But not everything is so rosy - AI takes revenge at another time and in another place. War is the best revenge - everything is destroyed there (more on this later in the study)
Further on Chernobrov's selection. Crossword
I thought
the ship "Flying"
there is no supporting data, but let there will be AI manipulation to maintain consistency, predetermination, the cycle in the human population (but more on this at the end of the study)
there is no supporting data, but let there be AI manipulation to maintain consistency, predetermination, the cycle.
ducks, there is no such thing in the newspaper archives
Obstetrician Triplett
Coincidence. Obstetricians with other last names also deliver triplets more than once during their careers. Now, if he died after delivering the third triplets, then it would be interesting. I did not find Triplett’s further fate in the archives.
there is no supporting data, but let there be manipulation of AI to maintain the sequence, predetermination, cycle
Shot down duck
Coincidence. The duck meadow was not called that for nothing - ducks lived there, and this is obvious. There should also have been a reservoir there with a different name or without a name. Beer house The duck one was named after a local, popular duck meadow, because they played golf there.
Hugo Williams
There is a mention, but unfortunately my free limit for viewing the British newspaper archive has expired and there is no way to view the entire article, and I can’t pay due to sanctions. Let there be AI manipulation to maintain consistency, predetermination, the
Duck cycle. In the book just a mention with a reference to the newspaper Moskovskie Provincial Gazette. Wikipedia says that the clerk Pimenov later admitted that he had made up this note.
There is no confirmation, but let there be a coincidence
German designer
Coincidence. And the strength of the wave, I guess, was only recorded by the instruments. But in general, many people surrendered to the Americans - between the American prison and the Stalinist concentration camp they chose the first
Because it all started with a treat, which means a connection was formed between them, as, for example, with identical twins, who, as you know, can smell each other, but only unilaterally. In the second meeting, the poet’s feet themselves carried him to the restaurant where Forgibu was sitting. In the third meeting, a certain “guest house”, which means the poet himself was a guest in that house... This means that he unconsciously made friends in the area where Forgibu’s friends and acquaintances lived... in order to meet him again. In general, the poet became like a programmed robot , whose program “Meet Forgibu” was turned on as soon as his appearance was displayed in the neural network, but taking into account everyday errors, that is, for example, the poet was somehow tired, he fell into bed, then a desire arose to breathe some air on the balcony ( and Forgibu passed along the street there), but did not do it. And this happened more than once. Forgibu himself was probably a sailor and appeared in the city irregularly.
Fish story.
Either a duck or ended up in direct processing to the Anunnaki like the Titanic, in order to lead him off the path dangerous for them
Papers and a tie
Number 307
there is no supporting data, but let there be AI manipulation to maintain consistency, predetermination, the cycle
Two brothers
Bermuda is an elastic concept, there are islands measuring 100 by 10 meters, and the largest at its widest point is less than 3 km. Therefore, the coincidence is
Duck of course.
Duck of course
A connection was formed, nostalgia began to play in one of them, it was transferred to the second and they unconsciously adjusted their life schedule and came to the cafe at the same time.
The manuscript
is not even a coincidence. The messenger saw that the pages were flying out of the window, picked them up, examined them, rang the doorbell, the writer came out and gave him the manuscript, the messenger compared the handwriting, made sure of the match and, not wanting to dissolve verbal curtsies, silently reported the pages to the manuscript and left to the publishing house.
A duck, of course. Was it written on his coffin who it was? Or was there a document in his pocket?
Either the duck or the wife was told by the neural network how and when to throw the dice, and then the husband was also connected to the neural network.
To summarize Chernobrov’s selection of coincidences, they can be divided into 5 categories:
1. Fiction and/or manipulation
2. Really ordinary coincidences
3. Unconscious reading/hint from a neural network and capturing emotional traces.
4. Tricks of the Anunnaki AI (adjustment of life activity to create consistency, predetermination, a cycle for humanity).
5.Option 3 and 4 together.
