Hearts on Fire-Whipped Cream

Jan 02, 2006 20:18

As Kids

The Tiny Firebird
Newborn Phoenix and her parents in the hospital
Tulips 101
Carrie and two-year-old Phoenix plant flowers in the garden.
Trail of Chocolate
Holly follows candy wrappers to an surprising discovery
Chaison and his mother are evicted from the hotel, but Holly doesn't go without words
Soft Bed, Warm Heads
Holly is able to give Chaison a place to sleep for the night, thanks to a Good Samaritan.
Lying Wolf
Four-year-old Chaise gives his opinion on the tale of Peter and the Wolf
Wanna be friends?
The first meeting of six-year-old Firebird and Mickey
The Bonnet Party
Seven-year-old Phoenix and Michaela attend a local bonnet party, while the mothers chat
Window Shopping
Ten year old Phoenix and Carrie spend some mother/daughter time at the mall.
To Jump or Not to Jump?
At the river, eleven-year-old Chaison shows how brave he can really be
Answers Unanswered
Eleven year old Chaison asks his mother Holly about the man missing in his life.
Arizona Sweetie
Eleven year old Phoenix has a talk with her dad at the beach about the home state they live in.
Cause and Effect
Twelve year old Chaison challenges the boss of the house: His mother.
An Outcast in her Own Home
An uncomfortable twelve-year-old Phoenix helps her parents with their dinner party.
The Simple Life
The heaven that twelve-year-old Phoenix called her life (chapter 1 of the first book)
After the Crash
Chaison wakes up after the crash and looks for his mother, Holly
Lightning and Rain
The day that changed thirteen-year-old Chaison's life forever and the two people that saved him... (chapter 2 of the first book)
The Abyss
The day that changed twelve-year-old Phoenix's life forever... (chapter 3 of the first book)

As Teens
Little Boy Lost
Fourteen-year-old Chaison finds a fatherly figure in Luke Matthews.
Neck to Neck
Fifteen-year-old Chaison has a friendly horse race with his best friend.
Shattering of Glass
Fifteen-year-old Chaison and his recurring nightmare
The Captain is my Best Friend
Sixteen-year-old Phoenix and her friends try to sneak back in from the big college party
Sixteen-year-old Chaison is unable to keep his fear in tact at a girl's house
The Thunder Rolls and the Lightning Strikes
Sixteen-year-old Phoenix finds her best friend in a troubling state
Cooking from the Heart
Sixteen-year-old Phoenix spends some time cooking and bonding with her new aunt, Belle.
Blazing Secrets
Sixteen-year-old Phoenix listens to secrets from her friends around the campfire
One of the Family
The Matthews family takes Chaison into their home to live.
Christmas Unlike Any Other
Seventeen-year-old Phoenix gets the best present of her whole teenage life.

hearts on fire, childhood, index, whipped cream

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