Fic: Supernatural: Jedi!Verse: Dean/Castiel: [R] - Welcome To The New Age (5/10)

Aug 14, 2013 20:58

Title: Welcome To the New Age (5/10)
Author: nicole9514
Rating: R
Genre: AU, Fusion w/Star Wars, slash, action, romance
Pairing: Dean/Castiel
Warnings: language, violence
Spoilers: None
A/N: This fic takes place in my Jedi!verse series of fics. The title for this arc in the Verse was taken from the song "Radioactive" by Imagine Dragons.
Summary: The group attempts to contact the Temple, and discover if what Ruby told them is true.
Word Count: 2,850

New to the series; here's a Link to the Masterpost

Cas saw Sam and Bobby come running towards them as they emerged from the forest. Cas felt relief at seeing them unharmed. Their eyes were wide as they took in the sight of the three former Jedi.

Cas knew how they must look. Bloodied, dirty, and haunted.

“What the hell happened to you guys?” Sam almost sputtered.

Cas exchanged a glance with Dean. “We’ll fill you in, but we need to get back on the ship. Now.” Dean said, his tone wasn’t open to debate.

Sam nodded. “Okay.”

Bobby was watching Dean’s face, and somehow, he knew. Cas saw it in the older man’s eyes, the pain, as he realized the gravity of the situation.

Bobby swallowed, and his face hardened. The emotions vanished as he buried them.

Cas understood. It was a coping mechanism he’d used many times.

He touched the other man’s shoulder as they headed towards the ship, and squeezed once.

Bobby nodded at him once, and they followed the others.


“I can’t believe we missed everything?” Sam was saying, as Bobby engaged the hyper drive.

Cas used a wet cloth to clean the blood from a cut on Anna’s cheek. Her expression was grateful, her posture relaxed and trusting as he tended to her lesser wounds.

Force healing wasn’t easy, and the results weren’t perfect. And it was very tiring.

Cas had concentrated his focus on her severely damaged arm - using the force to stimulate healing and cell growth. The rest had been minor, and would heal fine on their own.

The arm was a different matter.

The muscles and tendons had been torn, burned, and by the time they’d boarded the vessel she’d lost feeling in her fingers. If the blow had been any deeper, she would have lost the arm entirely. And if it hadn’t been for the lightsaber blow cauterizing the wound, she would have bled to death.

He pushed those thoughts down. She wasn’t dead, or dying. She was here, and smiling. She was so damn strong. She’d had to have been in agony, yet she’d still saved his life.

Her arm was still sore, and weak. Cas had made her a sling from an old shirt, but she was doing much better.

Her leg was wrapped in gauze, and was stretched out in front of her.

“Be glad you weren’t there,” Dean said, his tone icy. “Those crazy fucks would have probably killed both of you had you bumped into them.”

Sam raised an eyebrow. “Or maybe we could have helped. Both of us were armed.”

Dean snorted. “No offense - but you wouldn’t stand a chance against one of these assholes, let alone three.”

Sam’s eyes narrowed. “I’m just saying, it looks like you guys could have used the help.” He gestured towards them. They were all sitting in the uncomfortable chairs that lined the walls of the ship. Cas had set up a box near them, where he had rested all the medical supplies and was playing “nurse” as Dean had quipped.

Dean had a black eye, and a cut across is forehead. Cas’s own throat was bruised, on top of plenty of smaller cuts. And of course, there was Anna.

“No offense.” Sam smirked; his eyes softened when Cas gave him a weary smile.

“He could have offered a distraction Dean. Blaster fire can be a very useful tool when used properly,” Cas said sincerely, and he knew Dean knew it as well. He was just taking out his worry and frustration on Sam.

“Thank you,” Sam said, he stood, and walked over sitting down on the other side of Anna, away from Dean.

“Hey, “ Dean muttered, “You’re supposed to be on my side.”

Cas glared at him. “Dean. I love you, but in this case you are being an ass.”

Sam snorted, and Anna exclaimed, “You tell him Master,” while holding out her hand.

Cas slapped it as she had shown him, in a greeting that she had explained to him was called a ‘high five’ and she lit up in a way that almost made it possible to forget the hell that had happened not long ago.

Dean’s expression molded into one of surprise, then he smiled, and held up his hands in defeat. “Okay - I’m sorry - this day just-”

“Sucks,” Sam supplied, his tone understanding.

“Yeah,” Dean agreed.

Cas squeezed his leg; Dean gave him a weak smile.

“Once we’re a safe distance from the planet I’ll try and reach any of my contacts on Coruscant. We’ll find out what’s going on.”

Dean nodded, and Cas gave Sam a grateful smile. Without his network, and technological means they would never had gotten this far. Sam was invaluable.

“You know she was probably lying about Ellen - just trying to get you off balance,” Sam added, his eyes still on Dean.

Cas said nothing, just continued to doctor his former Padawan. She was quiet as well, both hoping Sam was right.

