Second Chances Chapter Seventeen

Jun 15, 2014 22:39

Harold's Desperate Move

Bear practically ran up to the two men, training nearly forgotten as he seemed to get ready to jump up on Harold to greet him. Instead the dog snapped to a sitting position in front of the man, whining softly.

Harold bent down to stroke the dog’s head, “It’s okay…?


“…Bear, I’m fine.” Bear started licking at Harold’s face and whined more, the dog’s way of trying to take away the hurt on his face.

“Bear, Foi! Af liggen.” Bear stopped his ministrations and trotted off to lie on the bed John had brought from Leon’s.

Harold glanced up at John, his face questioning as he tried to straighten back up.

“I told him to stop and go lay down.” John answered unconsciously taking hold of Harold's arm and pulling him up.

“Why don’t you go sit and rest awhile? I’m just going to warm up the take-out I picked up. I’m not back up to speed yet. Checking up on the business for those few hours and then going to pick up Bear wore me out.” John had walked over to the kitchen doorway as Harold went to sit in a winged-back chair.

“Okay John, but our discussion earlier is not finished. I am not going to let it drop this time. There’s something going on here…I’m not giving up.” Harold hadn’t put much force into the words. John saw that Harold was worn out, but the stubborn man would never admit it.

“Fine, let’s just eat first. We need to eat.” John conceded as he stopped in the doorway and looked back.

While he put the foil wrapped food into a pan to warm in the oven and mixed up a salad to go with, John thought back to his visit earlier in the day to the new operations base.

Shaw sneeringly had told him her buddy Hersh and his cronies weren’t concerned with Harold Wren any more, they were after their machine. The one that was built already and still sending them relevant numbers. The agency didn't want The Machine's creator to build another, they just wanted the functioning one back under their control. They had already figured out Wren was of no use to them  locating their missing system.

The irrelevant numbers were coming to the newly formed team, though not through payphones and secret codes anymore. Leon thought whoever had sent Harold and John the numbers was contacting him now, with not only a social security number but relevant information as well that was sent through to Leon’s computers. Actually Reese suspected The Machine had altered its programming once more.

Shaw had brought on some of her former colleagues, she didn’t like them, but they could be trusted. And with them doing the leg work and Leon the Intel, along with assists from Carter and Fusco, several numbers had been helped already.

Before John could leave though, Leon called him over to a monitor. On it was displayed, Take care of him. “What is that?” Leon was looking at the screen puzzled.

”It’s just a message for me. You’re doing great Leon; we were right about you, all of you. Finch’s mission is in good hands. I thank you all.” John walked away from the new partners.”

Shaw called out as John was walking away, “Take of him John. Harold is one of the good ones.”

John frowned, Shaw expected him to watch over Harold, even The Machine was trusting its father to him.

What am I doing? It’s wrong to push Harold away. He says he wants me. Even his child wants me to take care of its father now. No, I can’t. Finch called for Grace.

The timer on the oven going off brought him from his musings. John pulled the food from the oven and went to tell Finch to wash up. When he poked his head around the corner to say something, Harold was sound asleep in the chair.

John went over to wake him, but when he was close enough to gently shake him, all he could do was lovingly stroke Harold’s face tracing along the faint suture lines with his fingers.

I only love you more.

John lightly touched the leather eye patch Harold now wore permanently over his left eye not wanting any more surgeries, cosmetic or otherwise. The patch, the scars only made Harold look even more handsome in his eyes.

“John?” Harold mumbled sleepily.

“Come on, let’s get you to bed, you’re exhausted.” John covered as he hastily pulled his hand away. He helped Harold up, put the other man's arm around his waist, holding it there and helped Finch to his room.

Reese tried to help Harold sit down on the settee near the door, planning to pull the man's shoes and socks off at least, when the not so sleep groggy man turned, put his other arm around John and pulled him tight up against his body. Before he could resist Harold raised his lips up to John’s and kissed him hard on the mouth, Harold’s tongue pressing against his lips.

John resisted for a moment before opening his mouth to let Harold in and kissed him back just as hard. Their tongues danced together, tasting the other’s mouth with fervor. Moans of want escaped their joined lips. They finally had to release the kiss to gasp for air…

“Tell…me now…you don’t…want me,” Harold rested his forehead on John’s shoulder.

“I can’t…I can’t…I want…you.”

Harold raised his head then, looked up at John, want and desire blazing in his eye. “Then have me.” He stepped back then, pulled the polo shirt over his head and tossed it aside, then kicked off his shoes. Harold reached down to undo the button on his slacks, when John reached out to grab his hands.

“Let me.”

Harold dropped his hands to his sides while John undid the button and eased down the zipper, brushing his knuckles against Harold’s hardening cock. “I want this in me.” John then reached into Harold’s briefs, stroking his length.

