FANFIC: "Playing God (Ch 4: About Arch Angels)" (Listed)

Dec 02, 2010 21:59

Title: "Playing God" Ch 4: "About Arch Angels"
Pairing: DBSK: YooSu (Hinted),(More Pairings/Bands to Come)
Writer: black_prophet (Midsummer_Slave)
Genre: SciFi/ Fantasy/ AU
Rating: PG13 (Language)
Warning: Fluff, Angst/Drama, Experiments/Medical, Weirdness, Rich Assholes, Sadistic Scientists, Captive Angels
A/N: This fic is dedicated to myeyeswillclose because she is my truelove BestGirl. This Chapter is only getting posted RIGHT NOW Because of HER! YOU BETTER LOVE HER! And REMEMBER TO CHECK THE BIO's POST!!!
Disclaimer: THIS IS A FANFICTION, as in I do not own the Main Characters. All Technicians, Doctors, and most Executives/Billionaires/Random Assholes are created and named by me. I reserve the right to throw the names of all you sexy people in if I need them. Is that ok? Y/Y? I can't even prove Angels exist. This is just for entertainment purposes.
Previous Chapters: "Biographies" "Chapter 1" "Chapter 2" "Chapter 3"

She licked her lips nervously; flipping open the file to consider the information about Kim Jaejoong’s various interactions with members of The Population. Since he’d been confirmed an Arch-line, he’d been given his own quarters once again. They certainly didn’t want to risk their only Arch getting into a fight with a room-mate, or worse, ordering that room-mate to harm him.
If she was reading the behaviors right, their concerns were valid. Out of loyalty, any of the lesser AngelKin actually would kill him if he asked. The hierarchical system of the Angel rankings in general meant that no matter which of the Seven Arch Lines gave an order, all lesser obeyed it. At least, they had in the past. Until they had more Arch Angels in custody and were able to solve some of the puzzling results, all the technicians and staff could do was guess.
Subject Kim Jaejoong was a puzzling file, from start to finish. He possessed a somewhat cool exterior, but seemed do be more of a delicate individual. He was soft-spoken, non-aggressive, remarkably logical and pliant. Under any other circumstances, no tech would hesitate to surmise that he was in fact a Submissive…
But if he walked down the hall, Dominants moved out of his way and bowed their heads. If he entered a crowded common room, someone automatically moved to give him a seat. If he opened his mouth, every ear tuned to his voice.
And that included human ones. Kim Jaejoong was a puzzling, enrapturing individual. Though he submitted to tests, the results were nothing that could be understood or made sense of. Though he interacted with The Population, he remained apart from it. Though he was a prisoner, he remained calm and merely seemed to be waiting for…
Though she hadn’t been his assigned Kin-Tech for long, it was beginning to unnerve her. Worse yet was the fact that there was no word or name she could give to the unease. And if she couldn’t explain it, it wouldn’t be taken seriously. Then again, if she could explain, and they found the threat credible, those higher up might demand his case terminated.
And she didn’t want to be responsible for the death of that beautiful Arch Angel. No matter what, she didn’t want him dead. She just wanted answers. In lieu of those, she kept her silence, and left Kim Jaejoong his secrets. They wouldn’t be secrets for long, after all. Such things didn’t last, not at The Haven.