“Yeah, maybe.” Dean whispered, “but it’s not just that. What she said about us being too late,” Dean voice trailed off, and he took a deep breath. “I just really want to get in touch with someone at the Temple. Hell, I’ll even take Crowley at this point.”

Cas exhaled. He agreed - every since that confrontation the weight on his chest refused to fade. He’d known something was coming, but it didn’t make this any easier. They’d finally been getting somewhere, and now this.

He just wanted something to go right for once, instead of exploding in their faces.


Cas studied Meg for a few moments while he tried to ignore Dean’s constant pacing. He’d started not long after Sam had begun attempting to reach the planet, and hadn’t stopped to take a breath since.

They had moved Meg to the rear of the ship; she was being uncharacteristically quiet, which was worrisome. He knew even she was concerned about what Ruby had said, and it showed. He figured she was just hoping she could still be useful so they wouldn’t toss her out the airlock as Anna had suggested.

Meg met his eyes, and for once he didn’t see any of the usual bravado- she looked worn out. They’d removed her gag, and she’d promised to be quiet. So far she had. She gave him a small nod; he returned the gesture, then she closed her eyes, and leaned her head back against the wall.

“Anything?” Dean asked Sam for the fifth time.

Sam shot Cas a pleading expression.

Sam had been trying to contact Senator Braeden, and various other Separatist members for hours. He’d had no luck.

They were taking a risk contacting the planet from this vessel. The encryption programs weren’t as sophisticated as the ones at the base, but at this point they’d already been ambushed so they figured the risk was worth it.

It was more important to find out if Ellen was alive, and what was going on than to be paranoid about their location.

Cas touched Dean’s shoulder. “Why don’t you meditate with me and Anna for a bit.”

Dean glared at him; there was no heat behind it, just worry and nerves.

Cas narrowed his eyes. “We could all use it - and Sam needs to focus.”

Dean sighed, but relented and followed him.

Cas glanced at the cockpit. Bobby had been very quiet, but he could see how tense his shoulders were, how his head tilted a bit whenever they mentioned Ellen’s name. He was just as worried - if not more. Bobby was just quieter about his affection.

He really hoped Ruby had been lying.

The three of them sat down on the floor, forming a semi-circle. Cas reached out and took Dean’s hand, then Anna’s good one. Holding hands wasn’t exactly a normal part of this exercise, but today, Cas wanted the contact. They both squeezed his fingers. They sat like that, their eyes closed, their fingers laced as they breathed, and focused, and tried to wash away some of the stress and anxiety the day had brought.

It helped; Cas could feel their energy flowing around him, a cleansing presence after spending so much time being smothered by the darker side of the force. He took it in, and after several minutes he could tell their breathing had synchronized, each inhaling as one.

He wasn’t sure exactly how long they had been sitting like that when Sam exclaimed, “Son-of-a- hutt.”

Cas opened his eyes, and he felt the others doing the same.

“What’s wrong?” Dean asked while blinking rapidly.

Cas felt better - he was still worried, but the meditation had helped.

Sam ran a hand through his already disheveled hair, and slammed his hand on the console.

Dean smacked his lips together. “Now you look like you need to meditate?”

Sam let out a laugh of frustration. “This just doesn’t make any sense. Someone has to be listening. Someone should have responded.”

Cas rose; Dean followed.

Meg chuckled darkly. “Not if someone’s blocking the signal.”

“I already checked that,” Sam snapped, “Our signal is transmitting just fine.”

“Do I need to draw you a picture handsome? I didn’t mean the problem was on our end.”

Cas swallowed; he saw Sam pale. “That’s not possible,” Sam whispered.

“It is if the Chancellor is blocking all transmissions too and from Coruscant,” Cas breathed.

There was only one reason he would do that. A move on that scale would alert the entire planet that something was wrong, would lead people back to him, and his agenda. He’d never make a move that big unless…

Meg’s expression was knowing, and he saw the fear there, she wasn’t bothering to hide it anymore. She was cruel, and dangerous, but she wasn’t stupid. She didn’t want to live as a slave under Roman’s empire. Especially since she knew he would kill her the next time he saw her.

“Fuck,” Dean exhaled. “He’s attacking Coruscant.”

Anna had paled, but her expression was calm.

“It would explain why he only sent three of his dark Jedi to kill us,” Cas surmised.

“He needed the rest for his invasion.” Anna added, her eyes getting wider.

Cas felt as if he might throw up. Everything inside him was afraid they were right. And if the Chancellor had already put his plan into action, they might be too late. No one had believed them, no one was prepared, he had the element of surprise, and he had a powerful and deadly army. One with no morals, or regard for their own life.

And it couldn’t be a coincidence that this had happened right as they had been about to meet with Ellen and the other council members. Roman had found out they’d known, and he’d decided to attack before they could warn anyone, before they could provide their proof.

Was this their fault?

Dean was in his face, his hand digging into Cas’s shoulders. His eyes told Cas he’d somehow known what Cas was thinking, or at least suspected.

