I Need You Safe - 2/??

Jun 05, 2008 05:25

Series: I need you safe
Part: Two
Word Count: 2103
Characters: Jack Harkness, Martha Jones, mentions of the team, OC's
Pairings: Jack/Ianto
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Angst! AU!
Warning: Spoilers for Exit Wounds and the whole of the second series.
Disclaimer: Alas the Torchwood character's are not mine, they belong to other more fabulous people. Which makes me sad. The OC's are all my creations though, not that i wouldn't share them with RTD. 'Cause i so would ^_^

Un-beta'ed, sorry. Any and all mistakes are my own (i'm known as the typo queen around friends), and i apologize for them.

Authors Ramble: I'm sorry it's taken me so long to get this second bit posted, but work has gotten crazy out of hand. And also, to be honest i've been a little unsure about this fic. I know where it's going, and what i'm planing to do. But it's very original character heavy in some bits and i know that OC's don't always go over well. So i've been ho-humming over it the whole time. Just remember, that the characters build up as each chapter goes. I don't lay out their entire backgrounds in the first go, so be patient.

Summary: Jack takes desperate measures to assure his remaining staff is safe, which leaves him with a new team who are experiencing a VERY different side of Jack. Now it's up to one of his closest friends to try and straighten things out.

One Year Later....

Captain Jack Harkness was an enigma to his team, a stern man who was hard and guarded and yet at times had the most caring eyes in the universe. Which in a way almost made his harshly snapped orders a bit more tolerable, knowing that somewhere deep in his soul behind those damnable blue eyes that he was just a damaged lonely man. The team of Torchwood three knew very little of his last staff, and learned early on not to ask about them. Bringing up his past team only ever put the Captain in a foul mood, which in turn would make everyone else's life a living hell.

Jack that morning happened to be in a brooding mood, which wasn't all that unusual. He could brood for days, and a lot of the time he did. He usually slipped into those types of moods when he was bored, and that morning during his staff meeting he had found himself extremely bored. Which is why he idly tapped his pen against his thumb, knowing that soon enough the noise it was causing would start to annoy his team.
He watched them, hiding any amusement he was getting from waiting for one of them to crack behind his cold expression. Jack knew exactly what to look for to know he was getting to the five people that sat around him.

Mackenzie would likely be the first to say something. She was his medical officer, a stern looking woman with hark hair and dark eyes. She was in her mid thirties, and would most likely say something to Jack that would cause him to flinch. She was a conniving woman, who liked to suss out the weakness in other people and then use said weakness to her advantage. That made Jack wonder exactly why someone like that would choose a profession where she was sworn to help ease the suffering and pain of others, when she so obviously had a deep running sadistic streak.

Collin would be the next to go, he'd end up pinching the bridge of his nose and sighing. Collin was young, too young. Barely twenty years old, a bright eyed boy with a mop of messy curly brown hair and a mind that rivaled those of professors twice times his age. He did most of the computer and technical work, if not all.

Nareesh would bite on the nail bed of her right thumb, it was her one and only give when it came to stress. She was the archivist and extra tech support, a young woman in her mid twenties who was as smart as a whip. She was also gorgeous, which was always a nice little extra. She had olive skin and slick black hair that hung just below her waist. She was the only one, Jack noted, that he knew anything about outside of work. But that was only because the gold band on her ring finger and traditional red bindi that she wore on her forehead meant that she was most obviously married.

James, who was the most stoic of the bunch wouldn't say or do anything. It intrigued Jack that no matter how annoying he could be, James always managed to act unfazed. He was their security officer, a new position that Jack had decided Torchwood needed after the debacle with his last team. James was a large, bald, muscled man in his mid thirties with very dark skin and a deep voice.

The new receptionist and general support worker; Jack couldn't bring himself to call her a maid, even though that was essentially what she was. Was a young girl with a sunny disposition named Emma, no more than twenty-one years old. She, bless her, wouldn't even notice Jack's annoying pen tapping. Not that she was daft, just in a world of her own most of the time. Her bright blue eyes and blonde bob-cut always managed to get Jack to smile when she walked in with his morning tea each day.'

Jack had just finished listing off his staff in his head when sure enough he saw signs of growing annoyance building, as predicted Mackenzie was first to say something. "Sir!" She snapped, glaring.

"Yes?" Jack was the picture of innocence as he spoke.

"Would you like a cup of coffee? I'm going to nip down to the kitchen to get one for myself." She watched him carefully, an eyebrow arched. The other four people all looked at Jack expectantly, waiting to see his reaction.

Jack glared at the woman for a moment before getting up abruptly. "This meeting's over." He told them tightly, making a quick exit. The rest of the team all looked at Mackenzie.

"What?" She questioned.

"You know you shouldn't mention coffee around him." Emma told her.

"He was being a pain, besides, who gets that fussed over a drink? It's a stupid thing to get attached too." Mackenzie said simply while gathering her things up before leaving the room.

"She's got a point." James said flippantly. "It is a silly thing to get attached too." He held the door of the conference room open for the rest of the team to leave.

"I believe the word she used was 'stupid'." Collin pointed out.

"Yes, well perhaps i'm just more polite than Mac." The other three laughed at that. "It could happen."

"Not likely." Nareesh said, patting James' large bicep.

"It could." He insisted, which made them laugh again. "Oh bugger off, all of you!" James snapped.

Jack watched from his office window as the team filed out of the conference room and scattered to different areas of the hub, going about their business. It amazed him how odd they all looked to him walking through the hub, working, laughing, living. He often found himself having to be given a mental shake when he's seem them go about their day, and he'd do a double take because he was expecting to see Tosh or Gwen bounding about. Or to hear Owen cursing over his video game, or smell Ianto's premium coffee cooking. Those were the people he always expected to see, but never did.

