BSG: Lay Down Your Burdens Part II

Mar 19, 2006 17:57

Having held an election, I now ignore the result. (No, not completely!)

BSG: The Politics )

bsgseason2, bsg_meta

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clari_clyde March 20 2006, 08:56:30 UTC
Hm, I look at the juxtaposition and I don’t know if I should be cynical or optimistic about Gaius. On the one hand, he’s basically betraying the human colonies and on the other, he’s sharing something very meaningful and emotion for Six. Glimpses of the scene where they make love show me that he’s capable of being sympathetic but the swearing in remind me how swarmy and creepy he is.

Of course, I also have an ultra-cynical reading where Gaius is basically frakking both humans and cylons all in the pursuit of what benefits Gaius at the moment. I won’t have decided how to read this scene until a few episodes later.

To me, Gaius is a very short-sighted person - me me me and for short-term benefit. That said, I think he really is in love or at least clings to Six. True that he had to be smacked upside the head that New Caprica was going to win him the election and I can also see that he really would have hated to say, “I was wrong” (because he has a record of being childish that way) but I don’t think that was his only reason for being so rushed to settle New Caprica. I really think he was in grief over Six’s death. New Caprica was his way to thumb his nose at Roslin but also as a way to cling to whatever dream he had of a life with Six. Of course the settlement disintegrates as he can’t be independently competent for more than 10 seconds.


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