Title: Stars that clear (have been dead for years)
Fandom: West Wing
Characters: Toby, Josh (Sam, Will, CJ, background CJ/Danny and past canon pairings)
Rating: R
Genre: Angst
Length: 5,700 words
Disclaimer: All belongs to Sorkin and Wells.
Warnings/Spoilers: Potential spoilers to end of S4. Character deaths and violence
Summary: This was the only way to
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Comments 24
Haha, well, I say it's always good to make people cry with fics, and it's even better to cry over one. :3
Thank you for the feedback, and I'm sorry. I'll write something happier next time. Either that or this angsty Mal/Simon I was planning.. ;)
Okay. *gathers breath* You know how I said that your AU was your best? Well, I'd like to change my answer. (I know you won't agree, but that's okay. And you know what my favourite favourite is anyway. ;)) But really: this is astonishing. There are precious few slips or sentences I had to read twice before I understood them. And I think you're coming into the first of your stages of brilliance. Which is not to say that you weren't brilliant before (I'm all with the back-handed compliments this week; ask Amanda) but this is a different, more mature kind. That yours came to you three years earlier (in terms of how old we are) than mine came to me is something I choose not be jealous of. ;) Basically, I'm probably going to end up saying that each new story is your best for a while. ;)
Anyway. I said this to melliyna, but in the hands of someone less talented, this could so easily have been 1984-lite and have been all the poorer for it. You've filled me full of questions of the 'why?' 'how?' 'when?" variety *and* managed to scare me ( ... )
The descriptions of the ex-White House reminded me of Serenity, or of something someone (possibly wisdomeagle) said about it: that what got to them most wasn't Book or Wash or whatever, but the process of making Serenity into a Reaver ship - the desecration. This struck me the same way and if it was a film and not a story, you can bet I'd be in tears over it the same way that if we ever go to DC you'll be embarrassed by me trying not to cry at the sight of the Washington monument. ;)
The little room had been for him and Sam; it was his alone now.
*sigh* There is a very weird domestication vibe that runs through all this story for me. I don't know if it's just this line that set it off or what but it's there. I guess because they have become family and better than lovers. And I am choosing to believe that this line is proof of what I want to see between Toby and Sam. (Although I think there are echoes elsewhere too. You can't fool me. ;))
He stood in its centre with a balled fist over his eyes. He was a widower twice over. He had lost two ( ... )
This is the last three points all put together: amazingly good prose, the feeling that this is really how I *actually* feel about the last season and the sense of role reversal with:
Toby glared. “Me. Anything else?”
:D Aww, Toby. I do love you. It's also a gently painful reminder of how Sam isn't there but things carry on - coffee has to be bought (I love that they don't so much go out for food but they do go for coffee *g*), plans made etc. Just with that hole in the middle.
Will Bailey stood up. “Mr Lyman. My name is Will Bailey, my father was General Thomas Bailey. I met Sam after I was arrested. We coordinated a defence which, while ultimately unsuccessful, lead to a dialogue which continued after I was released and until his-”And now, Will Bailey son of General Thomas Bailey, I kinda adore you also. This is all the best bits about Will - standing up to prove ( ... )
*chest swells* My boy. (Seriously. I do that. *goes to hide again*)
Toby was arbiter of disputes, and it was his view of what Sam Seaborn had or hadn’t been that would become official history. He had the language to make it so.
Re-reading this now that I've read the end, this seems an even sadder line than it did the first time around. *sobs* True though.
Sam was the sacrifice and Josh was the saved, the last in a long line. Josh would make it the last.
Foreshadowing = ouch. :(
Sam hadn’t walked into the enemy’s midst and overthrown the tables. He hadn’t been angry at the destruction of their year-old kingdom, though he would rant and rage about the misspellings in their police files. He could direct emissaries across the country but needed hazard tape to stop him tripping down the steps into his office.I LOVE THIS. The denial of Sam as a Christ-figure without actually saying so. The references! The prose! The ranting about ( ... )
Oh, and this “I’m sorry, but no. Sam says to tell you that we drank the Kool Aid.” is truly the best, as it's fitting as something both Toby and Sam would say.
I'm really glad you liked it, and thanks for commenting :)
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