Are you a stay-at-home parent? Is your spouse? Or do both of you work during the day?
How were you raised -- with a stay-at-home parent? Did both of your parents work during the day?
Did the way you were raised have any bearing on how you raised your own children (speaking strictly from a SAHP perspective)?
In what kind of household was your spouse
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Comments 56
I was raised first with a SAHM, then she went to work and my dad retired to become SAHD. Husband had a SAHM who was not "into" child care.
We both agree on "whatever works".
Are you a stay-at-home parent? Is your spouse? Or do both of you work during the day?
No children yet, but I hope to be a SAHM. It really would depend on when we decide to have children as to whether I can be a SAHM (will he be making the money to support us?).
How were you raised -- with a stay-at-home parent? Did both of your parents work during the day?
My mom was a SAHM from the time I was born to the semester I went to college, and my dad worked during the day. My mom sold Avon on the side from about 1984 (when I was born) to just last year, which brought in some supplemental income, but I'd hardly consider it a "job." When Dad lost his job in 2003, my mom started working for the elementary school that my siblings and I all attended... and where she volunteered since I started there in, oh, 1990.
Did the way you were raised have any bearing on how you raised your own children (speaking strictly from a SAHP perspective)?Yup. I firmly believe that it's in a child's best interest to have a SAHP at ( ... )
My parents worked, and I spent a lot of time with my grandparents while the worked, however there were periods of time where my Mom was laid off and my dad was making enough that she stayed home with me for a few months to a year.
Not really. I want to write and we both agreed that if I stayed home it might afford me the chance to do so, though I do plan to work or go to school once the kids start school. My plan to write didn't quite play out though, I'm only really just starting to get the time to do so.
My Husband was raised with a SAHM, and he felt that if possible a SAHP is preferable.
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