Fic: Supernatural: Jedi!Verse: Dean/Castiel: [R] - Welcome To The New Age (3/10)

Aug 06, 2013 16:51

Title: Welcome To the New Age (3/10)
Author: nicole9514
Rating: R
Genre: AU, Fusion w/Star Wars, slash, action, romance
Pairing: Dean/Castiel
Warnings: language
Spoilers: None
A/N: This fic takes place in my Jedi!verse series of fics. The title for this arc in the Verse was taken from the song "Radioactive" by Imagine Dragons.
Summary: After a long flight, they arrive at the meeting point to rendezvous with Ellen.
Word Count: 2,076

New to the series; here's a Link to the Masterpost

They stepped off the ship; Cas was glad to feel the ground beneath his feet again. He’d been on too many ships lately, he preferred land. He, Dean, Anna, Sam, and Bobby had all been traveling for two days in a cramped Separatist vessel. Bad food, hard beds, and no space to yourself.

Not that Cas complained, and in some ways he’d enjoyed being so close to them. But sometimes you just needed a moment to yourself. Meditation had been difficult, and he found himself feeling edgier than normal.

To make matters worse, Meg loved to talk. And there was no getting away from her in the small space. Dean had finally gagged her after the first night, but she’d still found ways to get her point across.

He inhaled deeply, breathing in the fresh air. The temperature was just right. Not too hot, not too cold, and a gentle breeze caressed his skin. He felt better immediately, but at the same time, there was a nervous prickle along his spine.

He looked around, nothing seemed out of place. They were early. Ellen, and the others weren’t due to arrive for another few hours. Cas knew the stress, and constant threat of war, and danger had to be taking their toll. That was probably what this was - just stress.

He told himself that as Bobby came up beside him, his eyes asking what was wrong.

Bobby had piloted the ship. It turned out he was very good at it.

“I’m just feeling the effects of our journey.”

The older man smiled. “I hear that.”

“You must be looking forward to seeing Master Harvelle again,” Cas said, hoping he wasn’t prying too much, but he liked the match, and hated that they’d been forced apart by the order.

“Yeah,” he admitted, his expression going distant for a moment, and Cas had a feeling he was remembering something, the faint trace of a smile indicated it was pleasant.

Cas smiled. “So am I.”

Bobby clapped him on the back. “Let’s secure the area; I’m not in the mood for surprises.”

Cas nodded. “Me either.”

The prickle on his spine flared up again, and Cas’s gaze shot towards the tree line, but he saw nothing.

He swallowed, and placed his hand on the hilt of his saber. “I’ll head west.”

Dean came up behind him. “And I’ll go east.”

Sam and Bobby headed south, while Anna went north.

Cas walked slowly, his eyes scanning the land all around him. The dense vegetation made it hard to see, so he reached out with this other senses. And it felt… wrong.

He pressed forward closer to the trees. He should have been sensing the force all around him, the energy that flowed through all things. This planet was teeming with animals and plant life - yet he could barely feel them. He could still get a vague sense, but it was clouded and murky.

A branch snapped behind him,

He spun, his heart racing, and his weapon raised.


Dean felt strange. He was both excited to see Ellen and finally be getting somewhere, yet something didn’t feel right.

His eyes raked over the landscape, he could see a small stream in the distance, hear the water trickling along. It was peaceful, and lovely - so why was he so on edge?

He reached out with his senses, and felt…stunted. His connection was off - he spun, his eyes searching for Cas needing to know he was safe.

He saw Anna in the distance, but Cas had vanished into the forest.

Dean sighed, and fought the urge to run off after him. He knew he was being irrational. Cas could take care of himself, and they all needed to secure their sections. If he ran off after Cas, he was endangering everyone.

Still, his eyes kept finding their way in the opposite direction.

He’d walked ten more steps forward when he heard a scream. Not of fear, or pain, but of defiance.


Dean spun, and bolted across the field.

Dean’s heart was hammering against his chest, and his legs pumped, as he practically flew towards the tree line.

He could hear the familiar sound of light sabers striking in combat.

This was not good.

Dean slowed down, even though every instinct told him to run.

Getting himself killed wouldn’t do Cas any good.

He bent down, and crept into the forest, his eyes sweeping over the area. The trees cast shadows everywhere, and the wind blowing through the branches kept drawing his gaze.

He focused his other senses, and ignored everything that wasn’t a threat.

Cas was close, he knew that much, but that was all he could get. A darkness had settled over his usual, decent connection with the force. Nothing was clear.

The sounds of battle had vanished, making his blood run cold.

Cas wasn’t dead - he would have felt it - wouldn’t he?

Dean swallowed, pushing those thoughts away.

Focus, Dean.

His steps were silent - his breathing quiet - an animal chirped in the distance, - an insect flew past his ear.

He turned his head toward the sound of water dripping, and thought he heard a soft intake of breath.

A bush to his right moved.

Dean activated his saber, and prepared to strike.

And saw a shock of messy black hair, and piercing blue eyes - he froze mid-strike.

Castiel didn’t even blink as he took in Dean and his saber.

Dean deactivated his weapon, as he noticed a flicker of relief pass over his lover‘s face. Cas’s expression became focused, and he reached out, gripping Dean’s wrist. He moved closer slowly, barely making a sound, and Dean knew he’d only heard the other man moments before because he’d intended him to.

Cas pressed his lips to Dean’s ear, but there was nothing erotic about it. “Dark Jedi,” he breathed.

