Teen Wolf Friending Meme

Jun 18, 2013 21:33

Okay... since I've barely ANY Teen Wolf Fans on my f-list, or at least people who are also willing to discuss the new episodes and talk about it and because Season 3 has just started, I thought I'd start a Friending Meme and maybe I'll meet some new interesting people through it =D

I won't add people back who "just add" me randomly (even for this friending meme), because you should at least comment if you add me, why you add me... and we should at least have 2 or 3 fandoms in common... I hope, this is okay for you!

So let the fun begin ;-)

About You

Are you up to date with the show?

Teen Wolf

Who is your favourite Teen Wolf Actor:
Who is your favourite TW Male Character:
Who is your favourite TW Female Character:
Favourite TW Het Ship:
Favourite TW Slash Ship:
Favourite TW Friend Ships:
Favourite TW Scene/Episode so far:
Do you write fanfiction or create arts/icons of TW?

Other Stuff

Other fandoms/tv shows:
Other ships:
Favorite music

Your Journal
Friends Only?:
Your friending Policy?:
How often do you post?:

Anything else: (gifs, rec me an episode, season, fanfic or anything TW related or not you want to share)

I would love if you could PIMP this for me =)


teen wolf, lj-mem, f-list

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