!

they are the emotional heart of the show
*clutches* *whimpers* They are, right? It's not just me and my crazy Kara/Lee loving ways? The Kara/Lee ship took some bashing this season...

how creepy was it that Leoben went looking for Kara? I
expected him to kill Anders right there, actually
Hmmm yeah, Leoben is creepy as all get out! But exciting too--I want to know what his deal is with Kara so badly. And I'm so excited about the cylon-human interaction that will presumably occur next season.

is a sort of reboot, bringing the characters back to their original positions, but on a new playing field, or something like that
Yes, I assume so too. It's clever television and my SV-trained mind likes the parallels with the mini-series. And yeah, awesome to see Roslin as a teacher!

so he needed to go, or else the whole setup with her new politically savvy aide (who I generally liked) wouldn't have worked
That's a really interesting observation. I hadn't thought of Billy as her conscience, but I can see how he functioned that way--she had that maternal thing going on with him and there was a strong sense she was grooming him for a top job in the future--while you're actively being someone's role model, it's hard to slide into corruption. Of course, I always viewed Lee as Roslin's conscience, or at least as an important confidant. However, this is the one part of Season Two I really don't like--the way they completely dropped the ball when it came to the Lee/Roslin relationship. I feel there should have been at least one scene between them to show that there was awkwardness post-Caine-incident or something to explain their complete separateness in the latter half of the season. Maybe something will show up in the deleted scenes?

he acted like a total nut half the time because of his invisible conversations with Six
I know!!! See! Gaius is goddam infuriating and dangerous as all get out. It seems that seeing him assume the presidency and run it into the ground with his louche and self-obsessed ways was carthatic for me though--my rage against him abated into sheer wonder at the scope of the canvas on which the BSG writers paint. God, the debauched presidency! I first started getting into Gaius when we saw him respond to Gina (raped and beaten up Six), and then seeing him losing it more and more and yet still becoming president--well I have to pay that as writing brilliance.

But yes, emotionally heartwrending to watch. I think I muttered the words 'no, no, no...' through the debate scene.


Re: I of II norwich36 June 1 2006, 05:38:57 UTC
Hmm. Maybe I was overstating to say that Billy was Roslin's conscience. I guess what I meant is closer to what you said above: because she was his mentor (and I really think she thought of him as a son) she wouldn't have made the choices she did if he were still alive--and even if she had considered them, he had neither the skill nor the guile to implement them.

It's true, as you said, that Lee's relationship with Roslin seemed to vanish in the second part of season 2, and that is kind of odd. I actually think both Adamas, at different times, acted as her conscience.


Re: I of II bop_radar May 31 2006, 06:46:58 UTC
Sorry about the Crazy Italics of Excitement! ;-)


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