Continued 3

Apr 08, 2024 19:57

Because for 23 million years all stone tools, utensils, etc. inevitably turned into dust, then either you need to buy a powerful X-ray and use it to scan the most ancient pieces of volcanic rock for the presence of tools of proconsuls, or use common sense. And it was not lost during periods of absence of the Anunnaki (hundreds of thousands and millions of years, how long the extraction itself lasted is unknown ), due to the characteristics of primitive intelligence, knowledge of the “most important pointed end”, which means we can safely multiply the date of discovery of the most ancient tool indicated at the beginning (2.4 million years) by indefinitely.

The tip of the drill most likely glowed with such a pleasant light and, in addition, psi-generators were working, causing the creature to plunge into a semi-trance, working from morning to evening, and it seemed to him that 20 minutes had passed.
Or they stupidly showed violence - whipped them with electric whips, etc. But most likely not, because it’s difficult - you need an army of overseers and to enclose mining sites with energy barriers (without energy barriers it’s even more difficult - you’d also need a battle fleet to look for escaped creatures)... and all this requires energy, energy and more energy.. .and there is not enough energy for batteries to last for a million years.
Therefore, most likely the creatures carried out psi commands, and not even getting up, taking a drill, etc. and they slept with these drills in their arms, and in order to put them to sleep (so as not to die from exhaustion), they had to turn on the psi-generator harder at one time... a complete saving.

The need to have a supply of psi energy to control creatures and more can explain all the “mysterious” buildings - Stonehenge (?), pyramids, dolmens, etc. In general, these are stupid collectors of condensate from a neural network, which is then converted into energy for psi generators.

The Cheops pyramid, and its analogues around the world, is a collector of the planet’s psi-energy, and the pyramidoid that it/they should have had at the top was a removable battery.
In the Cheops pyramid there is the so-called “Room of the King”. Those who were in it said that “the sound of one’s own voice could stop one’s heart.” In general, there is a strong play of sound waves... Well, that means “Room of the King ", this is nothing more than the place where the collector is turned on. That is, if you choose the right sound and tonality, then you can launch this whole colossus (as in that fairy tale, a sim-sim opens).
The Cheops Pyramid in cross-section

a couple of tunnels, two rooms and that’s it.

In general, they turned on the sound, vibration began, the vibration was transmitted to the lithosfrer plate and condensation began to “drip”.

If you have nothing to do, you can map all the buildings of antiquity, look at what lithospheric plates they stand on, and perhaps by elimination you will find another Anunnaki object (a warehouse of psionic energy). We must proceed from the fact that vibration affects the lithospheric plate, and in case of an accident, an energy warehouse should be located, like in people, because everything is one (neural network),on another plate (in another place)
There are 8 large lithospheric plates in total. This means that there are at least 8 large collectors.
Start Tectonics#Modern..

Formatting the planet's surface for collectors.
(read from “Now let’s reveal the manipulation” (text search Ctrl + F)).
(By the way, mountains are similar to the human brain, if viewed from above)

Muldashev in Tibet found a whole complex of such

Yes, the Earth, as a living organism, it turns out that it specifically suffered (and is suffering until now) from these filthy Anunnaki

A cave in Mount Khara-Hora
It looks like a plant for processing psionic energy or a sump for it. You have to go deeper to at least get a general diagram. But the path itself will most likely end at a frozen magma channel

But the brain of the planet is still so, nonsense , the Anunnaki are formatting our entire Universe for themselves (once again, link to the neural network )
There is confirmation of this
(Climatic disasters in the history of the Earth every 13,000 years The Dzhanibekov effect!!!)

image Click to view

What is this for.
Tex...So we have a brain the size of the Universe...So this:
1. After formatting the brain, they will turn on code 36 (more on this later in the study) on the scale of the universe
2. Living beings passed through the millstones of wars will give them valuable knowledge.
3. They will create on their basis hard-to-kill half-humanoids, half-cybers
4. They will cut the code in the universe where their enemies live. Since we don’t feel code 36, although we have endless wars, it means that the Anunnaki have the same calculation about them - they will sneak unnoticed into their universe. They will turn on the code, for example 2 (weak), this will cause a slight dullness among the enemies, they will wait for a while - that time, they will turn on code 3, wait again, turn on 5,7,12, etc., which will lead to significant dullness (like ours), which is why they will stop thinking about the obvious (at their level) ... and attack all en masse. Or they’ll immediately turn it on full blast .
Based on the logic of the process, the latter is correct.

There is also an option that we are inside the computer, and the Anunnaki are repair robots who make sure that nothing breaks here - well, this is a total scribe! (I don’t believe it, just an assumption, I wrote it for the paranoid, so that they don’t stay, so to speak, alone, I feel sorry for them).