A researcher unfamiliar to me also writes about the impact on a person from the outside
https://vk.com/wall-210956796_2934 part 1
https://vk.com/wall-210956796_2935 part 2
https://vk.com/wall-210956796_2936 part .3 (the most interesting)
Accidents and suicides are, of course, the work of not only the Anunnaki, but also the special services. Perhaps they have an “occult” artifact (about the occult later in the study), aka a psi generator, or there is/was a psychic - a telepath who could drive a person to suicide. But suicide can be driven by ordinary psychoactive substances, so it is not a fact that they have telepaths and generators. The reason for disposal is obvious - sole possession of technology.
How to read information from a neural network
For this, emotions are not needed, you just need to wish (you really want to know), for which you need to be at least a narrow searcher who loves something. It’s not possible to simply get information on all topics while lounging in a chair, only in the most general terms, but in narrow terms (which is closer to you) like this: where is the beer, how much beer is there, how much does it cost, who produced it, etc. But you already have this knowledge for a long time, it’s just everyday life and ignorance of the essence introduce/can introduce interference (for some).
For non-core reading of information (it’s impossible to prove, you’ll have to take your word for it)
Only complete idiots/downs/weak-minded/oligophrenic can read information non -core . Because dementia is our basis. We are born initially brainless (babies, cubs)... And in the “beginning” it turns out that this was the case with all the universes and all the “Gods” (they were weak and stupid). But here I’m getting ahead of myself, about the universes and “Gods” further. You
won’t have to exploit the weak-minded , you just need to create a device, an analogue of the brain of the weak-minded.
From the neural network you can download all the knowledge accumulated by the Universe. And use it to send messages. The sending speed is instantaneous. True, the AI monitors. But whether it has the ability to track even the tiniest connection is a question.
A successful connection attempt is possible. Chronovisor.
https://dzen.ru/a/YFDOgxs9dUt38yLa#:~:text=%D0%9F%D0%BE%20%D1%81%D0%BB%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B0%D0% BC%20%D0%91%D1%80%D1%8E%D0%BD%D0%B0%2C%20%C2%AB%D0%A5%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%BD%D0% BE%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B7%D0%BE%D1%80%C2%BB,%D0%9E%D1%82%D1%86%D0%BE%D0%BC%20%D0 %9F%D0%B5%D0%BB%D0%BB%D0%B5%D0%B3%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%BE%20%D0%AD%D1%80%D0 %BD%D0%B5%D1%82%D1%82%D0%B8%2C%20%D0%B1%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%B5%D0%B4%D0%B8%D0%BA %D1%82%D0%B8%D0%BD%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B8%D0%BC%20%D0%BC%D0%BE%D0%BD%D0%B0%D1%85 %D0%BE%D0%BC .
If true, it means there was strong interference there and it worked for about 5 seconds a day (well, as usual), which is why there was such sluggish publicity when the inventor was alive. Well, that is, if something could really be seen there without interference, then he would have immediately received a bale on the head with a hatchet, and so he lived and spread little information about what he saw there.
Another researcher writes about the process of connecting to a neural network.
" What is the information field of the Earth and how to connect to it?
This is a collective concept that includes fields of various classes and the data contained in them, which in particular concerns technoradiation and bioradiation fields, microleptonic, chronal, as well as others, such as local action , and long-range, in which devices of various classes are used to connect to them, from television and radio receivers and telescopes to chronovisorss and directly biological organisms whose personal moods tuned to their frequencies can also resonate with some of them and recognize everything that is connected with them, after which they can relay and express it all in their own way, including publicly or in this form both here and in principle, resonance tomography scans can be used to read states of thoughts or other equipment, and through neurosurgical interventions, connections can also be made to other consciousnesses for the perception and processing of data through their organisms with the loading of these states in particular into people , in which both people and animals with other living creatures, as well as plants and insects and bacteria, can participate, but in order to capture what they feel and how they think, samples of their genes can be taken and subsequently implanted into people, into their reproductive systems, including through diseases or vaccines, as well as through genetic modifications of consumed products, as a result of which “catchers of other data are introduced into people, building into them a different self-identity and even able to replace it in the presence of the use of substances that provide neurosurgical installations in the brain through various damaging biochemical influences, as a result of which the perceptual abilities inherent in organisms of other classes are introduced into the psyche and a person begins to think like some kind of animal or insect, to track which identification markers are also used, which are embedded like nano-chips, so that it was possible to observe what biological culture was introduced into this or that person, and also introduced into his reproductive systems, on the basis of which, in particular, half-animals, half-children could be born, which may contain genes of different species of living creatures, including the genes of those who are accepted call them aliens or representatives of other civilizations who can flow into their new incarnations and be restored in new children's bodies, while being attuned to the cultures of other races and civilizations, which are brought together in new colonies where cloning occurs with entities of other varieties and thereby looks like them interact in new conditions, what they connect to at the level of which fields and how they communicate all this to each other through human guises and fields operating at the level of vowels and radio exchanges of humanoid humanoids, who can connect to different fields and receive information about them through communication with each other ", so through communication with different hybrid people you can better perceive their inherent fields ...
