Revealing Annunnaki Activities (Updated)

Apr 08, 2024 18:09

First for the smartest ones.
Look at the screenshot below, close the topic, and if you come back after a couple of days, then you are not entirely smart.That's what I hoped for.

This is the original map of the German plan "Barbarossa". The full version of the map is here

Initial oddities of the map
Against the background of clumsy circles (and there are about a hundred of them), only one special shape in the form of an egg with a dot and a whole formation in the form of a head with eyes stand out (this is what I will write about below). But according to the mathematical theory of probability, this simply does not happen -there should be at least 10 of them on the map, at most 80 pieces.

Now let's get to the point
On the map we see a classic alien (if the Germans knew what aliens looked like, they probably knew, because aliens were drawn in the caves of the Sahara and India 10,000 years ago)

To understand the meaning of the appearance, or rather the Manifestation, of an alien on the German map, let’s touch on what is generally known about the Nazis. The Nazis were extremely obsessed with everything occult and magical. They were looking for artifacts, Gods, and everything connected with them. This is the first thing.
Hindu-Buddhists have unclassified information that there are Akashic Chronicles on earth, which record the vital activity of all life on earth, from the proton to the elephant (and the earth, but they don’t know about it). Also, the Indians (unfortunately I don’t remember the name of the tribe and I can’t find the link on the Internet) have an almost similar myth that inside the earth there is something that we can call a supercomputer, which releases small creatures (drones) once every 1000 years, who move so fast that they can pass through all obstacles without damaging them or themselves. They collect information about how life has changed over the last 1000 years and take it to a supercomputer.

Well, what the Germans so passionately wanted to find, they were shown the Akashic Chronicles (aka the Information Field, aka the Neural Network of the Universe, but more on that below). But they didn’t notice it. Or they noticed it.

I don’t know, but most likely the whole point You don’t understand yet, so I’ll continue.

One scientist (Russian, if this matters to anyone) either intentionally or accidentally invented a way to see what was before. He collected something like a camera, walked around the city with it, “photographed” everything. He photographed a tree broken by lightning , a whole tree appeared on the media. I photographed the ground at ground level and a head in a helmet appeared. I took a photograph of the place where I stood a second ago and he himself appeared.
The secret of his discovery is as follows:
A tree broken by lightning - agony
A soldier in a helmet - a strong emotion
He himself thought strongly about something emotional
The name of this scientist was Genrikh Silanov, he died (with great confidence I can claim that they helped, you’ll understand why a little lower)

In short, in the Information Field (Neural Network of the Universe), everything emotional leaves a trace.

Let me explain in more detail.
For ease of understanding, let’s assume that it was there that the aliens landed (more than 1.8 billion years ago, but more on that later). This caused a “disturbance” (more below) in the neural network and a trace remained, and the neural network itself was within a radius of, for example, 1000 km. .became different from the rest of the neural network.
After that, everyone who lived in that place (let’s focus on people for now for ease of understanding) became hostages of that changed part of the neural network. For example, in 1000 AD, everyone who lived there first formed a peculiar mentality; in 1200, they built a forge (not knowing why, they just “wanted”), in 1500 a military unit was stationed there... and in April 1941, units of the Red Army were somehow stationed there (see map). That is, the alien ship was a military one, which is why everything military began to be “attracted” there. But even if the ship was loaded with sausage, and there were a couple more ray guns, the Germans would still have noticed it.
The trace, of course, logically speaking, has an epicenter. But the nature of the spread of the “disturbance” is still unknown.
1 Spreads like ripples on water.
2. The mass is dense (bang, like a trace of a fist in clay)
3. It spreads over the entire “sector” (arbitrary figures), the boundaries of which are still unknown.

The weaker the trace, the more difficult it is, naturally, to detect.

Practical application of traces
1. Search for treasures
2. Search for missing people
3. Search for everything else

