Wait and Hope: Chapter Seventeen

Sep 04, 2014 04:00

The Fair

Harry found a place to park the Taurus fairly close to the entrance to the fair, attendance being light at that time of the morning. Most of the concession stands and the rides were still closed, but a flyer handed to them at the fair entrance listed events to be held in a tent pavilion set up at the far end of the concourse. There was a concert scheduled for eleven, a local band being featured in a tribute to the 80’s and 90’s.

Rafe looked around and was about to suggest maybe going into the mall for a cold drink to wait until things picked up; not believing that kind of concert to be something Harry would want to attend.

Of course, Harry had done the unexpected just wanting to attend the fair at all. So Rafe should not have been surprised when the other man commented, “It seems we are a bit early for the general festivities, but we are just in time for the first show. Would you like to hear them?”

Rafe bent over to whisper in Harry’s ear, “I thought Verdi was more your style, not golden oldies from the Hit Parade.”

Three twenty-sums passing by on their way to the show who had slowed down to throw flirtatious glances Rafe’s way scuttled off in a hurry, chattering amongst themselves when he playfully nipped Harry’s ear, kissed Harry’s cheek, then said loudly, “Darlin, don’t you know I go where you go?” He circled Harry’s back with his arm guiding them in the direction of the pavilion.

Of course being middle-aged men, neither Rafe nor Harry had ever heard of the group-a garage band of six young people barely out of their teens known as The Screeching Cats. Once the two were seated, Rafe nudged Harry in the ribs with his elbow and with the straightest of faces lamented, “The band’s name is Screeching Cats. This is Verdi.”

Harry turned his shoulders to face Rafe in confusion, “What does a well-known opera have to do with…” Then it dawned on him - screeching cat, Verdi, D.C. - and Harry laughed, really laughed. “Well let’s just hope this group’s music isn’t as horrendous as their name implies. I’d hate to put you through such torture once again.”

Despite their name and the fact most of the songs the band played were hits before most of them were even born, the group was quite good. Rafe just sat back, his arm over Harry’s shoulders and enjoyed the music not daring to sing along like some of the crowd was doing; Rafe may have been blessed with looks and a speaking voice to die for but he was quite tone deaf. Ah, but Harry, Harry was different.

Every so often Harry would join in and that voice, that voice. But why not?  In a day full of surprises already, add to that list that Harry knew some of the words to most every song and could sing them too. The music was good, sitting close to Harry and listening to him was even better; all too soon the concert was over.

When they exited the tent there was more of a crowd, the rides were open, the game concessionaires were shouting above the din of screams and laughter. The mixed smells coming from the food vendors filled the air.

For it being such a tiny mall fair, Rafe and Harry still spent hours just strolling the midway hand in hand. Of course the first thing they did was buy corndogs, Harry sputtered and nearly choked when Rafe deep throated the golden fried treat well past the stick, slowly pulling it back out - his mouth wrapped around it, his tongue circled the end suggestively after it passed his lips. Rafe then winked, took a bite, and chewed, “Mmm delicious.”

They shared most of the treats they ate like nachos smothered in cheese, a gigantic pretzel, or funnel cake, but Harry did get his revenge later in the day repeating Rafe’s show from earlier only with a frozen chocolate covered banana.

Of course Rafe being Rafe, there weren’t that many of the games he couldn’t win and Harry didn’t feel the least bit silly or embarrassed every time his boyfriend won him some silly little stuffed animal or other vulgar prize.

Between the games, the food, and the concerts the afternoon passed by quickly. They even garnered a bit of a following that would aw or clap happily every time Rafe won his date a prize including a tan furry lion, an orange with black stripes growling tiger, and even a long green snake dotted with black spots, cross-eyed, with a long red tongue. While Harry would save them both a seat for the next event in the pavilion, Rafe would run newly acquired zoo animals to the car.

Every concert Harry wanted to attend, a local high school orchestra, bands performing country and western or today’s contemporary, they went to them all. Rafe mentally tossed out his shockers of the day list and just basked in being in the older man’s company, Rafe’s arm over his shoulders as Harry leaned into Rafe’s side.

When the last concert ended afternoon had given way to evening and while Harry had spent most of it with Rafe’s arm over his shoulder letting the taller man guide him this way or that, he grasped his partner’s large hand in his and pulled Rafe towards the Ferris wheel.

They passed a shooting game on the way there, a game they had missed along the way as it sat alone off to the side of the main concourse. Rafe halted and watched the others trying their luck. He stepped onto the stand, paid his money, but instead of using the air rifle the barker loaded for him, Rafe chose a different one and said, “I’ll use this one, please?”