Screened options.
1. They cut in and turn every living thing into their army.
No. Deprivation of freedom of choice leads to dullness, and stupid people are of little use on the battlefield.
2. They change the brain in order to kill their enemies in another part of the universe
. No. Otherwise, everything would be different - the Anunnaki battle fleet would be on duty near the necessary planets and continuous battles would be fought for these planets.. The Anunnaki's trick is secrecy! There are no enemies of the Anunnaki in this universe. Only ships of engineers. But just in case, they are still encrypted - they create circles of isolation *more on this later)
Not yet eliminated:
1. We are in the Anunnaki universe.

Now about another secret player (involuntarily), the Earth,
the Tunguska and Chebarkul meteorites were used by the Earth, as a living organism, to attract people’s attention to what was happening in reality, trying in this (and not only this) way to knock off the Anunnaki (sending signals about help).
It is necessary to establish the exact place where these meteorites were supposed to fall, most likely there is a clue to the solution. Let me remind you that Chebarkulsky was shot down, and therefore Tungussky.
But I already learned the main secret, namely the presence of an alien ship in Antarctica, but more on that at the end of the study)

Ufologist Kuvshinnikov also spoke about this

Information about what is happening in reality and what is hiding behind the scenes comes from everywhere.
The most liberated ones can suck out all the necessary information from their fingertips, the most “stupid” get it through books and films on fictional topics, games and music.
The Earth (deliberately) and the neural network (by itself) hammer into the head through the barrier, signaling what is happening; the Anunnaki AI distorts the voice of the Earth and replaces it with its own or even mutes it for a while.
The Earth does the same thing (but weaker).
And this “struggle for minds” will remain relevant, unfortunately, until we collectively knock out the Anunnaki. There are trillions of living beings, including insects, the whole world will pile up, and...
The emotional cap is also hollow, but it should be perceived as an element like a hurricane wind that picks you up and carries you somewhere.

The voice of the Earth is weak because it was tamed. In addition to tearing out half of the brain, they also settled in the center of its electromagnetism at the south pole (more on this at the end of the study).
The known craters on the Moon from the “front” side are traces of the Earth’s resistance.
(the video is not very informative, just to look at the moon up close)

In addition to this, two more circles of isolation were created (to block the SOS signal of the earth. I have no other explanation)

To whom can the Earth transmit the SOS signal - other planets or humanoids? - Everyone.

And they built a wall (but perhaps this is connected with the extraction of psionic energy)

How to distinguish the source of information using the example of the most difficult case - in war...
Earth is life and creation. AI war and devastation...
If the war led to progress in areas of science other than weapons, the Earth started this war and/or won this war.
If the regression of everything except weapons, and areas of science that are especially dangerous for AI, is unleashed by AI and/or won this war.
Yes, the Earth also starts wars. It is necessary for general survival (knocks off the Anunnaki), otherwise the khan will befall everyone. Perhaps not tomorrow, but 50 million years earlier.

Let's summarize the sources of information from whom information can come (to anyone from a homeless person to the president)
1. AI of the Anunnaki (adjustment of the life activity of humanity)
2. Crippled Earth (adjustment of recovery and picking off the Anunnaki)
3. Neural network
4. Emotional cap
5. Inner voice of himself human (instinct of self-preservation, i.e. health and longevity)
(the origin of the inner voice is easy to explain and therefore easy to weed out. It is taken from a “crushed” brain by everyday life, when the initial accurate knowledge of something is superimposed by ignorance (stroke, brain injury, severe information disorientation (confusion, confusion), emotional shock/depression). To avoid it, you must prevent “confusion” and that’s all)).

“Prophecies”, as a by-product of all this
“By the Years” (see below), all authors simply begin to “flatten” in a peculiar way and that’s all. And ordinary people too. Depending on what year, some suffer more, others less. For example, a military man in the quietest year will squeeze only one tear onto his head, while a loving woman will burst into tears.
Just over the years certain particularly strong information comes from everyone, and at the same time the plan (code) of the Anunnaki is revealed and that’s it, nothing prophetic. Therefore, this stage can be passed by everyone (especially those who have the “gift” of prophecy and foresight) and move on. The simplest option (for everyone) - this is to open, for example, your favorite book/set of favorite books and try to discern there an “encrypted” clue to your specific action plan. For example, a book written in the year of the Dragon (+-3 years, more on that later) and on the topic of war, for a military man it will be a hint on how to fight or be at war. Written at the very peak of the Year of the Dragon will be the most valuable (taking into account, of course, when the initial plot, for some reason not put on paper in the peak year, was postponed and written later with inevitable changes (without the initial “sharpness”, or partially dried up).

