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Comments 19

ez_as_pi May 18 2008, 12:31:58 UTC
It's like he's become the CAG of the Quorum!

We should start calling him C.Q. or C.o.Q (now for some reason I also want to call him CQ1.. I think I've watched too many eps of Friday Night Lights!)

I'm not going to say anything about Sam. I can't be bothered wasting keystrokes on him.

Amen. I was kinda 'wtf' over him hanging out during surgery...

You hit all the thoughts I had during the ep. And you said them WAY better than I could have. :D


bop_radar May 19 2008, 05:16:44 UTC
CoQ! Brilliant. Except it sounds/looks kinda dirty. ;) I like CQ1 even though it makes no sense. Though I guess it's kind of: CAG, Quorum delegate, and Number 1. Which is TOTALLY WHAT HE IS. :D

I was kinda 'wtf' over him hanging out during surgery...
... *continues to damn him with silence*


ez_as_pi May 23 2008, 02:36:59 UTC
*continues to damn him with silence*

*dies laughing*


bop_radar May 23 2008, 03:51:54 UTC
I rather enjoy damning people with silence when I'm really mad. :D


daybreak777 May 18 2008, 14:04:23 UTC
secondly because of the implications it holds that Roslin herself may be a Cylon
Whoa, you think Lee thinks Laura is a Cylon? She still thinks Kara is one. It's all so very confusing. Would Lee really care? He accepted Kara as possibly being a Cylon, I think. Yeah, it's different he's in love with Kara and Laura is president of the colonies, but if he could accept one, shouldn't he accept the other?

My sympathy for her waned when she called the delegates 'needy and perpetually unhappy'.
Aww, I think she's tired too. Tired of trying to placate them, torn between logic and her very real-to-her visions. She's dying soon and trying to save them, and they are quibbling over democracy. Hee! Never been in Laura's pov before, but I'm tired and sad right now, and like her want to get on with this already. *apologizes to democracy, we'll dust you off again later*

had reconciled myself last week to Gaeta losing his leg but that didn't make it much easier to take.Next time, give a girl a clue! Nah, my fault really, I had convinced myself it ( ... )


bop_radar May 19 2008, 05:22:45 UTC
you think Lee thinks Laura is a Cylon
Let me clarify: I think that, if the writers hadn't COMPLETELY given up on the idea that humans even care any more, it would be logical for anyone to assume that someone might well be a Cylon if they confessed they were sharing dreams with them.

if he could accept one, shouldn't he accept the other?
Not saying he shouldn't! I rather think he does. :) Judging by his behaviour in the rest of the ep.

*apologizes to democracy, we'll dust you off again later*
HA! *makes Lee earnest!face at you for that* I'm your conscience! You need democracy now more than ever!

Next time, give a girl a clue!
I couldn't, sweetie. It would have hurt you and I don't think you would have believed me any way. And then there was a slim chance he might not lose the leg and I'd have hurt you for no reason.

Dude. They could. Anything could happen. Anything.
Yes. *nods and worries*

Until she knows, how can she be sure of herself? I'll believe in her to the end, but that doubt she's feeling is a good thing.Yeah, it is. I ( ... )


daybreak777 May 19 2008, 05:50:09 UTC
HA! *makes Lee earnest!face at you for that* I'm your conscience! You need democracy now more than ever!
But Laura is dying! And the Quorum is never happy. We do need democracy right now, though. This is why Lee can't ever die.

I couldn't, sweetie. It would have hurt you and I don't think you would have believed me any way.
Awww! I did have myself rather convinced, didn't I? But not anymore. I am now steeled and ready for anything they might send my way. Anything. See? My expectations were so lowered I was completely astonished at the show's ability to hook me emotionally. Not making that mistake again. Never underestimate the power of your own character love.

I will never leave you, you will always be part of my life, but oh god I want to kill you right now Love.Ah, different kind of show loves. My is the You Are Awesome But Please Don't Hurt My Kids Any More Even Though I'm Almost Willing to Trade Democracy for Their Lives Blah, Blah Rest of Show Love. No, not really, I love all the narratives of the show. But when one of my faves ( ... )


bop_radar May 19 2008, 05:57:12 UTC
This is why Lee can't ever die.
With you on that, honey!

Never underestimate the power of your own character love.

I can't skip either, but I can dither nervously all weekend over it. ;)


indigo419 May 18 2008, 15:20:20 UTC
he's become the CAG of the Quorum!

Hee! That ought to be an icon!!