Dean swallowed, and his gaze reflexively shot around them. All he could see were trees, and brush.

Fucking forest.

He tried not to think about what it meant that there was a dark Jedi ambush waiting on this world for them. A world that they were supposed to be meeting Ellen on.

He couldn’t go there right now.

“You okay?” Dean mouthed, noticing a couple of scraps on Cas’s cheek, and that his lower lip was split.

Cas nodded once, then held up three fingers.

There were three of them, that he knew of, that was just peachy.

A sound above them drew Dean’s attention; Cas melted back into the brush, pulling Dean with him.

They froze, and several feet away a woman dropped silently from the trees, her dark eyes sweeping across the area. She looked in their direction.

Dean held his breath.

He recognized her. This was the woman they’d seen on the recording they’d found on Mustafar. Right before that piece of shit Alastair had blown it all to hell.

She had long blonde hair, that was tied back off of her face. Her skin was pale, her build slender, but her exposed arms were lean, and toned. Her lips were thin, and set in a hard line - Dean could feel the hate radiating off of her.

This woman was barely human.

He’d never felt such…coldness.

And her eyes - he’d seen it a few times before. In the worst of the worst.

She was a predator; she knew nothing else.

Dean realized Roman had probably taken these people when they were kids. How else do you make the perfect army of killers who will do anything you ask, and never regret anything? Who would slaughter defenseless children.

You indoctrinate them from birth.

There was just nothing there inside of her; nothing but hate.

This woman wouldn’t stop unless they were dead. Even if it meant sacrificing herself to do it.

If they were all like this; the damage they could do.

He could only hope there really were only three of them here, and not an entire fucking army.

He knew Cas was sensing everything he was, and probably more.

She turned her back, and Dean prepared to strike. He tried to sense if she was alone, but the dark side was obscuring everything else.

It blended together in one nausea inducing mix of heaviness.

Try looking at the bottom of a lake filled with syrup - you knew something was there, but the details were impossible to make out.

That’s what this felt like, and Dean didn’t like it.

Still this might be his only shot to take her out quickly, and quietly.

Cas’s hand on his shoulder, squeezing hard stopped him from making the leap at her back.

Two more dropped down from the trees, standing at her side.

Dean swallowed, as he realized Cas had probably just saved his life. Taking on three, well trained Dark Jedi wasn’t exactly his brightest idea.

Both were male - twins. Short, raven black hair, eyes the color of a night sky, and their skin was covered in tattoos. They wore only pants, so Dean had a perfect view of their backs and arms - and the designs that were painted on them. Skulls, swirls and lines shooting out in all directions across their flesh. Symbols meaning death , and between each of their shoulder blades sat a pair of glowing, red eyes, crying blood.

It was more than a little disturbing.

Cas’s hand fell from his shoulder, and he gestured for Dean to loop around to the right, and he would go to the left.

Dean nodded, and began to creep slowly, and steadily away.

He was careful to place each foot with care, avoiding any branches that might crack, or rocks. He kept his head low, below the tall bushes and grass.

“Ruby,” one of the men spoke, his voice was harsh, as if he his vocal cords had been mangled, and were only now learning to produce sound again. “I know they are close,” he hissed.

Dean froze, as the woman, moved over to the man’s side. “I can feel them as well, keep your eyes open, we’ll find them. And when we do,” he could see her lips twist into a cruel smile, “we’ll show them what the dark side of the force has to offer.”

The man smiled, and it made Dean’s stomach curl. “The Master will be most pleased.”

Dean couldn’t wait to see their “Master” again. He had a few things to say to him.

The former Jedi knight began to move again, he was so close now he could almost smell the leather of their clothes. Each had a light saber holstered to their hip.

He got into position, his hand on his weapon, and waited for Cas’s signal.

Ruby’s head jerked, and she bent her knees, staring straight ahead. “The girl,” she breathed, “and she’s alone.”

Then all three leapt upward and vanished into the trees, moving with animalistic grace, and in unison. Almost like a pack.

Cas stood, his eyes wide. “Anna,” he said.

“We’ll flank them,” Dean said, and Cas nodded, while he leapt into a tree above them, his weight making it sway.

Dean growled, but jumped as well.


Cas moved through the trees, making sure Dean was keeping pace with him. He leapt from branch to branch, reaching through the fog, trying to find Anna.

He normally could feel her, but it was all so muffled.

He moved on instinct, knowing he didn’t have time to stop and plan.

The sound of clashing saber’s, and a grunt of pain ahead, had his heart clenching.

Please, let Anna be okay.

He could feel Dean at his side as he increased his pace and plunged forward, knowing he was being reckless, and not caring.

A small part of him knew this was why attachments were forbidden. All of his training faded to the background when someone he loved was in danger. It had happened when he had stolen a ship, and fled Coruscant to rescue Dean, and it was happening again now.

Cas breathed, forcing himself to slow down, to think, to look. Getting himself killed would not help Anna.

He heard an angry, pain filled scream erupt from somewhere ahead of him.

It was Anna; he’d know her voice anywhere.

His heart thudded in his chest, as he raced toward the tree line, praying he wasn’t too late.

Part 4

Feel free to friend this journal for the insanity.

Comments are always welcomed, and appreciated.

genre: fusion, fic: supernatural, pairing: dean/castiel, genre: jedi!verse, tags: genre: crossover, tags: fic, genre: slash

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