Harry stood back and watched as Rafe shot target after target dead center, winning a bigger prize each time and trading it in for another try. When the barker finally told Rafe he’d won the biggest prize available and handed him the largest teddy bear adorned with a tie, a waistcoat, and a pair of plastic glasses, Rafe stepped down from the platform and handed the stuffed animal to Harry. “He reminds me of you.” The barker removed his hat and scratched his head as he watched the two walk away - one tall, dark and probably deadly when pushed, the other looking to be as harmless as that teddy bear - an odd pair those two.

Rafe, Harry, and the giant teddy bear made for an unusual sight standing in line waiting their turn. A few onlookers who hadn’t been in the crush of admirers earlier that had been watching and cheering on Rafe’s prize winning feats did plenty of double takes watching the three sitting in one of the ride’s seats; the bucket rising and stopping as riders were unloaded and reloaded into the empty cars. After being reassured for the twentieth time from Harry that he would be all right Rafe had let Harry pull him by his hand through the line until they settled in the car, the operator latching the safety bar in place.

This could never be compared with looking down from an aircraft thousands of feet in the air preparing to jump as the car stopped at the ride’s circular apex. When Harry turned in his seat while getting Rafe to face him then pulled the younger man’s head down to kiss him hard on the mouth, Harry’s tongue pressing against Rafe’s lips begging for entrance, the once Army Ranger thought, no, it would never compare, this was so much more thrilling. As the ride began its continuous circles, Rafe and Harry would separate for a brief moment when their car would reach its summit in the rotation to look out together at the city’s skyline before locking their lips in another set of passionate kisses.

Of course two men and a giant teddy bear were kind of hard to miss, and none did a harder double take than her date when Sherry shouted, “Hi!” waving with one hand while grabbing her date’s arm with the other, “There’s Rafe!” Detective Fusco nearly choked on his bite of Italian Sausage when he saw who Rafe was engaged with in a serious game of tonsil hockey.

While Sherry smacked him on his back, Fusco managed to sputter and spew out, “THAT’S RAFE’S YOUNG MAN?” When Sherry’s boss had said young man, Lionel had expected to see a, well, a young man. Not someone many years Rafe’s senior and certainly not Glasses. Sherry just laughed when she was sure Fusco wasn’t going to choke to death, “That’s just my uncle. Any man not his age or older is a young man.  That’s Rafe’s sweet little geek. Aren’t they adorable?”

Lionel shook his head, “Yeah adorable.” Fusco thought to himself about some fine detective he made. Sherry had gone on more than once about her friend Rafe’s boyfriend, a cute little guy who looked like a nerdy college professor. Who else could that be but Finch?

Sherry grabbed Fusco pulling him out of the line with her to go meet the two men at the ride’s exit. Even though Rafe had told him about Fusco being in on stopping the robbery attempt at the diner and his friend Sherry had taken a liking to the burly detective, Rafe could tell Harry was more than a bit uncomfortable seeing them in person.

Rafe believed the reason for the man’s unease was that Harry was thinking the way Rafe had when Sherry mentioned their double dating, that it was too dangerous to be seen in public with the detective. When Sherry went on and on about how fast and hard the two men had fallen for each other, Rafe fawned all over Harry kissing him full on the lips in front of Fusco.

Rafe grinned happily staring into Harry’s eyes, “Yes. It was love at first sight.” One gay man kissing another who was carrying a giant teddy bear would hardly allow Samaritan to realize who they used to be. Even standing next to Fusco, no way was there footage to compare.

Rafe suggested they go buy something cold to drink for their dates asking Fusco to join him. When they were far enough away, Rafe pulled Fusco behind a concession stand. When he was sure they couldn’t be seen or heard, John told Fusco that Harold and he had more or less retired. Shaw and Samantha Groves might need the detective’s help though and John asked Lionel to give it to them as a favor to Harold and him.

John nodded yes when Fusco blurted out, “You want me to help Cuckoo’s Nest?” Lionel shook his head, and then looked up at John, “Yeah sure, as a favor for Glasses.”

While Harry and Sherry waited on their dates to return, they made small talk. Harry thanked Rafe’s friend for being so kind and generous with offering Rafe the use of her car and her family’s vacation cottage the Sunday before. Sherry apologized for her being such a bitch the day they first met. Sherry thought it was cute but kind of strange the way Harry kept hugging the stuffed bear in front of him.

When Detective Fusco and Rafe returned, Sherry suggested that the two couples spend some time together. Rafe was about to say yes, he really wasn’t ready to go just yet and truth be told John loved finally being able to be free to show any and everyone how madly in love he was with Harold.

Only Harry apologized before Rafe could say yes, “I am sorry, I would love to spend some time with the two of you. Rafe and I have been here for hours and I really am quite exhausted. Perhaps another day we could meet for dinner?”

