Title: "Playing God" Ch 7: "Roommates & Secrets In The Night"
Pairing: DBSK: YunJae, YooSu (More Pairings/Bands to Come)
Writer: black_prophet (Midsummer_Slave)
Genre: SciFi/ Fantasy/ AU
Rating: PG13 (Language)
Warning: Fluff, Angst/Drama, Experiments/Medical, Weirdness, Rich Assholes, Sadistic Scientists, Captive Angels, Sensuality
A/N: This fic is now being dedicated to
myeyeswillclose &
rawrboysmode because I love them and they have strong bias-presence in this fic. I hope you two are enjoying yourselves. (Don't worry, more bands on the way!)
Disclaimer: THIS IS A FANFICTION, as in I do not own the Main Characters. All Technicians, Doctors, and most Executives/Billionaires/Random Assholes are created and named by me. I reserve the right to throw the names of all you sexy people in if I need them. Is that ok? Y/Y? I can't even prove Angels exist. This is just for entertainment purposes.
Previous Chapters:
"Biographies" "Chapter 1" "Chapter 2" "Chapter 3" "Chapter 4" "Chapter 5" "Chapter 6" “Your dorm is still in House One.” KyoNa explained as they walked. “On the third floor, the main change being that you’ll be sharing the space with another of the Kin… A young Submissive male by the name of Lee HongKi.”
Stopping at the appropriate door, she knocked and then opened it, stepping in confidently. Yunho followed, noting with minor interest that they stood in a sitting area. The soft sound of footsteps heralded the arrival of the occupant, a young male with black hair slightly longer than Yunho’s but shorter than Yoochun’s had been. His dark eyes moved from KyoNa to Yunho, and what he saw there made him drop his gaze to the floor.
“Kin-Tech.” He murmured without inflection.
“HongKi, this is Jung Yunho.” KyoNa began without hesitation. “You will have received notification earlier today that he is your new roommate.”
He nodded. “The other Techs were here already and brought all of his things.”
“Excellent… Then if there is no further questions.” She glanced at Yunho, nodded, and retreated. “Good evening.”
HongKi murmured a soft ‘Good Evening’ and glanced up to watch her leave. As soon as the doorknob clicked on her departure, he returned his eyes to the floor, waiting in silence.
“I’m not going to treat you like them.” Yunho murmured, somewhat disgusted at the idea. “If that’s what you’re waiting for, at least sit down… You’ll be there awhile.”
Eyes like caramel lifted, widened by surprise. His reply was a single muttered word. “Oh.”
Yunho snorted in amusement, unable to ignore the impulse to do so and seeing no reason to. Perhaps the boy would relax when he realized that Yunho’s arrival meant he had an ally rather than just another enemy. “Expecting a tyrant, HongKi?”
“I don’t know the Arch here, I didn’t really know what to expect.” The younger male shrugged, his features still slightly rounded by baby-fat. He looked adorable and terribly young, though the black collar gleaming at his throat somewhat diminished the image of an innocent teen.
Yunho clicked his teeth on a thousand regrettable phrases, each having to do with the existence of this place and the audacity of the humans who ran and worked within it. “Is his presence so terrible that you would assume the worst of me?”
His head flew like a startled horse, hair whipping rather like a mane. But then, one type of wild creature was much like another, particularly when they were caged. “The Akio? No… No… His presence is… reassuring.”
The Akio... The Hero. Mutely Yunho tested the name, wondering at its owner. Apparently The Population of Haven had many secrets…
“Everyone says it was a lot worse before he was brought in… There were fights all the time and Kin killed when they attempted to escape. At least now there are very few that die at the hands of other kin.” The young male scuffed his foot on the carpet, voice a bitter whisper. “It’s just the humans that pick us off one by one.”
‘No wonder Rain wanted to send in a dozen trained men…’ Yunho thought to himself. ‘It’s beginning to sound like I might need them…’
“But no one knew anything about you, other than you’re newly arrived and we can feel you all over the compound.” HongKi shrugged, barely suppressing a shiver, expression hardening in concentration. “Where his presence is more of a gentle hum that we’re all used to, you’re an alien sensation… Bolder, louder, somehow.”
Yunho sighed. He could already hear Se7en laughing in his head. Can you do nothing with finesse, little brother? Quietly, quietly! You’ll do no good at all if the whole of the compound is on edge just because you blast that bold attitude of yours. I bet you get it from Rain…
As if realizing what he said, HongKi blushed and ducked his head. “Sorry, it isn’t meant to be a bad thing… It just, makes me nervous, I guess. I keep wondering how long it will take before they figure out a way to measure everyone’s power, and what they’ll do…”
Considering the younger Kin’s words, Yunho went after his unique ‘signature’, pausing to examine it for a moment. The low ‘rumble’ was rather ominous compared to the sinuous ‘mist’ of presence that he could feel. The flare that he believed to have been Yoochun was gone, tucked out of sight he assumed. Another certain something lingered in the air as well, hidden beyond all but the keenest of senses.
