Second Chances Chapter Fourteen

Jun 15, 2014 21:44

Plans Made for Harold's Hospital Release

Well!” John frowned at him. “How did things go? I’m guessing not so well. Grace seemed to be in a hurry. She just told me you wanted to see me and left without so much as a backward glance.”

“No. I don’t think things went very well at all John. I tried to not let it show how uncomfortable I was. But I think she still picked up on how tense I was with her even being in the room.”

“I’m sorry John, I know you are trying to help, that you think reuniting Grace and me would make things easier somehow. It just didn’t happen. I hope I don’t sound like a heartless bastard right now, but the truth is I think I would be just fine if I never saw Miss Hendricks again.”

John frowned even more then. “You really need to give her a chance Harold.”

John walked over to the window and stared out. With his back turned to Harold he told him, “I wouldn’t have interfered. We were heading there before… Well you love her, believe me. It might be awkward between you two now but please just let her help.”

Harold frustration tinged his response, “I promised her I would at least try. I just don’t know how to make you understand John. I just couldn’t connect with her is the only way I know how describe it. And I really can’t say it bothered me that we didn’t. “

There it was, that brief moment of pain in John’s eyes when he turned to speak, then it was gone.  “Give it time Harold. It’s strained because she just found out you’re alive and you don’t remember her at all. Not exactly an ideal reunion. Just trust me, you need her.”

Harold gestured with his hands in John’s direction, “Yes that’s just it; I do trust you. I don’t remember you either, yet…I have you, don’t I?  I feel connected to you somehow. I can’t explain it; I don’t even know how to.” Shrugging his shoulders and shaking his head with resentment, Harold snapped, “I am only accepting Miss Hendricks’, Grace’s, help because of you. I just don’t understand why you are pushing me towards her. “

“Harold it’s what you want--”

“Damn it John, I’m not totally blind. You try to hide it but you can’t. It’s not what you want, not really. Talk to me!-Please?--What do you really want?--What do you need?” Harold pleaded loudly. Lowering his voice to almost a whisper, “I know what I want, what I need…you.”

“Please, Harold, don’t do this--”

Dr. Pradipta walked into the room just then. “Excuse me. I hope I’m not interrupting something. I have some good news for you Mr. Bunting. We are going to release you today, on one condition. You need someone to stay with you for a few weeks.”

The doctor looked at the chart in his hands. “I don’t see any more complications from your head trauma. The cuts and bruising are healing well. There is the scarring that will require cosmetic surgery at a later date if you so choose.”

Dr. Pradipta walked over and raised the front of the bed even more to check his patients face closely, while speaking at the same time, “I just want someone to be there with you the first few weeks. The nurses tell me you have been doing good getting around here in your room since the Lasik was performed on your right eye early this morning. It will be difficult at first and eventually you will be able to do most of the things you did before losing the sight in your left eye. But it will take time and I don’t want you to be alone, at least for a week or two.”

Harold was elated for a moment until it dawned on him, “I am anxious to get out of here, but I don’t even know where I will be going, let alone who can stay with me. John?”

John hadn’t planned on where Finch would go to after leaving the hospital and maybe it wasn’t a wise decision to do it, but the offer jumped out without a moment of hesitation, “Of course I’ll stay with him Dr. and we’ll stay at Harold’s apartment. Just give me a few hours to get things ready.”

Dr. Pradipta nodded his approval, “That’s excellent. It’ll take an hour or so to prepare the release papers, write out the prescriptions for the medications Mr. Bunting will need to take and the post-discharge instructions.”

The surgeon shook both men’s hands then. “I’ll get things started then. I wish you both the best. Take care of yourselves Harold, John.”

When the doctor left, John smiled down at Harold, “We’ll I guess I better go too. I’ll be back in two hours, tops.”

Harold cleared his throat, asking bashfully, “John, umm, can you bring me some clothes? Then more sternly he added, “And we’re not done talking.”

“Of course, I’ll bring back something for you to wear. And I know. You never give up Harold. We’ll talk, but first let’s get you out of here!”


John drove to the safe-house, he had taken Monica too. One that Harold spent a lot time at, although it was not Finch’s real home, it was as close to one as could be. It looked lived in; yet nothing in the place gave away anything about Harold Wren-Finch-Traxler. It was perfect for Harold Bunting.

John went back to the Finch’s real home, the lovely blue two story house. The flowers were blooming profusely. Oh how Harold must have loved the yard’s beauty John thought. The grass was mowed, the flower beds weeded, plants trimmed neatly. I’ll have to make sure the yard stays tended, hire a caretaker for both the house and its grounds. Reese would see to the care of Harold’s home.

Using the keys Reese had ‘retrieved’ from Harold’s belongings in the hospital safe, John went into the house. Reese took in the rooms once more, walls adorned with photos of Wren and both Ingrams, father and son. Various plaques for both IFT and Universal Heritage hung on the wall as well as awards and trophies on the shelves of the recessed bookcases, all waiting for their owner’s return.

This was Harold Wren’s home, until John had found what was hidden in a secret room. While gathering up some of Harold’s clothing, John found the small nook barely large enough to fit the bureau and double bed in it, the only entrance a concealed door in the master bedroom’s closet. Now this was Finch, a hidden room secreted away like man had tried to keep his affections for John for so long.

There John found a single picture of Grace, like a reminder, tucked away on one corner of Harold’s bureau. What clenched at Reese’s heart were the pictures of him, many had to have come from surveillance footage, John in various personas working their cases, framed and hanging on the walls. On the bureau in front of Grace’s picture were more framed photos, one of him walking in the park with Bear, alone in the library sitting in Finch’s office chair feet up next to the keyboards on Harold’s table and even one of a youthful, innocent John in uniform.

Harold had loved John; there was no doubt about that. Harold had kept silent; secretly loving John, with these pictures his only companionship at night. John wavered in his decision to go through with his plan to be John Richards, Harold Bunting’s best friend and business partner.

Should I just give up on Harold?

But I have to, don’t I?

Hurting, confused and sedated Harold had called out for Grace, not him.  John had to do this, for Finch. John found a suitcase and an overnight bag in the closet. The suitcase he filled with some of Harold’s clothes. The picture of Grace, along with some of Finch’s personal effects, Reese placed in the overnight. Door clicking and locking behind him John walked down the three steps with a case in each hand. Once the baggage was in the trunk of the rental car, John looked back at the house bidding it a silent goodbye from both Harold and himself.

John returned to the safe-house, now Harold Bunting’s home and unpacked the cases, keeping out the set of clothes he had promised to bring back to the hospital. Before heading there to pick up Finch, Reese made sure everything he brought from the two-story was in place for the ruse.

Only what do I do about Harold he thought. Finch suspects we are more than friends; I tried to hide my feelings, but not enough. Harold thinks he needs me, not Grace. But it was her name Finch called out when he was scared and hurting.

How do I pretend to just be Bunting’s friend for the next two weeks?  How can I go on trying to convince Harold that it’s Grace that he needs when all I want is to be the one to love and care for him?


Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six

Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen

canon divergence, explicit, ofc, au fic, harold finch, amnesia, harold finch/john reese, slash, grace hendricks, m/m, john reese

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