We've sorted out the trace, now let's talk about what it leads to.
To understand, first read my research on this topic (just the gist and sorry for the swearing):
Let’s take Stalingrad as an example, which was mentioned in that study:
Fortress Settlement (later the city) changed hands several times, and burned to the ground a couple of times. %20%D0%BF%D0%BE%D1%81%D0%B5%D0%BB%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%B5%20%D1%81%20%D0%B4 %D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B5%D0%B2%D1%8F%D0%BD%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%B9%20%D0%BA%D1%80%D0%B5 %D0%BF%D0%BE%D1%81%D1%82%D1%8C%D1%8E%2C%D0%B2%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%B2%D1%8C%20%D0 %BF%D0%BE%D1%81%D1%82%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%B5%D0%BD%20%D0%B2%201615%20%D0%B3
So it was like this from the very beginning :
- in that place, one monkey heroically, one might almost say, furiously, fought off three gorillas and won (or lost, but her emotion was definitely stronger than the emotions of all three gorillas combined). A trace remained.
- the Mongols followed the monkey’s trail, did something heroic and defensive, and left their mark by erasing (or matryoshka, we need to study) the first one and strengthening it.
-Russian settlers came on the trail of the Mongols, erased the Mongolian (or matryoshka, we need to study) and left their mark, strengthening it even more
-the commies came on the trail of the settlers and built Stalingrad
-...descendants will continue

From this we conclude that the cities/ places in which historically it was possible to hold the defense, a strong defensive “aura” was created or, as you can also call it, a “place of power”, which is why the defenders receive an additional advantage (the “aura” suppresses the aggression of the attackers). To get the maximum effect from the “aura” of defense , in defense, use only soldiers who are prone to passive methods of war, then they will have “collective unconscious knowledge” about when and where to shoot and from what, when to counterattack, etc.

To “demolish” such cities, as you probably already understood, you need to use attack aircraft charged in places of aggression. Priority is given to places of street fights where violent incidents have happened more than once (near stadiums, etc.). The charging speed is still unknown, but in theory it won’t last long - as soon as they start throwing themselves at each other, it means they are all charged up. For charging, select only those who are initially prone to aggression (for maximum effect).
Because the raid of aggression will soon pass (according to logic), then replace the attack aircraft that have begun to “run out of steam” (when the assault stalls) with a batch of new ones.
But since it will be extremely painful to fly parties of attack aircraft from the nearest stadium, you will need to create your own “places of power” near fortified cities. But only there will you really have to smash each other’s heads (but not completely kill them). And so without snot and no spectators.
Of course, future stormtroopers must first be trained in military affairs, so that aggression is superimposed on skills, and not vice versa. It was the other way around with the ninjas, but the samurai regularly extinguished them and therefore the ninjas were pure maulers - they unexpectedly attacked, killed and dumped them.
The longer you sit in such a “place of power,” the deeper the plaque will eat into the brain (psyche) and therefore last longer, but only if you sit for a very long time, then you can forget about some kind of normal life in civilian life - such a stormtrooper will soon become drunk there and die, or he will have to return to war.
In “places of power” you can also charge any things on any topic.

Practical application of enhanced traces
You can kill someone, for example Putin (popularly known as damage, a conspiracy to death and a curse), by someone to whom he directly did harm.
He spent too much time in the Kremlin and in power, which is why the trace of that place was specifically imprinted on his brain, and in order to kill him, the immediate victims (not only do they have strong emotions, but also have the right) simply emotionally wish for his death. But not specifically Putin, namely everyone guilty. And if Putin is guilty (and he is guilty),then he will certainly die.
In this way (through emotion) you will connect to the zone in which he is (for this you need to be in the zone itself) and he himself will find his death - he will slip and break his neck, choking on soup, etc.).
But because You can protect yourself from “magic” with the help of “sorcerers,” then you just need to unite with other direct victims and strengthen your emotions. The united emotion will break through the sorcerer’s defense and Putin will die.
But even if he finds out about this (that they want to kill him with the help of “magic”), he will rush only through those zones that are favorable for retribution (for him personally). But even if he escapes to another zone, for example, where the monastery , then he will wither there and die on his own, because the “energy” of that place will be exactly the opposite of the one in which he spent so long.

How not to become a victim of emotional traces
1. Don’t be nervously/mentally/psychologically/morally /mentally weak (all together; it’s impossible to prove, you’ll have to take your word for it).
Minus - the reading from the neural network or emotional cap will be very weak.
2. Throw astrology to hell and remove yourself from linking your life to the calendar and alarm clock, live in a free-form home (not square), sleep on a spacious bed (not rectangular), etc. non-structural (more on this at the end of the study). In general, like a homeless person, he sleeps where he wants, when he wants and as much as he wants, eats where he wants, when he wants and as much as he wants, makes friends with whoever he wants, when he wants and as much as he wants and lives where he wants, when he wants and as much as he wants.
Plus, almost complete invisibility for the Anunnaki AI.

