Fic: Supernatural: PG-13: Dean and Castiel: "Family Doesn't Give Up" (1/6)

May 27, 2011 19:56

Title: Family Doesn’t Give Up
Author: Nicole
Chapter: 1/6
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Language
Spoilers: 6 X 22
Disclaimer: I don't own Supernatural or its characters. I'm just playing with them a bit.
Genre: Friendship/Angst/hurt/comfort (can be seen as preslash)
Characters: Dean Winchester, Castiel, (some Sam and Bobby)
A/N: This fic is unbetaed, if anyone would like to take on the job let me know.
Summary: Dean knew what he had to do. He was going to save his brother, no matter what the cost. Cas would have done the same thing for him.
Word Count: 744

“You’re just saying that because I won. Because you’re afraid. You’re not my family, Dean. I have no family.”

Time seemed to slow to a crawl.

He doesn’t believe me. Dean felt the bile rise up in his throat. Why did he always screw this shit up? He never told the people who mattered how he really felt until it was too late. Cas had needed to know how important he was a long time ago. Castiel had been there for him over and over, the one damn time his friend had needed him he hadn’t been there. He’d known he was being an ass, but he hadn’t been able to stop himself. He’d been hurt and felt betrayed. It had brought all those feelings he’d tried to bury back to the surface.

Sam lying to him. Sam drinking the demon blood behind his back. It had felt the same when he’d found out about Castiel making a deal with Crowley behind his back. Dean didn’t handle being lied to well, it made him even more hard headed than usual.

Cas making a deal with a demon to save them all just proved that he really was a Winchester. What other family was willing to make deals with the devil to save their loved ones.? Why hadn’t he just told Cas that if he ever needed him he’d be there? Let him know he could come to him for anything, instead of just assuming he knew.

Dean swallowed and searched his friend, no brother’s face. He felt his heart sink even further into his chest. Castiel wasn’t home anymore. He didn’t look the same, walk the same, hell, he didn’t even turn his head the same way.

Then Sam stabbed Castiel in the back, literally.

Dean didn’t know whether to be relieved or terrified when Cas simply pulled the blade from his back.

Life loved to kick their bizarre little family in the teeth. On one hand he was glad to see Sammy up and about. On the other his newest brother was slipping further away by the second.

It had been hard to breathe before Castiel, a self proclaimed god, told them to bow down and love him. Now it was impossible. This could not be happening.

He felt his knees give out as the former Angel raised his hand. Dean forced himself to meet the harsh gaze of his new lord. For just a second he thought he saw regret, then it was gone and those brilliant eyes began to glow.


Dean managed not to make any noise when he woke drenched in sweat for what seemed like the hundredth time this week. He flung the covers away and buried his face in his hands. It had been twelve very long days since he’d lost Castiel.

He felt hollow inside. A piece of him was missing.

Everyday he told himself Castiel was gone and all that remained was a shell. His friend had died that day. He was a delusional, power hungry being, that fancied himself a god. He had to be stopped. He had to be killed.

It sounded so simple if you thought about it like that. They were hunters. Cas was now something that needed to be hunted.

Dean glanced over at Sam who was fast asleep on the couch. Bobby was dead to the world as well, hunched over his desk. They’d been over this more than a few times lately. No one thought it was an easy decision.

Dean had known there was no way he could do it. Not unless there was no other option. So Bobby was going to be on research duty, he and Sam were going to talk to anyone and everyone who knew anything about the supernatural world and see if there was anyway to diffuse Cas without killing him. Which was assuming killing him was even possible at this point.

He silently stood up, grabbed his jacket, keys, and slipped out the door.

As he slid behind the wheel of the impala, he couldn‘t help but look over at the empty seat next to him. He allowed himself a small smile as he remembered all the times that dorky angel had appeared there. He took a calming breath and started the car.

Dean knew what he had to do. He was going to save his brother, no matter what the cost. Cas would have done the same thing for him.

Next Chapter

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Comments are loved, it's been awhile since i've written anything, and this is my first time writing Supernatural fanfic, I'd love to know if you enjoyed this :)

fanfic, supernatural, dean/cas

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