Are you a stay-at-home parent? Is your spouse? Or do both of you work during the day?
How were you raised -- with a stay-at-home parent? Did both of your parents work during the day?
Did the way you were raised have any bearing on how you raised your own children (speaking strictly from a SAHP perspective)?
In what kind of household was your spouse
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Are you a stay-at-home parent? Is your spouse? Or do both of you work during the day?
No children yet, but I hope to be a SAHM. It really would depend on when we decide to have children as to whether I can be a SAHM (will he be making the money to support us?).
How were you raised -- with a stay-at-home parent? Did both of your parents work during the day?
My mom was a SAHM from the time I was born to the semester I went to college, and my dad worked during the day. My mom sold Avon on the side from about 1984 (when I was born) to just last year, which brought in some supplemental income, but I'd hardly consider it a "job." When Dad lost his job in 2003, my mom started working for the elementary school that my siblings and I all attended... and where she volunteered since I started there in, oh, 1990.
Did the way you were raised have any bearing on how you raised your own children (speaking strictly from a SAHP perspective)?
Yup. I firmly believe that it's in a child's best interest to have a SAHP at least through elementary school, if not through middle school. I really hope to have the opportunity to be a S/WAHP.
In what kind of household was your spouse raised? Did this have any affect on how zie believes children should be raised (again, strictly SAHP-related)?
FH was raised in a single-parent household, and his mom worked full-time. He was also partially raised by his grandparents, who were retired and obviously were SAH. He actually waffles between believing that having a SAHP (preferably SAHM) is best, and that money is a little more important than having a SAHP.
If your viewpoints were different, how did you (or did you even) compromise? What was the result?
I actually enjoy our debates on that point, especially since we don't have to consider it for a few years yet. ;) I'm converting him over to the side of "SAHP is best," but I know that he's not 100% for it. That's fine; we currently have a compromise where I'll stay home until the child is 2 years old (when zie's old enough for Goddard Daycare, where FH works), then become a part-time WOHM.
... that's what it is now, at least. ;)
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