How to be able to read and not be a weakling.
Well, firstly, “strong personalities” is a relative concept (Terminators do not exist, in case anyone didn’t know)... Just do your job and that’s it. Don’t prove anything to anyone (don’t waste energy). Relax (relax the frontal lobes (when tense) ) - all the emotions sit there. Then there will be switching either to reading from the neural network/emotional cap, or to your own skills (depending on the situation).

About the good, so that they don’t think that I’m some kind of maniac.
Creating healing places
Choose a favorable place, build a hospital there, strictly select personnel who are sincerely interested in the patient’s recovery. Start the practice (creating a healing “place of power”) with simple cases. The emphasis should be on ensuring that there is no suffering there. Gratitude from patients (whether the patient speaks out loud or to himself) will strengthen the place. A sign that the place has strengthened will be a faster recovery of the patients. As soon as this begins, move on to more complex cases, in no case allowing death and suffering, take the patient to the extreme from there, if, after all, one of the hand-assed people got into your team.
The end result will be that that place of power will turn into a place of healing, where even seriously ill people with minimal medical care will recover.

This is what the neural network of the universe looks like
It is ancient and intelligent (there is a strong suspicion that this is the brain, as I called it, of the Nutcracker, but more on that later in the study). Everything in it is cataloged A quark (the smallest known particle), for example, has a serial number of 1. electron-2, boson-3, etc. A cluster of particles known to us, for example, as iron has a serial number of 101, copper-102, lead- 103, etc. The artificial connection of particles by humans, known to us. For example, under the term motor, has the serial number 565, ax-202, telephone-5015, etc. That is, all possible compatibility options have long been described in the neural network one with the other, and what is not recorded will be recorded as soon as it is done somewhere in the Universe, after which it will remain in the neural network forever.
In light of this, it becomes clear where premonitions/anticipations of the same catastrophes come from. Anyone who sensed it simply read information from the neural network about a defect, for example, in the same airplane engine. A defect in the neural network is displayed if in words, thus: “device 565, double 101234 (serial number of creation, coming off the assembly line) has such and such a defect. The device will become inoperative after 2257 hours 45 minutes, 34 seconds of operation."...If a foreign object, for example a bird, gets into a running motor, then the clock data operation will be updated.
This is how it works - quintillions of all sorts of options and probabilities are updated every second only on our planet.
On top is also covered with an emotional cap that humanity generates, and which also gives premonition/precognition/knowledge. Basically, this is knowledge of the patterns by which humanity lives. For example, you go into a gateway, and there is a man standing there with a knife.... you turn around and walk a quick step further, because you already know. Well, you can know ahead of time, for example, and this is also a simple example, this is when a natural disaster... the majority runs and does not pay attention to others, not because they are cowards, but from the unconscious knowledge that helping another will be a waste of time, and all the senses say that there is no time. Well, that is, the one-legged “instincts” tell him that he will definitely fiddle for a long time somewhere along the way to salvation, for example, bypassing the river and looking for a ford. He will be an idiot fiddling with a bunch of keys. The captain of the ship wait/not wait for an important person. Greedy on principle to save valuables (ignoring instincts). That is, those running a survival strategy are based on knowledge of themselves and their weaknesses and partly on their opinions about other people. For example , they think, if you help someone, he will hit you over the head. But in 99% of cases, the opinion turns on when everything has more or less settled down, and before that, of course, they run away like a herd.
To better understand the neural network, consider Chernobrov’s selection of coincidences.
The first case described, motor.
Everything is the same, but in other words: Pankratov unconsciouslyI read information about the breakdown because I was planning an air flight, which resulted in a desire to read this particular book. How could Pankratov know that he would get on this particular plane? Easy. The neural network took into account his life schedule in the pre-flight days and the flight schedule of the planes and that’s it. And he already considered the ready-made information, because it directly related to his carcass (flight on the plane). If the plane were to crash, then he, following instinct self-preservation, or unconsciously, I simply would not get on this plane, having found any reason or problem, for example, I would “forget” my plane ticket at home. But people who can “look” far ahead” (and even further) like Pankratov, not so much, mostly they get information when they are “already close to it”, or they don’t get it at all (the “stupid” majority, that is, those who for some reason have no connection with either the neural network or the emotional cap)
. ball.
Duck. There is such an episode in the newspaper archives, but the fact that there was at least one house watching this film - not a word.
