Author: Bitz
Title: Wanna Be Friends?
Rating: G
Challenge: Cherry Chocolate Chip # 29 -Amity
Topping/Extra: Whipped Cream (Fire just turned 7 and Mic is 6 and a half), Pocky, Cherry (dialogue)
Story: Hearts on Fire series
Summary: Phoenix meets Michaela in elementary school
Word Count: 63
A/N: Just something fun I thought up. BTW...Mic's mom still doesn't know who Michaela's daddy is...
"Hello dere."
"I'm Phoenix."
"I'm Mickey!"
"Mickey? Like Mickey Mouse?"
"He yor daddy?"
"No! Hehe...Elliot is my daddy...I think. Or did Mommy say it was Bobby?
"Oh. Wanna be friends?"
"You got candy?"
"Oh. Too bad. Yes, we can be friends."
"Why you colorin yor hair with markers?"
"I'm makin highlights."
"...Yor weird."
"I know. Mommy say dat too."