Everyone was free the following Monday night, arrangements were made to meet at Perry's that night at seven PM and the couples parted. Sherry and Fusco returned back to the line for their turn on the Ferris wheel. Fusco hadn’t won his date a giant plushy, at least not yet, but he sure hoped to prove he was as good a kisser as Rafe.

Rafe had to squeeze Harold the Bear into the back of the Taurus; the stuffed animals were already piled too high almost blocking the rear view mirror. Once the two men were settled in the front, Rafe tilted his head a bit and laid a hand on Harry’s right shoulder, “I know you weren’t all that tired, did it bother you to be seen near Fusco? I don’t think Samaritan is targeting kissing and hand holding.”

Harry swallowed, “No. No it’s not that. I mean about being seen near Fusco. Although what I found quite unsettling is my reaction to all the kissing.” When Rafe frowned, Harry grabbed Rafe’s hand from his shoulder and laid it across his own lap to feel the erection that hadn’t softened since their Ferris wheel ride and certainly not after Rafe’s possessive kiss in front of their friends.

Rafe threw his head back and laughed in relief, “I thought…never mind what I thought.” Rafe squeezed the bulge in Harry’s slacks, “I suppose we better head home, you are…exhausted!”

A happy and contented couple drove up to Harry’s brownstone, Harry pulling the car into his parking space. Rafe helped haul the menagerie of plushies into the building. Jack met them at the door. Harry tried to sidestep the bouncing dog as he admonished, “These are not for you. No chewing.”

Rafe laughed and asked Jack to heel. The furry trio passed by Martha’s open door. The lady of the house was leaning against the door frame smiling indulgently. “Looks like you have a talented beau there, Harry.”

Harry blushed and dipped his red face to burrow into the side of a pink elephant. Rafe puffed his chest out in pride. He took a large stuffed unicorn with a flowing mane up to Martha’s hand and bowed, “For the fair maiden, a gallant steed.”

Martha took the toy into her arms and curtsied. “Thank you Sir Knight! I shall treasure him.”

Rafe nodded, “We are grateful to the maiden for caring for our impressive hound. We shall take the mighty canine to our castle where he will guard his masters as they sleep.” He leaned over to kiss her on the cheek and whispered, “Thank you. I’d like to see you for breakfast around eight, if that is alright?”

Martha nodded then said her goodnights. Harry waved the snake at her and called out a good night and a thank you. The three took the stairs quickly. Harry had trouble getting his keys with his arms full holding onto a giant teddy, a silly cross-eyed snake, and one pink elephant. Rafe tried to fish them out of Harry’s pocket for him by reaching into the one covering Harry’s now semi-flaccid penis. Rafe rubbed it innocently then pulled out the key ring, “Here they are! I really do need to get you inside, before you wilt completely.

Once inside, the dog went for his water bowl but the humans went to find a tall shelf for the newly acquired zoo. When all the prizes were safe, Harry suggested they shower off the fair grease then have some hot chocolate. Rafe sidled up to take Harry’s hips into his hands. He shimmied his own hips against Harry’s as he lowered his mouth to nibble on Harry's right ear. Their stubble scratched invitingly as they nuzzled. Rafe whispered low and gravelly into that ear, “A shower would be great. But we need to save water. The future depends on our conservation.”

Harry pulled back to look at Rafe. “I would love to get clean but would it be safe?”

Rafe began to unbutton Harry’s shirt revealing grey and brown chest hair. The sight made Rafe bite his bottom lip. Distracted by the view he almost didn’t hear the question. He looked up abruptly, “Of course. You know I would never let you fall.”

Harry understood that they were talking about more than a slippery floor. He trusted Rafe with his heart already, might as well trust him with the whole body. “Of course I know that. I would love to shower with you.”

Rafe smiled, pulling off Harry’s shirt and tossing it onto a chair. After unbuckling Harry’s belt Rafe let the older man use his arms for balance as Harry slipped off his shoes. Bending to one knee, Rafe slid Harry’s slacks and boxers down the other man’s hips as he knelt. Harry’s hands had moved up to rest lightly on Rafe’s back using it now to steady himself as the kneeling man helped him remove the rest of Harry's clothes.

As Rafe stood to look upon Harry’s now nude body and tried to pull him close, Harry held him back with the palms of his hands spread over Rafe’s chest. Harry moved his palms downward over Rafe’s abdomen across to his sides, where Harry pulled up at the hem of Rafe’s pullover. Harry’s lust filled eyes let his lover know that he needed to see Rafe’s body just as much. Rafe pulled the shirt up and off before removing his own shoes, socks, jeans, and briefs in one fluid movement.

Fighting the temptation to just pull Harry into the bedroom not the bath, Rafe moved them both down the short hall both of them kissing and groping their way into the small room. They only paused long enough for Rafe to turn on the shower’s faucets and adjust the water’s temperature, before Rafe allowed Harry to step into the shower first. The shower wasn’t large but definitely bigger than his and roomy enough for the two of them to move around without banging an elbow or shin on metal or tile.

