Others continued 4

May 12, 2024 21:52

About the tragedy on the Kissing Bridge in St. Petersburg
7 died, 2 survived
Bus number


2. AI trick.
Then it turns out that all the dead led a VERY predictable lifestyle and were easily amenable to psycho-processing by the AI, which is why it was not difficult to “drive” them all into one bus after 2 years (the bus was built in 2022; when they put on the number is unknown).
3.Neural network
Also based on a very predictable lifestyle
4.The work of human hands.
As I already wrote, from time immemorial all the rulers of the world have their own magicians, sorcerers, psychics and astrologers-protectors, who are told by “higher powers” ​​what needs to be done to maintain the power of the rulers (+ quackery, where all “power” is based on manipulation of numbers, manipulation, hypnosis and the use of intoxicants).Russian ruler Putin has a whole crowd of these:

image Click to view

The more the throne shakes under the ruler or the circle of people unofficially ruling the country (in the Russian case, this is the KGB junta), the more radical the help of the sorcerers. Thus, if it cost them nothing to put 150 people in Crocus (on the advice of the sorcerer, they say you will do the same for your reign will last forever), then drown some bus and even more so. Another thing is that these sacrifices do not work as they should, but the sorcerer/sorcerers, out of fear of reprisals against them, have no choice but to assure everyone of their competence until the last moment .
So it could be like this:

1. We chose a bus with a suitable number (according to the sorcerer’s calculations, most likely it would have the number 3,6 or 9 on it)
2.Wait for a day and time with minimal passenger traffic
3. At the last stop, they reported to the ideological agents of the FSB (that is, those who went on this mission of the utmost national importance, knowing in advance that they would die (perhaps they all had oncology)
4. When approaching the bridge, they performed a remote psycho-impact on the driver (he lost his mind for a couple of seconds) using standard repeaters and on non-GB passengers (depriving them of the will to resist). The driver was saved according to the theory of probability (he opened the door and swam out), the passenger was saved -a retired FSB agent who was instructed in advance what to do(wait for the bus to fill with water and swim to the hatch).
No sorcerers at all, no KGB officers inside the bus. There was a plan to simply drown the bus in order to discredit migrants, intensify hostility on national grounds, etc. (and AI got involved in the matter, manipulating the neural network and emotional cap).
5.AI closes the system.

The supply of energy to the structured heads began. The driver and the man were less structured compared to others, and therefore survived. With increasing power of supply, there will be more and more “coincidences” of numbers and other things, and in the end only those with a minimally structured head will survive (if they won’t be killed because of a can of stew, of course, etc. or the AI ​​itself won’t extinguish it personally with some directed psi impulse (i.e., without manipulating the non-network and the emotional cap because of their ineffectiveness).

About generic and common curses
The one who cursed (a sorcerer / witch or an ordinary person) simply programmed the victim (not always undeserved) to look for failures if he sensed that the victim has a stronger connection to the neural network or emotional cap than other people.If there is no connection or, like many, it is weak, then they are limited only by physical impact.You can, in theory, earn money by searching for dangerous places or predicting the negative.To earn money by searching for dangerous places, you go into the client's house and ask yourself - "where can I become a victim of my ancestral curse here?".

The hereditary transmission of curses is explained by simple psychology-children absorb all information from their parents like a sponge, including the fear of a curse.
Any ridicule should also be considered as a mini-curse.

About the reserve of neuropsychic forces
They are needed to survive difficult days (for example, solar flares) while maintaining the level of comfort as much as possible.And if on the best days someone takes out the brain, then on the worst days they will simply kill or maim.Therefore, the all-important ones...Uh, unconstructive personalities, either to drive or to kill.Without the third option.
The third options can be compared to soup, in which they put a spoonful of shit and mix it.This leads first to premature aging of brain cells, and then to their premature death.And it won't matter that physical health was 120 years old, and dementia began at the age of 75.
In general, such a scheme:

Let's say every person has a neuropsychic resource from birth, which, for example, can be estimated at 100 points. This means that in the period from 5 to 10 years, 2 stresses are permissible (tears and roaring are not taken into account, in children it is more likely to prevent stress and relieve stress).This will inevitably burn only 5 resource points in the future period from 10 to 15 years.In the period from 15 to 20 years, 4 stresses are allowed.This will inevitably burn only 18 resource points in the future period from 20 to 30 years.From the age of 30 to 40, 5 stresses are acceptable.This will inevitably burn only 12 resource points in the future period from 40 to 50...Etc.
In short, the hassle undermines health from birth.