Material on the topic
https://t.me/covidsecret/1104https://vk.com/wall87605500_16247 "
But you can make it simpler, my intuition prompts.
We establish initial contact with the neural network (relax the frontal lobes)
Method 1. Food
All your life you need to eat only the food you want... But since the average person’s brain is very fucked up (informationally disoriented), in order for him to understand what he needs to eat, he first needs to relax the frontal lobes... You just leave , without warning your friends/girlfriends, you move to a rented apartment in another city, you live there lightly, you don’t worry about anything - you sleep and eat, you throw scraps into the basket without getting out of bed, etc. You connect to the Internet, walk around the city like a narcissistic Peacock/Dove... And the frontal lobes will begin to relax... Perhaps on the first day...
Well, as you relax, “glimmers of consciousness” will begin to appear....About what you still need to devour... So then you spend your whole life eating. And you compensate for the lack of other elements by feeding from the neural network. This is what prana-eaters have been doing for a long time
https://www.championat.com/lifestyle/article-4603973 -chto-takoe-pranoedenie-i-chem-pitayutsya-pranoedy-mnenie-uchyonyh-mozhno-li-zhit-bez-edy.htmlSo you can “eat” anything, even the air in a cave. The main thing is to imagine what this food is is saturated with all the necessary microelements (“useful”, “good for health”, “food of the Gods”, etc.). It will be recharged from the neural network. The main thing is to not stop “eating” it, otherwise you will have to return to the physical level, but it has not been there for a long time nothing (an exhausted body), and the person will die. And not to allow disbelief (disconnection from the neural network) will also bring him down to earth. In general, this level is still unrealistic - you have to go live in a cave, like a yogi.
Method 2. Illness
It is necessary to treat a serious illness, for example, the flu; and during this, write down on a piece of paper (so as not to forget) at the thought of which food makes you very sick, and which one you just don’t care about... And after recovery, only the one that you didn’t care about and eat (and eat the one you wanted during your illness ).
As a result (according to Method 1 or 2) you will probably live until you are 120 years old. And you will start getting sick at about 80 years old. And you will start getting seriously ill at about 108 years old.
The maximum life expectancy on Earth is 300 years, +/-. That’s how long dinosaurs lived. But the topic of dinosaur health is naturally crap. They write that dinosaurs lived for 40 years and died of cancer. Screwed up in order to adjust the data to the current civilization. So that people don’t go crazy raised no one, interrupting the process of enrichment.
Without the demolition of the Anunnaki model of the world order, it will not be possible to live for 300 years.
Method 3. Therapeutic walks
https://health.mail.ru/news/uchenye_oprovergli_mif_o_polze_desyati_tysyach/?frommail=ft_mlThe best option is to completely abandon therapeutic walks linked to steps, because the structural imposition is clearly visible (more on this later in study). But if anyone can’t, then here’s the explanation:
It’s all about a dull brain. Activity is needed to historically resist the Anunnaki cult of wars (further in the study).. Therefore, those who listen to the player while walking are in the right direction go rather than those who do not listen.
Until we get rid of the Anunnaki, we won’t have a life. Only like now, more or less. Therefore, we don’t have to try too hard. Well, in general, try, of course, but not really (to the level of the best days max).
