Fic: Supernatural: Jedi!Verse: Dean/Castiel: [R] - Welcome To The New Age (4/10)

Aug 09, 2013 09:21

Title: Welcome To the New Age (4/10)
Author: nicole9514
Rating: R
Genre: AU, Fusion w/Star Wars, slash, action, romance
Pairing: Dean/Castiel
Warnings: language, violence
Spoilers: None
A/N: This fic takes place in my Jedi!verse series of fics. The title for this arc in the Verse was taken from the song "Radioactive" by Imagine Dragons.
Summary: Dean, Castiel, and Anna battle their attackers.
Word Count: 1,852

New to the series; here's a Link to the Masterpost

It took everything ounce of control he had to stop as he reached the tree line, and just look. His eyes scanned the open field that Anna had probably been searching for trouble - for them.

His eyes were burning, but he swallowed it all down.

Dean was resting on a branch below him, his breathing labored.

“You see her?” Dean whispered.

Cas found what he was looking for, Anna surrounded by the three of them. They were circling her, laughing. All three had red sabers raised.

Anna was limping, and one arm hung useless at her side. But still she fought, her head held high, her expression fierce, as her good arm held her lightsaber.

They were toying with her - he could see that.

One would strike, and she would block it, while another moved in, but they weren’t going for the kill. They were taking turns wearing her down, savoring it.

Cas met Dean’s eyes, knowing he’d seen it as well.

There was no cover, no way they could sneak up on them.

They were going to have to move fast, and cover a lot of ground in seconds if they wanted to save Anna.

“Dean, I’m going to jump - I want you to use the force to propel me further.”

Dean stared at him; Cas was afraid he might argue, and they simply didn’t have time for that. He needed Dean to trust him, to help him.

Dean grimaced, but he nodded.

Cas gave him a grateful glance, then drew on the force to leap with all of his might. He felt Dean’s own power slam into him, and he flew further, and faster than he ever had, covering the distance to them in moments.

It gave him a second of surprise, and he used it.

He slammed into one of the men, hitting him square in the back, and driving his saber through his throat, in one quick, deadly blow.

The others stared for a second, stunned.

They apparently hadn’t seen this coming.

Guess that move hadn’t been in Roman’s training manual. Which made sense, it was a tactic that required assistance, and trust from another person. That wouldn’t have been Roman’s style.

The man fell dead at his feet. He didn’t kill lightly, but with Anna in danger, and no way of knowing if there were more out there, he didn’t have the luxury, or the desire to play nice. Anna’s face lit up. He could see she was hurting and tired, but she moved backward towards him, away from the other two. Her arm was burned, and badly mangled. Her leg had been grazed as well, but it wasn’t nearly as severe.

But none of the injuries were fatal. If they could survive this fight, she would live.

Dean was at his side in seconds.

“Fuck, Cas. Remind me never to piss you off.”

Cas’s lips twitched, and the three of them faced off against the remaining Dark Jedi.

Ruby didn’t even glance at her dead comrade, her eyes were alive, and glinting with ecstasy. “I’m going to enjoy eviscerating you,” she grinned. “But first I think I’ll make you watch as I finish off your little bitch.”

Cas stared her down, his blue blade gleaming.

“You won‘t touch her?” Dean growled.

Ruby laughed. “You must be Dean - I know Master Harvelle thinks very highly of you.”

Dean froze; Ruby noticed the change.

“Ohhh, did I strike a nerve?” She began circling them, her boots making a loud clomping sound with each step. “Yes, I know she was supposed to meet you here.”

Cas felt sick, he’d been afraid of this.

“I’m afraid, she won’t be able to make it to your little meet and greet.”

“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” Dean snarled.

Cas watched the scene, forcing himself to stay calm. He felt Anna shadowing him.

“It means you aren’t going to get the chance to expose our Master; it means you’re already too late.”

Cas felt the ground drop out from under him - the Chancellor had known they’d been planning to confront the council. What had Roman done?

“Ellen begged for her life - groveled as I plunged this into her heart.” Ruby caressed the hilt of her saber.

Cas swallowed; his blood running cold. He heard Anna inhale sharply.

Dean snarled; his eyes flooded with rage.

Ruby laughed even louder.

Dean attacked; Ruby charged.

Cas caught a glimpse of their blades locking, then he was caught up in his own struggle.

The remaining tattooed man, leapt at him, his red blade swept downward. Cas slipped to the side, missing getting an ear cut off by a hairsbreadth.

The man’s hand cut an arc in the air, and Anna was flung through the air. She landed hard, and wasn’t moving.

Cas focused, not allowing himself to pay attention to Anna, or Dean. He had to trust his lover could handle himself. He had his own problems to worry about.

He entered into a deadly dance with the dark haired man. His eyes were wild, the ink on his skin shined with sweat, and he was fast.

But so was Castiel.

He met him blow for blow, blue blending with red as they swirled around each other.

Cas blocked an upward strike and lashed out with a kick, catching the man in his knee - he heard a satisfying pop.

