Seven Guys, A Girl & a Jacuzzi: Day One

Jun 09, 2008 22:48

Seven Guys, a Girl & a Jacuzzi

Sims 2: Reality TV Challenge
Rules and Set Up can be found @ Sims 2 Challenges Podcast: The Bachelor/Bachelorette Challenge
Read the Prologue
Day One: Meeting, Greeting and still no Jacuzzi

Day one begins and the contestants arrive at Ms. McBenton's home, settle in and come to each have a talk with their hostess and would be woo-ee.

She kindly agreed to have her den and work out rooms re-modelled to facilitate the boys' sleeping areas so naturally she's a little hesistant as at this point she's not 100% sure she didn't have her private home bastardised for the wrong reasons...

Having seven guys come move into your house so they all know where you live and them end up being serial killers bent on prank calling her from inside her own house while she teaches a class of children how to make wax sculptures of carnival freaks on Halloween is not exactly her LTW.

But she's ready to keep an open mind. ^_^

On the first day everyone is allowed to wander about, get aquainted with their hostess, her home and their competitors freely, without challenges or having to go on any structured dates. Finnigan, not ENTIRELY sure how he ended up agreeing to this apart from wanting to support his brother's choices eschews everyone's company and instead chooses to play a rather lonely game of chess against the ghost of Jemma's father himself.

Wang and Frederick get aquainted. Well, Frederick gets a large baloon full of water aquainted with Wang's face at any rate.

Apparently, Wang LOVES it in the face...

The outdoor food area not yet set up for the group to eat at (a little mix up back at HQ, but they were assured that this would be rectified by tea time -- though they'd be fending for themselves for lunch) all out pillow-geddon is initiated, team blonde vs team brunette. No one won, but the clean up crew had a hell of a time picking up all the feathers (and fishing them from the pool) post-downy apocalypse.

Lunchtime approaches and some familiar faces arrive to welcome the contestants to their new digs and to offer their thoughts and advice to the "lucky seven." Having been through the entire experience themselves they're hoping to offer some insights that might help them with their week's worth of fretting, torment and -- in the end in their experience -- ecstacy.

The competitive edge, Fred & Wang check out their digs and engage in a cut-throat game of red hands. Fred actually came away from the game with a few skinned knuckles from one of Wang's fingernails. They might look manly, but that boy has some mighty sharp manicure action going on...

Lunch time and Jemma makes ham sandwiches for everyone to chow down on. The lunch conversation turns to initial speculation on who will win in the end...

Roderick: So, any idea which one of us'll get to lock lips with Jemma first? *eyebrow waggle*
Everyone in room except for Brian: *Totally 100% sure its rock star, Brian*
Brian: *Is that a Rare North Singaporean Skylark!??! OMG! I've never seen one this far south before! OMG I HAVE TO INFORM THE ORNITHOLOGICAL SOCIETY!*

All butts, even if they belong to scrawny blondes, point to Brian... XD

We now interrupt our constant stalking of the contestants to show a few of the facilities of the McBenton home. Firstly, Marshmallow & du Fermier do an excellent job of modelling Jemma's personal recording studio. No expense is spared fitting out her soundproofed rooms, not to mention the even more expensive security system to protect all of her precious instruments.

Marshmallow's skills with the drums, even while in her third trimester, impressed Jemma excessively and dropped her her card on the sly. Who said a girl can't co-run a successful market garden, have four kids AND have a successful, jet-setting music career?

Jemma's home art studio. She loves to paint with watercolours and encorporate found objects into her art. She also runs and has others run life-drawing classes in her studio as she adores being around masses of creatives and often throws all-night, art-intensive lock ins.

The buffet and outdoor eating area finally arrived and set up, everyone ravenously decends like vultures upon it and eats their fill. du Fermier uses the opportunity to stress that the whole reality tv show thing is a great way to make friends and if everybody is friendly and amicable then its much easier when someone is eliminated and has to leave.

Jemma: Right, so what if they're thinking they're SUCH good friends you need a spatula to fling out the detritus?

Well, good to know Jemma's not a girl to mince her words...

Evening drawing to a close, Jemma retires to a nice long bubble bath to calm her nerves and re-assure herself that this was a good decision.

du Fermier and Marshmallow take advantage of the buffet. Marshmallow downs three plates of turkey, a salad and three helpings of Gelatin before their on their way.

Conjecture around the cast and crew is that the Fairy-Floss haired Mrs du Fermier has to be carrying multiple children. Ten to one odds money down that she's carrying twins, though many have their money on atleat three if not four...

Getting late, Kaleb and the Makahb brothers decide its time to try out Jemma's recording studio facilities and go in for an-all night jam. Fred picks up the drumsticks and lights up like a sun about to go supernova with glee...

Kaleb, excited about the electric guitar, had serious issues keeping up as he'd not picked up an instrument since Uni. He held his own, but not without nearly giving himself an embellism with concentration.

Finnigan plinks along on the piano - able to appreciate the quality of the amazing instrument, but unable to gain its full potential having not been blessed with Fred's natural talent. His input includes a few key notes that actually enhance the sound the group is producing, but he mostly just cracks up a lot and swells with pride at his brother's amazing abilities.

The bath not doing it 100% for Jemma, hears the sounds of the jam-session (the boys apparently all were brought up in tents and no one shut any of the doors of the studio) & she decides to unwind with the boys. Delighted, she picks up her instrument of choice. Bass playing: Serious Business.


Production notes:
• OH MY GOD. Couldn't have planned the random visitors better if I TRIED! XD XD I love how ridiculously pregnant Marshmallow is. XD

• Not 100% on the format for this... I'm wondering if its weird to have elimination in the middle of the day so not ending on an elimination or not... But we'll see how we go XD

• The jam session was actually HILARIOUS! They were all performing country but because none of them had any creativity skills to start off with the sound was EXCESSIVE lulz. XD

challenges, 7gagaaj, computer games, games, the sims 2, gaming, challenge

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