Seven Guys, a Girl & a Jacuzzi
Sims 2: Reality TV Challenge
Rules and Set Up can be found @
Sims 2 Challenges Podcast: The Bachelor/Bachelorette Challenge
Read the Prologue »»
Day One
Day Two: The Jacuzzi. It APPEARS! *sparkle*
Dawn breaks on day two, and all the contestants rise to eat, freshen up and go through their morning work out regimes...
Jemma, on the other hand, relishes her first opportunity to sleep in for as long as she can remember and slumbers soundly till nearly 11am...
Obligitory 'help' shot: The Mailman. You know... He ain't half bad.... *wonders why it never occurred to Jemma to sit out on her front porch to paint or compose or, you know, hold a life modeling class with herself as the model...*
Wang & Roderick play chess to fill the time before elimination at noon. Wang is cut-throat and, well, devious in his strategy. Roderick tries to poker face his way into winning, obviously forgetting that thats not how one plays chess...
Finnigan shows Brian his world-famous orangutan impression. Yeah... Unenthusiasm thy name be Brian. S'Okay, we're right there with ya, dude.
Fred corners Richard in one of his spontaneous acts of hugging spontaneity. Awww, he's so happy to has huggings.
And the results are...
FREDERIK IS OUT!!! As congenial and apparently fabulous as he is, he obviously was too shy to really spend as much time as he could have with Jemma and has built up next to no relationship with her at all. His brother doesn't fare much better so this may mean an early departure for the Makahb siblings... Brian and Roderick have already made fast friends with Jemma though it is interesting to note though he's made quite an impression upon her, Kaleb is still not yet counted as a friend.
What skeleton lurking in his closet has caused Jemma's initial hesitation? Or was his guitar-playing-face just way too terrifying in her eyes for words?
FINALLY! The oft-mentioned, seldom seen Jacuzzi makes its first solid appearance. Wang, Brian & Kaleb manage to make it to the first "group date" in the tub with Jemma. She seems not exactly stoked with the selection. Hopefully the experience exceeded her apparent expectations...
Wang announces that the construction worker was totally the best member of the Villiage People; Kaleb shares his favourite kissing technique which TOTALLY icks Jemma out; Wang constructively criticizes Kaleb's style and enlightens him with a few tricks of his own which Kaleb is all "WOO +" about, and also serve to pique Jemma's interest... But when the conversation turns to the weather Jemma decides the group date is totally over and she gets the heck out.
With Jemma gone, Brian finally opens his mouth and excitedly gesticulates about the important things in life: SOUP!
Aww Brian. He just loves him some soups
TIME FOR CHATS! The day two afternoon challenge is a little one on one time with Jemma and each of the remaining contestants. She decides to just jump whoever she finds at random and happens upon Richard cleaning up in the kitchen. COMPLETELY turned on by man who likes to clean a kitchen unprompted, Jemma informs him his stock has definitely gone up in her book.
At being confronted by a scantily clad Jemma wildly waving her arms around and complimenting him on his form, Richard's stock goes up in more ways than one...
Finnigan, alarmed at the early departure of his brother is not really in the mood for conversing with the woman that didn't particularly see enough in his sibling to keep him around for more than 24 hours; and thusly plays hard to get. Suddenly he's compartmentalised in Jemma's brain as a challenge and she works even harder to get him to properly notice and be impressed by her. Finnigan 1: Jemma 0.
We interrupt our regularly scheduled chat eaves dropping to bring you men. Running men. Half-naked running men. Half-naked, running men that are LOVING IT mega ++ style. That is all.
Evening calls the contestants to the buffet, and Jemma animatedly tells Brian how much she ADORED watching Love Boat reruns when she was a little girl and he'd be quite welcome to moor his cruise ship in her dock any time.
Completely missing her overt come-on, he loudly announces that The Love Boat was totally crap and the remake was even crapper. Jemma, quite rightly, feels 100% slighted and decides Brian's never ever getting any from her. Ever. Wang, chuckling into his turkey, decides Brian = ENORMOUS Dumbass.
Affected by Brian's slight, Jemma's conversation with Wang is perfunctory at best.
Jemma: So, you like gold?
Wang: Yeah I like gold.
Jemma: Shiny, eh?
Wang: Yeah. 'S shiny.
Jemma: Cool.
Wang: Cool.
Kaleb: So, that crystal ball you were talkin' about at lunch yesterday. Think it'd be revealing anything... Revealing?*eyebrow waggle*
Jemma: Yeah, you actually know I was in the jacuzzi before right? Like, RIGHT there..?
Aww Roderick, so well-meaning and yet, so emo.
Jemma: Aww, cheer up emo Rod.
Roderick: But its all so much, I feel as though the worries of the world are an all-encompassing bizzard and we can't see our way out. And how can we help? You try so hard to make a difference but in the end we're all just trapped, forever, in the blinding, bleached expanse of nothing....
Jemma: But snowflakes are pretty!
Roderick: You're such a Pollyanna!
Jemma: *thinks Rod's on some serious smack*
Roderick: *totally impressed with Jemma's silver-lining view of the universe* ++
Conversations over, Jemma locks herself in her studio and attempts to unwind with her new-arrival: THE ROCK HAMMER. Unfortunately the sheer power and WALLOFSPEAKERS™ that come with it serves less to help her calm down and does more to totally turn her right the hell up.
Jamming herself into a lather, she plays till she can no longer hold up the weight of the instrument of pure musical power, and slips back into the house for a long bath...
... And quietly crawls into bed alone.
Production notes:
• I couldn't help all the naked Brian photos. This whole challenge I kinda did just for
lemon_lime35 and she's in love with him, and suchly his sim had to have a lot of coverage. Well okay NOT a lot of coverage ;) XD
• OH MY GOD FRED IS GONE ON DAY ONE *cries for a million years* I love him so much, he was my favourite.
lemon_lime35 and I have decided he's going to marry Cupcake and they're going to have a million super adorable babies ;_; Because omg! HOW COULD HE BE GONE?! He spontaneously hugs everyone ever. *crycry*
• Trying to work out what abuse a dude would use when in the Brian+Wang situation was near-impossible. I asked
niostang &
moonlapse and they mostly came up with things that girls would think -- well except for Greg who was entirely useless with "whatever epithet came to mind first" <-- yeah thanks for that man. Being the only actual dude in the chat room and all >_>;; *cracks up* In the end Jenji came to the rescue, but not before floating 'himbo' as a term to use. Lawls. Himbo. XD ♥
• Sims sleep with their make-up on. LoL.