Record "The Cry of the Wild Goose"
1. Coincidence
2. Duck
3 .Counted and turned on the record
Film about the Titanic
1. Coincidence
2. Duck
3. Counted and turned on the TV/switched the channel
The presence of the book “Futility” should then have been in the captain’s cabin, and not “one of the passengers” (i.e. she wasn’t there, a duck). But even if she had been there, then everything would also have rested on Chernobrov’s unspecified source (that is, it would also have been a duck)... There is no information about the Titanian ship anywhere, although there should have been, newspapermen you wouldn't miss this.
In the exhaust, it means we only have the book “Futility” and the death of the real Titanic with a partially coinciding plot
But First I'll separate the flies from the cutlets.
The author observed the appearance of large ships and realized that the birth of even larger ones was only a matter of time, which was expressed in his partial coincidence of characteristics. That is, these were purely engineering tricks “by eye”, no mysticism. With the flag, everything is also simple - at that time there were only three major European maritime powers - England, the USA and Russia. That is, he, as an English speaker, had to choose from only two options. The cause of the disaster (iceberg) is the same There was always a simple ice danger in that area of ​​the Atlantic (that’s why he chose it as the plot location).
Neural network theme.
It remains April, the time is about midnight and the name of the ship. We add data from Wikipedia: 1. during construction, best class rivets were used instead of best-best 2. during construction, 8 workers died (out of 1500), 246 were injured, of which 28 were serious, 3. due to an accident on another similar ship, the Olympic, of the same company, management was forced to transfer 1000 workers from the Titanic to the Olympic, which postponed the first voyage to April 10. 4. the test of the chassis was postponed by 4 days due to sharply worsening weather and stormy winds. 5. a coal fire in a bunker that lasted 11 days. 6. 6 steel mooring cables of the New York steamship burst while the Titanic was sailing past, but thanks to the measures taken they managed to miss each other by several tens of centimeters, the incident delayed the Titanic's voyage for 1 hour. 7. The binoculars for lookouts were in the safe, the key to which the owner, who had written off on shore, forgot to give to his replacement. 8. In April, two anticyclones regenerated over the Atlantic, resulting in a north-northwest wind prevailing there. The coincidence of the directions of the constant wind and the ocean current caused the icebergs to penetrate further south than usual 9. After the collision with the iceberg, a radiogram was sent, but the closest ship, the Californian, did not respond because its radio operator was asleep.
To summarize, we clearly see numerous obstacles to the Titanic’s triumph.
So it was that the neural network, based on data from the technological level of human development, predicted with 100% certainty the appearance of ships of very large tonnage in the near future (easy, since the obvious can be predicted by a person). This information was considered by Morgan Robertson and at least the chief designer of the Titanic. Robertson immediately wrote the plot (dramatic, for some reason, below), and the designer remained in his head or on paper in the form of rough sketches of a certain ship of very large tonnage.
Next, the designer either read the plot (emotional trace) of Robertson from the neural network or simply read his book and borrowed the title from there (or was read by the assistant designer, or the head of the company, or the daughter of an accountant, etc., i.e. one of the company’s employees/relatives ).
But because on planet Earth there is a redundant effect of the Artificial Intelligence (AI) of the Anunnaki (more on it later), we get the following picture:
The neural network generously shares all its knowledge with humanity, but this knowledge does not reach us due to the blocking of the Anunnaki, so we receive it fragments and allegorically and, moreover, we have no idea about the original source, which adds even more confusion
The Anunnaki AI has full access to this knowledge (data), but since... For him, the progress of mankind is dangerous (his activities are revealed), then he, using this knowledge, knows where and when to strike (by manipulating the neural network and emotional cap), which will slow down or completely stop a certain progress. The neural network is like a pocket predictor for him. Moreover, as written on Wikipedia, the Titanic killed many of the elite, i.e. doctors, engineers, economists, millionaires, artists, etc.
Why did the Titanic sink and the same one, the Olympic didn’t?... Well, that means it wasn’t anything particularly significant (although it also had accidents). We also take into account that everyone is susceptible to the influence of AI in different ways - some more, others less. being the captain of Olympic, and therefore his crew, could be strong guys (weak). In addition, the company drew a conclusion from the Titanic tragedy and strengthened security measures, in particular, no one forgot binoculars for lookouts in the safes.
But not everything is so rosy - AI takes revenge at another time and in another place. War is the best revenge - everything is destroyed there (more on this later in the study)
Continuation 1 Continued 2 Continued 3 Continued 4 Continuation 5 The end and beginning of other things Others continued 2 Others continued 3 Others continued 4
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