I do feel that Tigh covered his tracks well saying he 'got lucky'

I find it interesting that most of the reactions I've seen think Tigh was on the verge of outing himself with that move, but I actually think it lines up pretty well with his actions in the past (Tigh Me Up, Tigh Me Down), where he launches the alert fighters before Adama gives any kind of command. (And that ep was about the friendship between Tigh and Adama, interestingly. We know now that Tigh being a Cylon wasn't in the works that far back, but it wouldn't surprise me if the writers were thinking of that scene when they wrote GWCTD.)


bop_radar May 19 2008, 05:24:28 UTC
That ought to be an icon!!
YES! Yes it should. I should wheedle dianora2 some more...

most of the reactions I've seen think Tigh was on the verge of outing himself with that move, but I actually think it lines up pretty well with his actions in the past (Tigh Me Up, Tigh Me Down),
You're right, it does. I think the direction was very deliberate though. Adama's gaze keeps returning to Tigh in a very pointed way. That was what tipped my reading over into thinking he was possibly outing himself. The behaviour alone is consistent with Tigh's (*cough* bad) commanding in the past.


Part 1 asta77 May 18 2008, 16:12:11 UTC
I'm sure it shocks him on several levels--firstly because he would be inclined to think it was a typical Baltar stunt, secondly because of the implications it holds that Roslin herself may be a Cylon. I'm really interested to see how this shapes the way he acts regarding her from now on.

I hadn't thought about the possibility that Lee may suspect Laura of being a Cylon. If he does, it certainly didn't alter his behavior towards her - he still tried to reach out to her and help her. He seems to want to see her continue as president because I think he believes there is no one better for the job. And considering he suspects that Kara could be a Cylon and has made it clear it wouldn't change his feelings, then he'd probably extend the same courtesy to Laura.

I was also intrigued by Zarek turning to Lee for answers in the Quorum scene. I can understand it on some levels--he comes from the military and people might suspect him of still knowing what's going on in their decision-making, especially given his family connection. But it ( ... )


Re: Part 1 bop_radar May 19 2008, 05:30:29 UTC
I hadn't thought about the possibility that Lee may suspect Laura of being a Cylon. If he does, it certainly didn't alter his behavior towards her
I agree. I actually think I'm probably just optimistically projecting what I think the writers should be remembering onto the show. I just felt that any human would consider that option if someone confessed they were sharing dreams with Cylons. It wasn't specific to Lee or Laura. However, given how scattered the writing has been around this subject matter in Season 4, they probably didn't think about it. If they did, then yes, it reads as if he gives Laura the same grace he offered Kara. Which I'm happy about--I just wish we'd seen a little more of the thinking behind both perception-shifts on his part.

The assumption is, and I think it's a good one, if any one of them can reach Laura Roslin and reason with her it's going to be Lee Adama.
Yes, that makes sense--I think I'm just startled that the writers suddenly remembered that history again. Pleased but confused, you could say.

I can ( ... )


Part 2 asta77 May 18 2008, 16:13:06 UTC
Also, I'm perplexed by the Centurions still following orders.

I don't think they were following orders. Leoben had talked to them and they agreed to go along with the plan. When the plan changed he said he would talk to them again. There seemed to be a concern about stopping them so I think they have the choice as to whether or not they wish follow the wishes of the others.

The Laura-Kara scene was brilliant. Such a contrast to their crazy gunpoint altercation. This quiet bedside scene had them connecting on a strange level. Kara recognises in Laura that she's struggling with a similar burden to Kara's. They both need answers: about the Hybrid's message, about the visions.I really liked that scene. Everyone knows Kara returned from the dead and everyone (now) knows that Laura is sharing visions. They both shoulder the burden of having their every move and decision analyzed and questioned by everyone around them. At the same time, the fleet doesn't know the whole truth and each woman harbors secrets they are unwilling to share ( ... )


Re: Part 2 bop_radar May 19 2008, 05:37:56 UTC
There seemed to be a concern about stopping them so I think they have the choice as to whether or not they wish follow the wishes of the others.
Then they really really scare me. I think the humans should have been told about giving them free will and they should have been controlled (confined!) more. Of course the show is handwaving all this stuff, but any one Centurion could get irritated by a human and decide to nuke them. That's an enormous risk. Of course, it also says something really damning about humanity that it was Anders and Athena so far who have most jeopardised the alliance with their OTT emotional/personal reactions. And the Six who killed Jean too--but that's 2:1 for the humans.

Did she mean to kill her or just make her suffer greatly counting on Cottle to save her?
Mmm, interesting. I don't get the promos with my downloads so I didn't see that. I'm not sure Athena was thinking that clearly enough to know for sure what the outcome of her shooting would be.

At the same time, the fleet doesn't know the whole truth ( ... )


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