Yunho could guess at it, but he couldn’t pinpoint its location or even say he felt or heard it exactly. It was a strange feeling, like knowing you were being watched, but not seeing the watcher. The Seer?
He had no way of knowing, at least not yet.
“Sorry.” Yunho murmured as he somewhat ‘dampened’ the call, tuning it down lower so it didn’t overwhelm the younger male.
Now that he thought about it, there was little likelihood that HongKi could shield himself from the presence of other Common Kin, let alone Yunho’s Arch signature. Then again, Yunho hazarded a guess that there were few -if any- within The Haven that knew how to shield their signatures or block out the feel of others. If they had, perhaps they would still be free in the world.
“I feel like I can be in the same room with you without my teeth throbbing in time with my heartbeat.” The younger male gave a faint smile. “Much… Now that I can hear my own thoughts…”
Yunho arched a brow as he watched HongKi tilt his head in thought. “Am I the only one that’s hungry?”
“Food sounds good…” Yunho considered the question, and then nodded with a faint smile of his own. The boy looked so hopeful it was hard to say no. “I missed lunch, too much fun in the confrontation room.”
“Yeah... I know all about that.” HongKi nodded, wincing slightly as he lifted one hand and ran it along the inside of his collar. There was just enough space between the collar and his throat that he could complete the gesture, just enough space that he didn’t choke.
What Yunho had thought was merely the shadow of the collar against pale skin appeared to be a mottled-purple bruise, as though someone had seized the younger male by the collar and hauled him around. Unable to mask the faint frown and the initial angry reaction to the thought, Yunho almost missed the other male’s question.
“Who’d you get thrown in with?”
Yunho considered possible answers and the boy’s behavior. A Submissive probably had more issue in the Confrontation Room scenarios than a Dominant did. The Submissive Kin were probably just waiting for the Dominants to attack, or the scientists to propose some lucrative test that would involve pain. HongKi, with his young age, lack of shields, and almost puppy-like manners probably hadn’t had an easy time of it.
“Park Yoochun.” The Arch replied after a moment.
HongKi whistled softly. “Interesting.”
Yunho frowned, tilting his head in question. “Is it?”
“Yoochun is one of the only ones I would consider a friend to Akio… And since he’s the Haven’s Arch.” HongKi shrugged. “Interesting that they’d put him in your path, I wonder what he has to say about the conversation?”
Yunho could practically hear HongKi wondering I wonder what he told Akio?, and found himself wondering also. Did Yoochun turn around and tell the Arch of the new arrival? Well, if they were friends, Yunho imagined so.
‘How do you know my mate is here, though?’
‘The Seer, of course.’
The Arch Angel frowned.
‘Are you here for us, or your mate?’
Who was his mate?
“How about dinner, Kid?”
“Sure… Sure… This way.”
“You want to go outside?” SaeNa murmured as she considered her case curiously. It was a well-documented fact that as long as he behaved himself, Kim Jaejoong was allowed the occasional ‘reward’. Most often the Arch traded these for a chance to be outside, star-gazing being his usual request.
The grounds of The Haven were marked with several ‘turn out’ areas, where if they wished the staff and scientists could allowed subjects time in the fresh air. A complex system of pillars around the areas formed and electrical barrier programmed to recognize the signature of the various collars and bracelets. If a subject crossed the line by leaving the area without a Tech or even flying, he or she was treated to an immediate shock that either ensured they landed swiftly of their own will, or were rendered unconscious and their plans of escape halted.
To his credit, Kim Jaejoong had never attempted escape. He simply went out to one of the more distant areas, sat on the bench, and stared up at the sky. His visitations ranged from mere minutes to hours, the shorter ones often abruptly ended by the Angel’s own request. Unless he ran the risk of keeping them out there all night, they usually indulged in the request.
Perhaps it bought them some of his cooperation.
“Alright… It’s cold though, so we won’t stay long.”
Jaejoong bowed his head in understanding. He didn’t need long, but he wanted the stars, at least for a little while. It was nice to get out of The Haven and just enjoy free air, to sit and think about the secrets written in the night sky, rather than if they would unravel his existence with the next sunrise.
Night had fallen, and scattered diamonds studded the velvet sky. Darker than his eyes, wings or hair, the expanse of sky beckoned. With a bitter smile, Jaejoong declined. He couldn’t join them, not yet.
His free hand moved to tug gently at the bracelet around his other wrist, and he sighed under his breath as the wind stroked over his face and through his hair. ‘You weren’t supposed to follow me here… But I’ll be free again soon... And together we’ll leave this place.’
"Ch 8: "Stolen Intimacy"Comment.Comment.Comment.Comment.Comment.