It was strange that they had such a complex honor code that was simultaneously so simple. Those at The Haven assumed there were seven Arch bloodlines, to coincide with the seven archangels of stories: Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Raguel, Remiel, and Saraqael. Without a doubt, all other AngelKin obeyed the will of the seven Arch bloodlines. They were the leaders, the most gifted.
According to research and interrogation of older angel subjects as well as studying through many generations, The Haven had even found traces of prior relations. Though not as old as the lines themselves, there was quite a lengthy history of people banding together to study the AngelKin. It was only in more recent generations, in the face of great advances in technology that these like minds banded together and formed The Haven. The mission was once “For the Safety of Mankind and the Assessment of the Angel Threat”.
With vague notations on early members of the Seven Lines, The Haven had created as detailed a timeline as possible. Each of the strains wound through time, occasionally crossing paths or sharing familial bonds with lesser AngelKin. Sketches of prior subjects, notes about abilities, and even the occasional statement from the subject or report of an autopsy had been meticulously collected through time and carefully preserved in The Archives.
Though the most recent relatives of the Seven Lines were not confirmed, and thought to be lost to time, they had managed by sheer luck to catch one. The once-feral male had learned quickly there was no escape unless his captors willed it, and had eventually resigned himself to their keeping.
It had been five years ago that they’d captured Kim Jaejoong, who they discovered was of Raphael’s line. Raphael, the third Arch Angel, was said to be a Healer in the old stories. Intrigued that his long-removed descendant might also possess this ability, the scientists had done everything to discover the talent.
For the moment, it remained dormant.
The biggest difference in Jaejoong’s case when compared to all the others of The Haven was his manifestation of wings. Through some event that cost his prior technician her life, resulted in a massive loss of equipment, and cost two other subjects their lives, the black-feathered appendages had appeared. Though the subject himself was only about five-foot-nine, each wing stretched in excess of eight feet in length.
Surprise had been the initial reaction to the wings, both at their appearance in general as well as their physical one. Though most had been expecting white-feathered wings, Kim Jaejoong’s were a striking black.
‘Not black, precisely.’ Sae corrected herself as she considered one of the photos in the file. A close-up of the wing, it showed how in the light, each seemingly black feather gleamed with pearlescent tones. Deep indigo and blue chased each other over the feathers, like a raven’s wing in the sun. As dark as Jaejoong’s hair, as dark as his eyes.
‘He truly is beautiful…’ She admitted as she glanced through the photographs included in his file and even paused to consider a feather they had removed from his wing to add to their collected data. When they’d tried to analyze the feather, the DNA results had come back mixed. Some read as human, matching blood-DNA samples taken from Jaejoong. Some registered as something akin to a black swan, and some were completely confusing which they just attributed to the ‘angel’ factor.
Another puzzle they were no closer to solving.
Ever since the event he’d been able to manifest and ‘banish’ the wings at will. A relatively minor talent when compared to the expected gifts of an Arch Angel, but at the same time a massive achievement for The Haven. So far no other subject had shown any hint of wing manifestation, and the attempt to repeat the effect had been deemed too hazardous to property.
Perhaps if they had another Arch to study, another to compare Jaejoong’s test results to, they would be somewhat closer to unraveling some of the mysteries surrounding this race. Paging through various print-outs of the results, SaeNa hesitated once again over the strange jump in brain activity and heart-rate. For some reason it nagged at her, though she wasn’t sure why.
Perhaps because it was the first irregularity she could spot in the erratic ‘normalcy’ of Jaejoong’s patterns. A reaction he hadn’t had before, which was easy to pick out in spite of not being able to make sense of his normal readings. The spikes had first occurred on his tests five days ago, though there was no apparent reason why. The tests had been performed by a scientist who had worked with him before, but -as was Protocol- was not on his case each time in order to prevent familiarity between doctor and case. It was not the first testing SaeNa had sat in for either, so her presence wasn’t the cause.
A repeat in the strange spikes appeared on the tests from yesterday as well. Those tests had occurred without her observation, and had been performed by another doctor. They were two completely different scenarios, both with eerily similar anomalies appearing on his readouts. Perhaps he was getting sick? Or was there some sort of malfunction within the equipment? Still, it didn’t make any sense.
“SaeNa, my patience is waning.” Shin HyunSu growled, returning her sharply to the present.
She responded immediately. “Sir, even the most Dominant Non-Arch Angel will bow before this male. It’s programmed into the very DNA of all Angel strains. If they’re not Arch, they bow to one who is. That is why it is so important to find more Arch Angel lines, because until have at least one more, what we can understand of Jaejoong is severely limited.”
“And you, Technician Park KyoNa.” Shin HyunSu turned his attention to the newly arrived tech, pinning her to her chair with a level look. “You protested to our earlier experiment with your case.”
“Yes sir.” She murmured, unrepentant of her earlier behavior but somewhat more restrained now. “We have reason to believe that Jung Yunho may be another of the Arch Angel lines, we’re just waiting for the blood-work to return and confirm.”
“Explain to me why you believe he is an Arch.” HyunSu leaned back in his seat, somewhat interested.
“What we know of his family would indicate it, sir. There has been some difficulty obtaining full records, but what information we did manage to collect hints that he traces back to the Primary line.”
HyunSu leaned forward in his seat. “A Primary Arch bloodline?”
“Yes sir.” She replied softly, somehow finding the ability to continue though her throat threatened to close on the words. “The Primary Arch Line. We believe Jung Yunho to be a descendant of Michael.”

"Ch 5: Half-Promises & A Challenge"
You better freaking love this, people. I want comments. 2 Chapters in one night! YOU BETTER BE KISSING UP TO myeyeswillclose BECAUSE THIS IS ALL HER. I freaking love you, baby. <3

angels, genre: au, genre: scifi/fantasy, rating: pg13, type: multi-ch, acu: playing god, dbsk

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