Title: "Playing God" Ch 9: "War & White Lies"
Pairing: DBSK: YunJae, YooSu; (More Pairings/Bands to Come)
Writer: black_prophet (Midsummer_Slave)
Genre: SciFi/ Fantasy/ AU
Rating: PG13 (Language & Sensuality)
Warning: Fluff, Angst/Drama, Experiments/Medical, Weirdness, Rich Assholes, Sadistic Scientists, Captive Angels, Sensuality
A/N: This fic is now being dedicated to
myeyeswillclose &
rawrboysmode because I love them and they have strong bias-presence in this fic. I hope you two are enjoying yourselves. (Don't worry, more bands on the way!)
Disclaimer: THIS IS A FANFICTION, as in I do not own the Main Characters. All Technicians, Doctors, and most Executives/Billionaires/Random Assholes are created and named by me. I reserve the right to throw the names of all you sexy people in if I need them. Is that ok? Y/Y? I can't even prove Angels exist. This is just for entertainment purposes.
Previous Chapters:
"Biographies" "Chapter 1" "Chapter 2" "Chapter 3" "Chapter 4" "Chapter 5" "Chapter 6" "Chapter 7" "Chapter 8" Looking up from his food, HongKi considered the new Arch -and his roommate- silently. Though Yunho had significantly lessened the ‘feel’ of his energy, it was still a low hum just below his hearing. Something that he could feel in his bones and almost sense like a half-forgotten melody tucked in the back of his mind.
Even though he had tuned things down, The Population had reacted to his appearance in the cafeteria. Like a rock being thrown into the center of a still pond, ripples of whispers and the turn of heads moved through the crowd as they turned to watch. It was a fairly subtle greeting, the submissive Kin supposed. No one ran up to him, no one bowed; no one even spoke directly to him.
If they were near enough they met his gaze and gave a slight nod, then casually moved on with their tasks. If they were farther away, then they simply settled for glancing his way for a moment. The techs and staff probably didn’t notice, but the young Kin did.
It was nerve-wracking to walk into a room and feel like everyone knew you were coming before you even arrived. Like they were all talking about you without actually saying a word. For the first time Yunho had experienced the rather unsettling feeling, though he was sure it would not be the last. Not while he was here.
The cafeteria was fairly nice, if not stereotypical. Rather like a prison or a hospital -which Haven was a mix of, he supposed- it was white tile floors and plain walls, plastic utensils and glaring guards, a few scattered Technicians and staff. Tables with attached chairs -less for them to pick up and throw- provided seating for the Kin.
No females were mixed in with the population, but HongKi had told him they were kept in another building. Only the subjects of Houses One and Two were present, the A-Class males in black, the B-Class in gray. Little to no talking, and none of it of any importance, came from the subjects.
HongKi wore gray, and lead Yunho to a table in the heart of a splash of gray-clad figures. There were pockets of each color, several A-Class at tables, and then B-Class at others, while a few tables sported members of both groups. If he had to guess -judging by the feel- the group HongKi included them in was mostly submissive males, their energy shivering and withdrawing as Yunho moved amidst them.
When he sat, he offered HongKi a reassuring smile. The young male smiled back and said something playfully sarcastic, and just like that the energy around them relaxed. Faintly amused, the Arch Angel glanced at them, noting how one or two glanced at him and offered a faint nod or a half-smile. He nodded faintly in reply and then turned back to his food. Several moments passed in silence, though HongKi didn’t wait too long before breaking it.
“Are you going to help us?” He whispered, stabbing listlessly at his food as he dropped his gaze again. Lips barely moved to form the words, and they were hardly given breath or sound, but he knew Yunho heard.
Yunho lifted his head just enough to consider a Tech standing out of earshot of him and HongKi. She had a clipboard in hand and was watching him avidly. He met her gaze with a furious flash of his own dark eyes, and swallowed a smile of triumph when she looked away and took a half-step back.
“SoEun is afraid of you.” HongKi murmured without looking back at the female, instead he sipped from his water bottle and lifted one shoulder in a shrug. “Then again, I think most of them fear us.”
“Fear and hatred are great motivators.” Yunho replied coolly. “They can slay a race because of their religion, slaughter thousands because their eyes are not the right color, and start a war over nothing more than a handful of words.”
Mellow brown eyes darkened in worry as HongKi glanced up at him. “So then, we’re at war with them?”