The man screamed, and his hand extended, and Cas found himself lifted off the ground as a pressure closed around his throat, making it harder and harder to breath as his legs thrashed.

He could hear Dean fighting for his own life, as his vision began to go dark.

There was a grunt.

Cas fell to the floor, taking in deep breaths of air.

He lifted his throbbing head to see Anna standing over the lifeless body of his attacker. He lay on the ground, a hole from a lightsaber through his chest.

Anna was staring down at him, her eyes wide, and conflicted.

She had never killed before. Droids yes, but another person - it changed everything.

Later, a conversation would have to be had.

Cas coughed, and turned his head, pulling himself to his feet, his eyes searching for Dean.

Dean screamed and it was a primal sound, that sent chills down Cas‘s spine. Cas watched as Ruby fell to the ground.

She coughed up blood, and got onto knees. She was missing an arm, and her breathing was erratic. She raised her remaining hand, and rasped, “You wouldn’t kill an unarmed woman would you?” Her eyes were feverish as she tilted her head towards her missing appendage that lay at Dean’s feet.

Dean just stared at her.

She began laughing again. It was a haunting and breathy sound.

She was insane.

Dean’s eyes were roiling with rage and hate - the sight terrified the former Jedi Master. Dean grabbed her lightsaber from the ground, and raised it above his head.

“Dean,” Cas gasped, “Don’t.”

Dean was filled with hate, if he killed her now, if he gave in to his rage, it would destroy him. Cas felt as if he were standing on a precipice. Dean had struggled with his emotions his entire life, but he had been doing so well - Cas had almost forgotten how close Dean had come in the past to losing control.

Lately they had both been through so much, and now, with what was said about Ellen. She was the only mother Dean had ever known - and the threat to him and Anna, he was terrified he was about to lose Dean to the dark side of the force.

And that was exactly what Ruby wanted - if she couldn’t kill him on the battlefield she would destroy his soul.

Dean blinked, but didn’t lower the weapon.

Ruby cackled.

“Please, don’t do this.” Cas swallowed, “Don’t let her do this to you.”

Dean shuddered, his expression conflicted, the rage still fighting for dominance.

Cas took a step closer to the man he loved, willing him to stand down.

“She isn’t worth it.”

He took another step.

“Please, trust me.” Cas was standing at his side now. “Dean, I need you.” He reached out, touching Dean’s bruised cheek, and saw the heat, and hate in Dean’s eyes and posture collapse.

In its place was pain, and regret.

Cas took the saber, squeezing Dean’s fingers as he did.

“Fucking pathetic. Both of you,” Ruby snarled, and with her good hand she drew a knife and leapt towards him.

Cas didn’t think, he reacted, his saber sweeping towards the woman, gutting her. Her eyes widened in shock, just before her body crumpled to the ground.

He didn’t regret it - she would have killed them all if given the chance, but he would have liked the opportunity to try and get information from her. Then again, someone that insane, and brainwashed, would never have told them anything her Master didn’t want them to know.

Dean stared at her corpse, then rubbed a hand over his face.

“Force. I’m so sorry,” Dean whispered, shame bleeding into his words.

Cas touched his arm. “It’s okay. We’re okay.”

Dean nodded, his eyes intense. “Thanks, Cas.”

Cas shook his head. “You’ve saved me plenty of times.”

“Not like this. You’ve never almost gone dark side Cas.”

Cas shook his head. “Stop. You pulled me out of the darkness Dean.” He glanced back at Anna, who was hovering behind them, uncertain. “Both of you.” His eyes burned into Deans. “Without the two of you, I never would have stopped hiding. So just don‘t. Learn from this, grow, be better for it.”

Dean swallowed, his eyes filling with strength. He nodded.

Cas turned towards Anna, she nodded as well.

He smiled at her. “You did what you had to. You saved my life. Don’t doubt yourself for a second.”

She swallowed, but stood taller. “Thank you.”

Cas turned back to Dean.

“Do you think Ellen’s really dead?” Dean asked, his tone controlled. More so than Cas had ever heard, and he felt pride flow through him.

Cas gripped his shoulder. “I don’t know. I hope not - but we have to go now. We need to find out what happened.” Cas swallowed, “And we need to make sure Sam and Bobby are okay.”

Cas could only pray those three had been the only assailants - the others wouldn’t have stood a chance alone against them. Cas reached out with his senses and things felt - better. He was relatively certain there were no other Dark Jedi present.

Still, he needed to know they were alright.

Dean’s eyes widened, then he nodded fiercely. “Let’s go find the others, and get back to the ship. We can try and contact Ellen from there.”

Cas nodded, and they took off back towards the meeting grounds.

Cas thought of his vision, of Ellen, lying dead on the floor, blood pooling all around her, while Roman smiled above her.

Please, let me have been wrong.

Part 5

Feel free to friend this journal for the insanity.

Comments are always welcomed, and appreciated.

genre: fusion, fic: supernatural, pairing: dean/castiel, genre: jedi!verse, tags: genre: crossover, tags: fic, genre: slash

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