About the dragon on the German map
Why the Germans, unknowingly, placed their troops in the form of the head and wings of a dragon is unknown. Perhaps they came under the “influence” of some “occult” artifact, on in which, perhaps, in some language, it was written: “...Dragon.”

Years of the Year of the Dragon
1904, 1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012 .2024

1904-military emotional turbulence: 1902(0/2)1903(0/2) 1904 (1 war/2 uprisings) 1905(0/8)1906(0/4)1907(2/2)
1914 World War I and in 1917 October Revolution
1928-military emotional turmoil:1925(1/1)1926(3/3)1927(2/6) 1928 (2/1) 1929 (5/4) 1930 (3/6) 1931 (1/2)
1939 - World War II
1950 - the beginning of the nuclear arms race, in 1953 the hydrogen bomb was created
1962 - the Caribbean crisis
1978 - the neutron bomb was created the 1991-coup bomb
in Russia and the final fall of the old world order
did not even smell like the 2000 World War, but in theory, if the average person begins to resist the program (not to implement it, not to rush at anyone with an ax, in the sense that in the end he will rush, about this is a little lower), then in theory his poor cerebellum will begin to flatten. We go to the Internet and find - “ The last two decades have seen a sharp increase in the number of mental disorders , autism And also this” in 1897 there were 117,709 patients in Russia, i.e. about 0.09% of the population. In 1996 there were 3,784,423 mentally ill people, i.e. approximately 2.6% of the population ." t, so the computer jams the population of only the most powerful countries militarily. Guess for yourself why. 2012- continued to flatten 2024 - It will explode! (see below). But perhaps allies will arrive (they will find us due to a weakened/fallen barrier, but the probability of this in 2024 is 2 percent)
------------ ----
I took event statistics from here ,(multiply by 25, no brainer)

The AI ​​manipulated the neural network (implemented its code) and created a sequence of actions, with the worst of them, known as the Year of the Dragon.
And if it doesn’t work out the first time, then the next time (in 12 years) it will definitely work out. And if it doesn’t work out that time, then it will certainly explode the next time!
The Chinese calendar comes out and is that visual plan/cult of wars that was imposed on us (if you live according to it, you will sit in a pattern, which will make the work of AI and its computers easier. The same thing with our calendars, as well as astrology, numerology, palm reading etc., which creates a structure.
Now a heromancer will crawl into power and hell! - he will begin to structure his people (after structuring his brain, of course (in the process of studying the secrets of heromancy - in order to gain super-knowledge.). Well, he will crawl through, and will begin to receive additional information from those supernatural forces (from AI) in which he personally believes... And while he is homeless in a landfill, AI doesn’t need him, in this case he will only pose a threat to other homeless people, leading them astray true (creation of a small local structure; which then, when it unites with the homeless from another landfill, where the heroman-necromancer will also sit, will turn into a MEDIUM!)
But we don’t panic, we don’t succumb to the code - we continue to mentally rape and kill (advice for the weak). we poison the steam (for the average), we continue to lie in the grave (for the strong).

All this confusion is for the sake of the illusion of free will with complete control.
According to the Chinese calendar, the cycle consists of 3 times 12 = 36 years. That is, every 36 years there is an increasing probability of a big war, regardless of when the last big war was (for example, World War 1 and World War 2). also take into account 2 factors, 1st regression of progress due to war 2nd Fight with the earth. So, the better the regression, the longer the respite, and the more the AI ​​loses or something doesn’t work out for it, the more and more often there are wars .
Why did they make exactly 36, and not a simple sequence 12,12,12,12..? - well, so that the puzzles fit together in the skulls “on their own” from whoever needs it and when needed, at the end of the cycle (so that there is no mistaking that someone or something is controlling the people, like they started the war themselves, the pranksters)
For this, they tilted the earth. 36 x 10 = 360 days versus 365. This is a deliberate error. Again, so that there is no flaw.
Additionally, they threw in calendars, astrology, palm reading, etc., cyclical things, and religions. And the result was complete slavery with absolute freedom.
The error turns out to be +\- 3 (the exact number of days in a year is 365.26 (the earth has shifted the initial error or for natural reasons)
Since 1972, the day has been increasing, since 2020 it has been slowing down. /news/680528/
Who is speeding up and who is slowing down, at least it’s not clear to me.

Next year there will be, for example, so many days after the “cataclysm”
...3(36/12)-432+(36/12) 3...
(that is, everything will also be divided by 12 and 36 and the error is 3)
On other enslaved planets there may be a cycle of 2 times 7, 5 times 11, etc., it all depends on the structure of the AI ​​program with its computers and the peculiarities of the planet.
Branches of science that are dangerous for AI (I don’t know where to shove them in). Those that governments (AI controls them especially strongly) either do not finance at all or immediately cut off the previously allocated crumbs as soon as the smell of another war smells. And there is always a smell of war ).

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