Twilight (The publication date for this fanfic is 10-21-04, while the publication for the novel Twilight is October 5, 2005)
Name: Hitsugaya Toshiro
Rating: Ganju
Badfic Writer:
kouriDescription: As Toshiro looks in canon
Pairings: Toshiro/Momo
He liked to watch her when she slept sometimes. He'd creep in quietly from his room into hers once he heard her even breathing after she'd succumbed to sleep, sliding the shoji door open, and staying by her side just watching her face. The moonlight would illuminate her face, throwing shadows across the rest of the room, but lighting up the girl of his heart.
Notes: I found this fanfic to be quite creepy. I would be more comfortable if this were written as if Hitsugaya Toshiro had a one-sided crush on Momo that he doesn't realize as that would be him acting his age. This just turns Toshiro into an Edward Cullen, which he is most definitely not. Seriously, once it clicked with him why he was doing this, he would in fact quit. Not to mention a good deal of his behavior crosses into places he wouldn't go, like him stealing a kiss from Momo.