This is pretty much everything Disgaea Infinite has in its database. I'll I'm missing is the outside of the castle for some reason I swear I had it :/. So yes. This is here in case anyone was curious, and since I couldn't find a post with it anywhere on GameFAQs. XDb
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Continuing from last time, here's the "Other" section of the Disgaea Infinite Database. As mentioned before, I attempted to put everything in here as it was in the Database, save for anything with double parentheses, which are my comments.
All right! Now that I've finished Disgaea 4, I've decided to gather the information that they gave out about Netherworlds and demons and angels and all that, since not everyone can afford a PS3 and the information isn't readily available yet and all that. I'll try and add things I missed when I go through subsequent playthroughs
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