They kissed and rubbed each other under the warm water. Rafe lathered his hands and traced the faint scars on Harry’s neck, down past the still pinkish starburst shaped scar under his right shoulder blade to the mottled scars of the bad hip.

Rafe memorized them as he massaged the muscles. Finally Rafe reached that full ass. Both of Rafe’s long, massive hands were needed to encompass the whole expanse. Harry’s bottom filled Rafe’s palms perfectly. Rafe felt as if he could effortlessly lift Harry into his arms just by holding his ass. He wouldn’t in the shower but that feeling of being capable of holding and caring for Harry, of being powerful enough to remove Harry from danger, to bring him to a safe place was energizing. Rafe would be able to save Harry if things went bad, Rafe would be there in time because they would never be separated again. The surge of protectiveness and love had Rafe hardening to his full girth. He was poking Harry in the stomach.

Harry noticed the added excitement in Rafe’s body. Harry leaned his forehead on Rafe’s chest. He looked down the sleek body to see that large shaft. Things were blurry without his glasses but he could see Rafe’s cock perfectly. It was red and plump, just starting to purple at the tip. Harry grabbed it with a firm and sure grip. Rafe lurched forward into the pressure of Harry’s fist. It felt fantastic. The heat and the water made the way easy.

Kneading the mounds of flesh in his hands in unison with his hips pumping his cock up and down into Harry’s stroking fist gave Rafe ideas. The sensation added to these new ideas overstimulated his already fevered body. It took only a few synchronized movements of the three actions before Rafe stiffened as he spilled bursts of white semen on Harry’s chest and stomach. His only ways of release had been in dreams or by his own hand and after so many months of separation, to have it be real this time with this man was overwhelming. He couldn’t hold back and deny this ecstasy.

Rafe turned Harry under the faucet’s spray to rinse the results of his passion from the other man. Harry’s cock was still hard and waiting. Turning off the water Rafe sank to his knees, the fullness now at eye level. He was no novice at giving head, but this was his first experience with someone he cherished, loved.

Rafe encircled the girth of Harry’s cock with thumb and forefinger. He moved the circle towards the sensitive ring above the cock head, barely teasing it with a whisper of touch while sticking his tongue out to lap at the fluid dripping from the reddening tip. Moving the circle he’d formed back up the shaft, Rafe followed it with his mouth until his lips touched the wiry patch of pubic hair surrounding Harry’s shaft.

When Harry moaned his pleasure and began trying to move his hips, trying to fuck into the haven of Rafe’s mouth, Rafe reached up, holding the straining thighs still with his hands. Using only his mouth, Rafe coaxed the other man’s orgasm from him by fucking Harry’s cock with his mouth, sucking and licking the sensitive head.

Harry hadn’t felt this particular pleasure in years, nearly a decade. He gasped when he felt the pressure building in his spine and tried to push Rafe off him. Rafe only sucked harder until Harry filled his mouth, crying out John's name as he came, hard. As he rode the waning wave of bliss, Harry ran his fingers rapidly through Rafe’s damp forelocks. While sucking in air to catch his breath, Harry was looking down watching through half-closed eyes with a bit of awe as Rafe swallowed down every drop of Harry’s essence, then released his softening cock to lick it clean.

Rafe stood up quickly when he felt Harry’s thighs begin to shake. They kissed lazily as they exited the shower. The physical and emotional toll of the day had both men yawning as they dried off. Rafe checked on Jack and went for a final loop around the building with him. Once the dog had emptied his bladder, Rafe took the stairs slowly as his afterglow hit. He was ready for bed. He hoped Harry wouldn’t be too disappointed.

Canine and man entered the apartment rather loudly. Louder still though was the snoring coming from the bed. It was Harry, conked out sideways on the bed. He looked like he had gotten his pants on then sat to put on his socks. Once the socks were on he must have leaned back and been out like a light.

Rafe smiled then carefully readjusted Harry so that he was on the bed correctly with his neck supported. Once Harry was situated, Rafe turned out the lights and double checked all the security features. A lock and deadbolt looked to be it. So he sent Jack to his bed. Rafe drank a glass of water then settled into bed himself. He snuggled close to Harry. Within seconds, Rafe too was asleep with a small smile on his face.


pter Five

Chapter Six      Chapter Seven      Chapter Eight     Chapter Nine      Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven      Chapter Twelve      Chapter Thirteen      Chapter Fourteen      Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen      Chapter Seventeen      Chapter Eighteen      Chapter Nineteen      Epilogue

canon divergence, explicit, ofc, au fic, harold finch, lionel fusco, harold finch/john reese, welcome, nc-17, slash, author blue-finch, person of interest tv, mature, john reese

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