There was a chiming sound from behind him which caused Jack to go look at his computer, a tiny window had popped up signaling that he had mail. With a sigh he sat down and opened the link, seeing that it was from Martha. He rolled his eyes, he had be dodging the UNIT doctor for months. Ever since she started to inquire as to why Ianto no longer returned her e-mails, and persisted to ask if everything was all right. It seemed no matter how many times Jack assured her that everything was indeed fine, she was never placated. He didn't want to have to try and explain himself to her, or explain his actions. So when he opened the e-mail and read the three word note that was there, he cursed loudly.

At the same time as he swore, his phone beeped. Pressing the bluetooth headset on, he barked. "What?"

"Uh, Captain?" Emma's voice sounded a little worried in his ear.

With an inward sigh, Jack calmed his tone. "What is it Emma?"

"There's a UNIT officer here, asking to speak to you immediately." She told him, still sounding less than sure.

"Send her down." He told the receptionist in a defeated voice.

"How did you know it was a 'her'?" Emma asked, sounding a little bewildered.

"Oh, i have my ways." Jack said simply, looking at his computer screen where Martha's message sill sat. 'I'm in town.' It read.

As expected the second everyone found out that there was a visitor, they all flocked to the main level of the hub to see who it was. Jack groaned silently at their noisiness, and considered telling them all to piss off. Only before he could even come to a decision as to whether or not to do that, the cog door rolled open with Emma leading Martha in. Jack beamed when he saw her, he couldn't help himself.

Martha quickly made her way over to him, pulling him into a hug. "Oh i've missed you!" She exclaimed, giving Jack a tight squeeze. "But what with you dodging my calls and your bland e-mails, i knew something was up." She told him as they separated. "So i thought i'd pop in and...." She paused, looking around. "Who the hell are all these people?" She asked, catching sight of the many unfamiliar faces staring at her.

"Martha Jones, meet Torchwood Three. Guys, this is doctor Martha Jones of UNIT." Jack gave a hasty and half-assed introduction.

Martha arched an eyebrow, looking around at the new team. "Hmmm, really?" She quipped, looking at Jack with her hands on her hips.

"Yes, really." He told her firmly. The two seemed locked in a staring contest of sorts, neither one looking particularly impressed.

"Um, i think we'll get back to work." Naressh said quietly, attempting to usher the rest off.

"No wait, i think she may hit him." Mackenzie said with a smirk, which caused Collin to stifle a small laugh. Jack's attention snapped to his staff, a warning look in his eyes.

"Yeah, um, work. Right." Collin said quickly. "Better do it." He hurried away to his desk. The rest followed suit, trying to hide the very obvious fact that they were still watching Jack and the new comer.

"What have you done Jack" Martha questioned.

"Let's talk in my office."

"Where's Gwen?" She persisted, refusing to move. "Where's Ianto?"

Jack's gaze hardened at the mention of his two ex-staff members. "My office, now!" He ordered in the voice that more often then not made the rest of his team, save James, jump. So when Martha just laughed curtly at him, the other people in the hub actually gasped. Giving up the charade that they were working, their eyes were once again on Jack and Martha.

"I'm not one of your people Jack, i don't take orders from you."

With a sigh Jack realized she was right. "Please Martha?" He said, hunching his shoulders a bit.

"Oh fine!" She huffed, walking into the office with Jack.

Once the door was closed Nareesh leaned over from her work station to whisper to Collin. "Who the hell was that and what did she do to the Captain?"

Collin shook his head, shrugging.

"Whoever she is, she's got him by the short and curlys that for sure." James said from where he was sitting on the edge of the coffee table.

"Yeah, makes me like her." Mackenzie chuckled.

"Hmmm, you would." Emma muttered, ignoring the death glare the doctor shot her.

"You did what!?" Martha shouted at Jack as she paced the office floor, once they had entered Jack had admitted to retconning Ianto and Gwen.

"Please!" He held up a hand to shush her, knowing that the staff would no doubt be listening for any shouting matches.

"Oh, i'll please you!" Martha snapped, rounding on the man. Picking up a pile of files off his desk, she used them to smack him repeatedly. "You wanker! How could you?" She said as she hit him.

"Martha! Martha!" Jack said loudly over her angry tirade, holding his hands out to try and catch her makeshift paddle. "Martha!" He finally shouted, grabbing the files out of her hand swiftly. "What are you trying to do? Paper cut me to death?" He said flippantly, tossing the stack back onto his desk.

"Oh don't be flippant with my Jack Harkness." She told him sternly, flopping down into the chair that was in front of his desk.

"Look, i'm sorry i didn't tell you." He offered, leaning again the desk.

"No you're not, because you knew i would have stopped you." She glared at him.

"Then i would have retconned you too." He said lightly, attempting to joke a bit. It was obvious that it didn't go over well when Martha stood suddenly and made her way to the door. Jack sighed, rolling his eyes. "Martha, i was only joking. Martha, wait. Where are you going?"

She turned to look at him, the man she once considered a good friend. "Out to meet the new team. I'd rather meet a bunch of strangers then try and figure out what the hell is wrong with you. Because you, i don't even know you anymore." She said firmly before leaving the office.

Jack made an annoyed sounding groan, scrubbing his hands over his face. Something told him that it was going to be a long visit.

Part 1 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9 - Part 10 - Part 11 - Part 12

Love it? Hate it? Wanna take it home and cook it dinner? Let me know! Comments are love!

original characters, torchwood, rating-pg13, fanfic, jack/ianto

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