Yunho shook his head, sorrow in his heart. “No… But they are at war with us.”
“Will you tell me about the Arch Angel?” Yunho murmured, not bothering to glance away from the window he sat in. There was just enough of an inset to allow him to sit in the sill, one side pressed firmly to cool glass as he stared at the stars.
“Akio?” HongKi shrugged slightly, curling more into himself on his place on the couch. When they’d returned from dinner he’d claimed the corner, wrapped himself around a pillow, and just sat quietly watching Yunho. “If you wish.”
“I’m… curious.” Yunho murmured, frowning past his reflection into the darkness. “His signature is not like mine.”
“No signatures are alike.” HongKi offered with a faint smile. “I may not know much about being Kin, but I know that.”
“True.” Yunho inclined his head slightly. “But the feel of it, everything is different. You felt the physical affect of my presence, and heard it, on different levels.”
“It made me feel like my heartbeat was in my teeth, like I was near a large drum or something.” HongKi laughed softly. “If they had any Techs that had Kin blood, they would have pegged you miles away.”
“I make a career out of being a target.” Yunho replied.
The words made the young Kin frown and tilt his head in question.
“But later… Tell me about your Hero.” Yunho insisted. “Whatever you know.”
“I don’t know too much… He’s an A-Class male, House One.” HongKi replied with a shrug, leaning his head back against the back of the couch and staring at the ceiling. “Several floors up, but I don’t know how many. He doesn’t have a roommate, I think they lock him in at night, not that it matters.”
Yunho laughed softly. No, a locked door didn’t mean much to an Arch Angel, not if he really wanted to get out. But then, it didn’t mean much to most Kin, either, unless they let it. The problem with most of the lesser strands is that they thought like humans, and didn’t have enough power to make them realize they were anything other.
At least, they didn’t realize it until the Haven was knocking on their door. By then it was usually too late, they were dragged off to a safe-house, abused a little -training, the techs called it- and then taken to Haven and released into the population. Endless tests, experiments, and sessions in the confrontation room.
“What do they do with the ones they no longer need?” Yunho asked suddenly.
“We’re sold.” The reply was given in a flat tone. “To the millionaires that invest, to escort services that provide for an exclusive clientele, to whomever they feel like and for whatever purpose they wish.”
“They haven’t sold the Arch, and I understand they’ve had him for awhile?” Gently he approached the subject again.
“I think someone said he’s been in the hands of Haven for five years or so…” HongKi shrugged. “I’m not too sure, but I know that he and Park Yoochun are close.”
“Is Yoochun in this House?”
“Yeah, two floors up. He rooms with a submissive B-class male named Junsu; we’ve spoken a few times.”
“What do you think of him?”
“Junsu?” HongKi glanced at Yunho questioningly, and then shrugged. “He’s nice too, though I think he has some sort of health issue… It’s rather weird; most of us don’t even get sick.”
The Arch frowned. To stand out here was dangerous. “What’s wrong with Junsu?”
“He gets headaches fairly frequently… I’ve seen Yoochun half-carry him out of a common area more than once.” HongKi shrugged. “The Techs don’t tell us about each others results, but I guess there’s nothing impressive on his. Maybe he’s got too much human in him and not enough Kin to stay healthy like the rest of us do.”
Yunho opened his mouth to argue the idea, and then paused, that strangely familiar mind brushing the border of his once again. He frowned out at the stars, wondering at the faint impressions he was getting. A wisp of thought, a distinct ‘signature’ of the others presence, fragments that spoke of immediate proximity and an unsettled mind.
Yet the only other one in the room was HongKi and the signature was anything but distressed. Yunho frowned as the ‘feeling’ began to withdraw again. ‘Who are you?’
He didn’t expect an answer, or to be able to hold the fleeting mist of the others mind. So the reply caught him off guard and made him all the more curious.
‘You’ll see… Soon.’
The Arch came back to himself with a twitch, twisting to face HongKi. He realized he must have worried the younger Kin as he caught sight of him frozen half way between him and the couch.
HongKi hesitated, concern apparent on his face. “Are… Are you alright?”
“Fine… I’m fine...” He murmured, knowing it wasn’t the truth.
A playful smile curled across the others face. “Liar.”
Yunho grinned. “Maybe a little.”
"Ch 10: The Resistance Leaders & The Kid"So who is the mysterious mind and voice? Dun dun duuuunnnnnn... Please comment? <3