Harold reached up, wrapped his arms around John, and then pulled him in close, trapping John’s hand between them.  “Stop, this will end too soon. I want to fuck you…now…tonight….please?” Then he relaxed his arms and stepped back slightly.

Hearing that expletive coming from Harold’s mouth weirdly made his own dick twitch. John released Harold's shaft easing his hand from under the elastic band of the underwear. He brushed his fingertips up Harold's stomach and over the sparse hair with its downward v-shape surrounding his navel. John's hand  continued its exploration up Harold's chest, where it joined his other hand there running through the soft chest hair covering it.

Placing his palms flat on Harold's chest, John bent his head brushing his lips quickly over Harold's before maneuvering them nearer the bed. When they could get no closer, John eased both slacks and briefs down past Harold's hips, then gently pushed him to sit on the edge and finished pulling everything off including socks before stepping back.

John throatily asked Harold to make himself comfortable, while he hastily stripped off his own clothes. Harold didn’t move, just stared at John’s body, as each part became bare.

When John was nude, Harold’s eye was filled with even more want. When he made to get onto the bed, John stopped him with a husky, “Wait!” John went to the other side, climbed on and moved to sit on his knees behind his lover. He ran his hands up and down Harold’s arms and shoulders and across his chest again. “How do you want me?” He whispered against his neck, his fingers now flicking Harold’s hardening nipples.

“On your stomach...I think.”

John moved to lie down as he watched Harold reach over and pull some things from the nightstand and place them on the headboard’s shelf. “I found these here…before,” answering John’s questioning glance.

Harold then pulled his legs up on the bed and lay on his side, facing his soon to be mate.

Harold tenderly ran has hand up and down John’s back, then lightly over his buttocks, and then parted them, fingers pressed against his opening. “John?”

”I’m ready...I want you to keep going? He turned his head, face down into the pillow.

Harold pulled his hand away for a second. John heard the snap of the lubricant bottle opening, before he felt Harold's hand parting his cheeks again and a finger breach his opening, gently seeking out the small bump of his prostate, rubbing against it. John couldn’t contain his moan of pleasure, that had Harold whispering against his hair,  “That feel good, more?” John didn’t say anything just pushed back against that hand.

A second finger, then a third joined the first, adding more lube, stretching him open along with more rubbing against his prostrate, until he was ready to scream or flip Harold on his back and impale himself on that hard cock that had been pressing into his hip.

“Do it…now…please!?”

Harold pulled his fingers out, laid back a bit. John felt him open the foil pack, roll a condom on. The smaller man's weight was nothing as he rolled himself over on John’s back. Harold reached down, positioning his cock head at Reese’s opening and pushed it in, then moved his hands under John’s shoulders, using them to then pull himself all the way in.

John wasn’t expecting to be filled balls deep in one push. It burned a little, but the feeling of being filled by his lovers cock, all of it, felt so damn good, he hardly noticed it. Harold had stopped moving, before being urged on by his mate's, “I’m okay, love me now, fuck me.”

Harold couldn’t thrust with his bad hip, but made up for it using his arms to pull and push his body moving his cock in and out of John. Reese felt him try to go slowly but after the first pull and thrust, Harold couldn’t contain himself, his movements became almost desperate with the need to spill himself. It was only a few frantic push and pulls of his body, before John felt him tense, and moan his release.

Harold rested his sweat covered forehead on John’s shoulder blades breathing heavily, “John…that was--Oh?--You haven’t…Can you move with me--on our left sides?” Harold rolled left and John along with him, until they both were lying on their sides, still connected, Harold's cock semi-flaccid.

Harold slid under his partner's body with his left arm and with his right reached over him and wrapped his right hand around John’s erection, stroking it from base to head in time with his thrusting into John once more, his shaft hardening again with each push. John’s hand joined Harold’s, both their hands working his cock, John pushing his ass to meet the Harold’s thrusts into him. Only a few strokes brought John off, semen covering both their hands, the muscles of his opening tightening as he came pushed Harold over the edge again too.

Pulling his now softening cock out John, Harold rolled onto his back, trying to catch his breath, rasping out, “I doubt I have ejaculated twice like this in years. That's how much I wanted you.”

John rolled onto his other side, and then looked at his lover. “I’m so sorry.”

“Just don’t you ever try to push me away again, I love you John.” Harold reached down to remove the overfilled condom and tossed it in the trash. Looking at John earnestly he warned, “Never again,” before pulling his lover down for a kiss.

“Never” John kissed him back. “I love you too.”

John got up just long enough to get something to clean them up and soon after they fell asleep, spooned together, Harold holding tight to John’s hand.


Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six

Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen

canon divergence, explicit, ofc, au fic, harold finch, amnesia, harold finch/john reese, slash, grace hendricks, m/m, john reese

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