Fic: Supernatural: Dean/Castiel: "Family Doesn't Give Up" (4/6)

May 30, 2011 20:44

Thank you so much to everyone who has commented on this fic so far, it really means a lot and I appreciate the feedback. I hope you all enjoy this next chapter.

Title: Family Doesn’t Give Up
Author: Nicole
Chapter: 4/6
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Language
Spoilers: 6 X 22
Disclaimer: I don't own Supernatural or its characters. I'm just playing with them a bit.
Genre: Friendship/Angst/hurt/comfort (can be seen as preslash)
Characters: Dean Winchester, Castiel, (some Sam and Bobby)
A/N: This fic is unbetaed, so any errors are mine, if anyone would like to take on the job let me know.
Summary: Post season 6 finale. Dean is determined to save Castiel. No matter what it takes.
Word Count: 905

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3

Dean kept waiting to be struck by lightening, but nothing happened. Castiel just stood there glaring at him.

He let out the breath he’d been holding and glanced at Bobby.

“Looks like it’s working.” Bobby said.

“Considering we’re not dead yet, I think you might be right.” Dean quipped.

“Let’s not give this time to go bad. Dean start spreading this around the circle.”

Dean tried to ignore their guests intense gaze on his back. But it was hard. He took the bag from Bobby and began spreading the sand like substance in a thin line around the ring of candles.

“What are you doing, Dean?” The voice was wrong. It had a strange reverberation behind it. One that sent chills down his spine.

“You’ll see.”

He could hear Sam turning to the next page of the book.

“Answer me.” There was power behind the words. A push, one that almost had him on the floor. Dean fought it. “Why can’t I move? What have you done to me? This should not be possible.”

Dean put on his best poker face. “You know us, Cas. Lost causes are our specialty.”

“Do not call me that. Address me with the proper respect or I shall-”

“You shall what, Cas? Smite me. I have a feeling if you could have done it, you would have by now. And why ask me what’s going on? You’re all powerful now right? Shouldn’t you already know what we’re doing? Don’t you have all the answers?”

He saw something flicker across Castiel’s face, but he couldn’t place it.

“Almost ready.” He heard Bobby lighting another match.

“All done here.” Dean replied as he finished and closed the circle.

Dean met the strangers gaze and looked for a trace of Castiel in there. Even though he couldn’t find any, he couldn’t shake the feeling that Cas was still there. They’d once joked about their profound bond. Dean didn’t think it was funny anymore. There was something to it. It was the only explanation for the constant nagging sensation he was experiencing. It was the same feeling he’d always gotten right before Cas had popped into a room. His friend was there, just waiting for someone to wake him up.

“Dean move back.” Bobby stepped forward carrying a small pot of something that smelled like sewer water. “I’ve added my blood, now it just needs both of yours.”

Sam stepped forward, slit his finger, and squeezed. Dean watched as his blood plopped into the liquid. Sam handed the knife to him. As he made the cut, he could feel that burning gaze on him again. He ignored it. His blood dropped in, there was a soft hiss, and the liquid turned clear. He blinked.

“That means it’s ready.” Bobby supplied.

The final ingredient.

The blood of those who loved the lost one.

That’s what the book had deemed the bearer of souls. Dean took it as the person being lost inside themselves. It was the only way it made sense to him. He couldn’t imagine all those voices suddenly merging with yours. It must have been impossible to distinguish your own with all that noise. Not to mention all that power at your fingertips. It was enough to make anyone go crazy.

Dean nodded at Bobby and gestured for the bowl. His fellow hunter raised an eyebrow as if to ask, are you sure?

He wasn’t sure about anything at the moment. This whole thing hinged on this really being a miracle. Dean did not believe in miracles. Never had. Now here he was, risking everything on one. Life sure loved to play with him.

The plan was with Cas trapped inside the circle of fire, earth, and quite a few bizarre markings none of them had ever seen before, Sam was going to finish the incantation, then Castiel needed to be bathed in love. Which sounded vaguely perverted, but who was he to judge.

Dean had no intention of stepping into the ring with bizzarro Cas, who was probably imagining ways to eat his heart out. He planned on just tossing the contents all over that trademark trench coat.

The whole thing seemed surreal. It probably wasn’t going to work. But the spell was holding him in place.

It was holding a god in place.

That had to count for something.

He felt a different sort of power start to buzz around the room, making his ears pop as Sam’s voice rose and flowed over them.

For the first time he saw real emotion on Castiel’s face. Fear. Something was definitely happening.

“This isn’t possible.” His voice boomed. “How are you doing this?”

“Like I said, Cas. Specialists in lost causes. Hell, I was born one.”

Then something flickered in those cold eyes. Something real. Something familiar. For just a second his brother was back, desperate and terrified. Then those alien eyes resurfaced. They were full of hate. Those souls did not want to leave.

“Hang on, Cas. I’m bringing you home!” Dean bellowed as Sam finished.

Dean didn’t hesitate. He whispered a silent prayer and flung the clear, now pleasant smelling liquid all over Castiel.

There was a burst of blinding light, and a gust of hurricane level wind that flung him off his feet. He felt his back crack against something hard. Dean could vaguely hear someone screaming his name. Just before he lost consciousness he realized it was Cas.

Next Chapter

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fanfic, castiel, supernatural, dean/cas

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