“This is no one’s fault but his. He’s the villain, and we haven’t lost yet. We might even be wrong.”

“But in case we aren’t,” Sam’s fingers were flying across the console, “We’re gonna need help. Lot’s of it.”

“Damn right. You sounding the alarm?” Dean asked, leaning over Sam’s shoulder.

“Yep. We’ve been preparing for this as well. We hoped it wouldn’t come to all out war, but we have been amassing our own resources.”

“As in?” Dean pressed.

Sam glanced up. “As in ships, weapons, and people loyal to freedom. We‘re spread out across the galaxy but there are a lot of us and I’m calling in the troops. This signal I’m sending out will alert all of them, we set it up a few years ago.”

“Sweet,” Dean said, and slapped Sam on the back. “You’re smarter than you look.”

“You think you and your band of rag-tag rebels stand a chance in hell at stopping this?” Meg spat from the floor.

Cas met her eyes. “I think we have to try.”

She laughed, then shook her head. “Well gorgeous, I’ll give you this. Where you’re lacking in the brains department, you’ve got in balls.”

Cas watched her. “And what about you?” He found himself asking. “What are you going to do?”

“I figured you boys were going to kill me now that I’m no longer useful to you.”

“We could do that.” Cas said casually. “Or you could help us fight Roman. You could be useful again.”

Her eyes widened, and he could feel everyone in the room watching the exchange. “And what could I possibly do?”

Cas walked closer to her. “You’ve been around. I know your type. I dealt with a lot of you while I was tracking Alastair. You don’t want to live your live under someone else’s boot. You like living by your own rules, and that’s going to get a lot harder with an army of evil running around slaughtering anyone who doesn’t bow down to a Sith lord.”

She blinked - she hadn’t known he was a Sith - not for certain.

“You know people. People with weapons, power, and the ability to fight back if they were warned of the battle occurring right now. “

“I might,” she admitted, her expression told Cas she was considering this. If she’d agreed too quickly he wouldn’t have believed her, this was encouraging.

He didn’t like Meg, but she could be useful, and the enemy of my enemy was my friend, seemed to apply here. They had a common enemy, and they needed all the help they could get.

None of his friends were objecting, he knew they understood what he was doing. Even Anna.

“You know if he wins, you’re dead anyway. Why not go down fighting?”

She smiled. “Raising a little hell.”

“Yes,” Cas agreed. “I thought you might like that.”

She sighed. “What can I say, you know how to sweet talk a girl.”

He smiled. It wasn’t kind, and he put every once of smite he had into it. “Just so you know, if you betray us. I will end you.”

She met his stare, and nodded once. “I understand.”



“You’re taking a risk with her,” Dean said quietly, as they watched her . Sam had a blaster pointed at her head, as she contacted various unscrupulous characters.

“I know,” Cas agreed, “But I think it’s one we need to take.”

Dean nodded. “Yep. And that’s why I hate this fight already.”

Cas swallowed.

He’d never been in a battle when the stakes were this high.

So many lives were being lost even now, as they struggled to get a fleet together.

He knew the Jedi would make a stand, but with no warning of the attack, many would die before they even knew what was happening.

And the younglings.

There were so many who would be unable to defend themselves.

Once they were able to reach Coruscant, they would need to reach the temple. Find any survivors and gather them, save any children they could.

And something told Cas, that’s where Roman would be. A Sith Lord would want to slaughter his enemies, and no one was more an enemy of the Sith than a Jedi.

And they still didn’t know who the apprentice was - although Cas had his suspicions - they would have to watch their backs. It could be someone they trusted.

They would arrive in several hours. The ship was equipped with stealth capabilities and they planned to sneak inside, gather intel, and take out Roman. If they could kill him, they could end this quickly. Without leadership there would be chaos, and many of his men would disband or surrender. Especially the paid ones.

The brainwashed Dark Jedi wouldn’t stop, but losing their Master would still make the fight easier.

The Separatist fleet would be able to meet, and gather within a day. The plan was to have them attack once Roman had been killed, and his army was more vulnerable. It could work - but it all depended on them. And taking out a Sith Lord wasn’t exactly easy. He wasn’t even sure they could do it. Which was why he wanted to reach the Jedi Temple.

He and Dean alone might not be strong enough. But with other Jedi helping, they could kill him.

They had to do this right, they only got one chance. If the fleet charged in without any planning, and not at full strength it would be a pointless loss of life.

Or course they might get there, and be wrong. They hadn’t had visual, or auditory confirmation that Roman had attacked at all.

Cas leaned his forehead against the window watching the stars blur by.

He closed his eyes.

He could feel the chaos, pain, and fear all around him. The force was screaming out warnings - Cas knew they weren’t wrong.

This was it.

One way or another, this was almost over.

Part 6

Feel free to friend this journal for the insanity.

Comments are always welcomed, and appreciated.

genre: fusion, fic: supernatural, pairing: dean/castiel, genre: jedi!verse, tags: genre: crossover, tags: fic, genre: slash

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