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Part 2 asta77 May 18 2008, 16:13:06 UTC
Also, I'm perplexed by the Centurions still following orders.

I don't think they were following orders. Leoben had talked to them and they agreed to go along with the plan. When the plan changed he said he would talk to them again. There seemed to be a concern about stopping them so I think they have the choice as to whether or not they wish follow the wishes of the others.

The Laura-Kara scene was brilliant. Such a contrast to their crazy gunpoint altercation. This quiet bedside scene had them connecting on a strange level. Kara recognises in Laura that she's struggling with a similar burden to Kara's. They both need answers: about the Hybrid's message, about the visions.

I really liked that scene. Everyone knows Kara returned from the dead and everyone (now) knows that Laura is sharing visions. They both shoulder the burden of having their every move and decision analyzed and questioned by everyone around them. At the same time, the fleet doesn't know the whole truth and each woman harbors secrets they are unwilling to share because they do not know yet what they mean. Suddenly, these two have a lot in common....and not just Lee. ;)

I don't know if you saw the promo for the next episode, and this isn't really spoilery, but there was a brief shot of Natalie. Rewatching the episode it struck me that Sharon, rather than shoot Natalie in the head or heart, guaranteeing her death, shot her twice in the chest and stomach. Did she mean to kill her or just make her suffer greatly counting on Cottle to save her? If Natalie lives that means that Adama/the Galactica has the Cylon leader while the Hybrid/basestar has the human leader. Could an exchange be in the works down the road? Or will each work to help further bridge the gap between human and Cylon?


Re: Part 2 bop_radar May 19 2008, 05:37:56 UTC
There seemed to be a concern about stopping them so I think they have the choice as to whether or not they wish follow the wishes of the others.
Then they really really scare me. I think the humans should have been told about giving them free will and they should have been controlled (confined!) more. Of course the show is handwaving all this stuff, but any one Centurion could get irritated by a human and decide to nuke them. That's an enormous risk. Of course, it also says something really damning about humanity that it was Anders and Athena so far who have most jeopardised the alliance with their OTT emotional/personal reactions. And the Six who killed Jean too--but that's 2:1 for the humans.

Did she mean to kill her or just make her suffer greatly counting on Cottle to save her?
Mmm, interesting. I don't get the promos with my downloads so I didn't see that. I'm not sure Athena was thinking that clearly enough to know for sure what the outcome of her shooting would be.

At the same time, the fleet doesn't know the whole truth and each woman harbors secrets they are unwilling to share because they do not know yet what they mean. Suddenly, these two have a lot in common....and not just Lee. ;)
Hee! Yes, it's great! I am excited about more Roslin/Kara interaction now. They way they've been set up in opposition-yet-parallel to each other in the first half of season 4 has been one of the things I have liked.

If Natalie lives that means that Adama/the Galactica has the Cylon leader while the Hybrid/basestar has the human leader. Could an exchange be in the works down the road? Or will each work to help further bridge the gap between human and Cylon?
Either way, that's a pretty interesting set-up and one that works better for me that the initial Demetrius-hooks-up-with-basestar scenario.


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