Having gone back to find a Mary Sue that I remembered, I came to find that the Suethor had improved, so this idea popped into my head. Why not take note of Suethor's who actually make an attempt to improve in their writing. Now, despite the fact that these awards are positive, the rule about telling them still in fact applies.
Never Give Up Award - Given to the Suethor's who make an effort to finish a fanfic simply to finish it after they got critiqued by someone. They also did not lash out publicly about said critique in a way that reflects them negatively.
01/12/11 -
Viper-Desi - Leave Out All the Rest - Awarded for being critiqued on her first five chapters and then eventually going back and writing eight more chapters.
02/19/11 -
Captain Misaki - Sibling Rivalry- Awarded for being critiqued and not giving up on her fanfic idea, despite restarting it.
05/28/11 -
XOHitsuhina - Dos Espada - Awarded for expressing desire to improve her writing and grow as a writer.
Completed Suefic Award - Given to the Suethor who completes a fanfic after being critiqued by someone. They also did not lash out publicly about said critique in a way that reflects them negatively.
Try, Try Again Award - Given to the Suethor who makes improvements based on critique given and doesn't try to pull something out of the hat to cover up their mistakes.
01/12/11 -
Viper-Desi - Leave Out All the Rest - Awarded for changing her preteen aged Mary Sue from having a bust just smaller then Rangiku's, to having one the size of Rukias. Also awarded for making it so the shikai no longer changes hair and eye color, for also changing the height of the OC from 5'2” to a much smaller height and for removing Hisagi from the fanfic as he had already graduated. It still needs work, but has come a long way.
02/19/11 -
Captain Misaki - Sibling Rivalry- Still needs work, but the work is rather minor. A lot of the Mary Sue traits were in fact dropped.
Self Improvement Award - Given to the Suethor who makes major improvements on their fanfics from where they once were.
02/19/11 -
Captain Misaki - Sibling Rivalry- The changes were not simply minor changes. The fanfic recieved a complete overhaul and a complete rewrite, which takes a lot of guts.
Trashed Award - Given to the Suethors who are willing to trash the original and start over with a brand new start.
02/19/11 -
Captain Misaki - Sibling Rivalry- For starting over her fanfic with the full on intention of making it better.
If you have any ideas for other awards or other Suethors/Badfic writers who diserve one of these awards, particularly from the Suethor's listed, please comment.