An anomaly in the compulsory department of a psychiatric hospital in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk (2015-2016)

image Click to view

A small clarification on Mr. Silanov’s device and emotional traces
For example, they hide gold, then someone who smells it finds it, and if at that time you photograph that place with a Silanov device, then a picture will appear, sometimes with the capture of foreign objects (the stronger the trace, the more foreign objects and they are clearer. But here it all depends, of course, on the capabilities Silanov's device and its storage medium).

That is, the desire of the treasure hunter activates the recording of the episode when gold was hidden there, and this manifests itself in him in the form of a desire to look here.
Another example.
They made jokes 100 years ago, 100 years later others followed suit, they also became jokes, and if you take a picture of them, a picture will also appear there.
In short, a similar emotion (including animals) activates the recording of a similar emotional trace and partially the recording of the ordinary (non-emotional) life activity of all living things, as well as non-living things, from the neural network.

How to survive in the ashes and how to fight

In total we get 3 methods of survival:
3. Neural network and emotional cap
and their combination

A strange radio signal comes from space once an hour: scientists don’t know what it is

It looks like an echo sounder or a radio scanner. And it looks like they found us. Just in case, we need to mentally and emotionally shout “We are here! We are here!”, it won’t get any worse (I did just that, but I’m a little tight with emotions).
They can find everything hidden in this way - they turn on the radio signal. And then through their device (or bio) they monitor the oscillations of the neural network, in this case our reaction to this event or, and this is most likely, the appearance in the neural network of new options and probabilities of anything. Well. in the sense that we receive a signal, respond to it, after 5000 years (the signal, they write, took 5000 years to reach us) it reaches them... and already two days ago (the signal was received on 06/06/24) a whole library fell out of the neural network options and probabilities of interaction between our and their civilizations

Regarding the murder of Anton Egovtsev (he is such a well-known informer in Russia, he was the deputy chairman of the “Call of the People” organization, he wrote denunciations against Russian artists and not only)
Александр Бастрыкин услышал «Зов» к полиции

Soaked on June 7, 24. Figures from the video he shot in April 24:


In general, everything is the same as with a bus. It’s only worth adding that this is a clear example of how you can get some significant dates for yourself. To do this, you just need to live your life, easy, don’t be afraid of numbers or the fate of fate... and turn pay attention to the numbers that creep into the field of vision or into the periphery of vision. But here it all depends on stupidity. That is, if you manage to deceive Annun-fate once by paying attention to the numbers, then next time you can see the numbers of the next negative scenario - you will have to turn your head a fair amount (no one is a fool; although they can, of course, stubbornly stick it under your nose throughout your entire life), or it won’t exist at all (you will happily live to... years).

Here you need to understand that Annun-fate works automatically, this is the meaning of their WMD (kill everyone with one click of a button, wrote above), so they don’t personally chase after everyone with a disintegrator. Well, unless of course you are a future constructive president or other constructive key figure. Personally, the AI ​​tried to kill me 8 times, starting from the age of 3 (or even earlier, but I don’t remember or don’t know - my mother and father died, there’s no one to ask), but only without numbers - a stupid series of accidents, which occurred spontaneously (drunk in ditches at night, did not fall asleep, etc.). The next one will probably be either brain cancer (I have been staring at the monitor all day for 20 years) or lung cancer (I have been smoking a pack a day for 10 years), but this is not certain .

The numbers may not always be negative, but as a rule they are the only ones, because... because of the activities of the Anunnaki, 92% of us therefore suffer, get sick and die. The main thing here is who tunes in for what. One will tune in to happiness and receive the wedding dates of all his friends and acquaintances. The other will also tune in to happiness - and will begin to receive the dates of his deaths, friends, family and acquaintances (and before that I didn’t receive anything at all). How does your head work? Etc., dozens of options and combinations.
Start https://bombarman.livejournal.com/37580.html Continuation 1 Continued 2 Continued 3 Continued 4 Continuation 5 The end and beginning of other things Others continued 2 Others continued 3
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