Specifically with walking, the advice is this: walk until improvement comes. And it can come either after 5 steps or after 50,000 steps, depending on how dull the brain was today. And actually walk only when you want.
The very dose of activity can be obtained anywhere - jumping rope at home to music, playing shooting games, ordinary walking/driving to the store and to work, work, get-togethers with friends, sex, etc.
Let's move on to the Annunnaki
The word Minsk (next to it is the Anunnaki object) came, according to the usual version, from the name of the river “menya”,
which in turn came from the Indo-European “small”. Or according to the second version (folk) from the word “change”.
http://pto70.ripo.unibel.by/Min_gorod_upravlenie/minsk.html#:%7E:text=%D0%9D%D0%B0%D0%B7%D0%B2%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0 %B8%D0%B5%20%D0%B3%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%B4%D0%B0%20%D0%BF%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%B8 %D1%81%D1%85%D0%BE%D0%B4%D0%B8%D1%82%20%D0%BE%D1%82%20%D1%80%D0%B5%D0%BA%D0 %B8%2C%D1%82%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%B3%D0%BE%D0%B2%D1%8B%D1%85%20%D0%BF%D1%83%D1%82 %D0%B5%D0%B9%20%D0%BF%D1%80%D0%BE%D1%85%D0%BE%D0%B4%D0%B8%D0%B2%D1%88%D0%B8 %D1%85%20%D1%87%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B5%D0%B7%20%D0%A0%D1%83%D1%81%D1%8CIn general, the river should be called “me” "-came from the Latin Moenus, from which came the German Main, Mein (main, mine). In short, the word Minsk is translated as “We,” we just couldn’t find the words.
https://ru.wiktionary.org/wiki/%D0%9C%D0%B8%D0%BD%D1%81%D0%BA#:%7E:text=%D0%9C%D1%96%D0% BD%D1%81%D0%BA%20In the same area of Belarus, UFOs were repeatedly observed
(based on materials from the site
https://ru.hrodna.life/articles/ufo-in-belarus/ )
It is well known that the Anunnaki need gold (and not only, see below). First we read another one of my studies
https://bombarman.livejournal.com/29509.html (point 3, and then with “According to the “gods” and teachers.”) Then this (just the gist, because when I researched this, I didn’t have a MAP! (German; which one did you think?))
https://bombarman.livejournal.com/12924.html Did you read it? So the corrected well-known information about them is as follows: Once every...thousands of years, they scoop out the mined gold, charge the batteries of cyborgs (who are mistakenly considered to be aliens themselves) on a ship in Antarctica (more on this later in the study), destroy 99% of the population and dump them. Nibiru itself is just a large station that collects gold and psionic energy and there are the same cybers under AI control
14 times they have already destroyed complex organic life (or 15, if you count the clearing of the land from dinosaurs, + another 5 times at least before dinosaurs, but more on that at the end of the study),45-14 = 31 attacks (but they may no longer happen).
23 million years ago, they created the proconsul. To crush mountains of gold (and then they turned out to be such; perhaps the mining took place in the mines) you didn’t need a lot of intelligence. And then no one was hiding (there was no need), the ships stood right next to the mining sites, and the proconsuls themselves were armed with laser drills.
As reserves were depleted, more intelligent creatures had to be created, cleverly camouflaging this as evolution for subsequent generations.
By the last or penultimate civilization, we had to create completely independent and intelligent creatures and impose on them the cult of wars, so that they (we) would mine gold for motivation, while they themselves would be pinned underground.
A clear scheme of destruction
1. Irradiation
2. Erasing memory and brain damage
3. Destruction of 99% of the population under the guise of a cataclysm.
4. The emergence (birth) of a new link in “evolution”
5. The new ones, after some time, regain their intellectual abilities, but the old ones do not
6. The departure of the new ones from the society of the old ones
7. The subsequent gradual extermination of the old ones by depriving them of their already meager food supply .
https://bombarman.livejournal.com/37580.html Continued 2 Continued 3 Continued 4 Continuation 5 The end and beginning of other things Others continued 2 Others continued 3 Others continued 4 Others continued 5 Others continued 6