Tulips 101

Jul 16, 2009 11:39

Author: Bitz
Title: Tulips 101
Rating: G
Challenge: Fotd-Dulcet (Pleasing to the ear; melodious; harmonious), Buttercream #2-Spring Flowers and Cotton Candy #26-Left Behind
Topping/Extra: Whipped Cream
Story: Hearts on Fire Series
Summary: Carrie tries to teach little Phoenix how to plant tulips
Word Count: 460
A/N: Yay!!! Finally done with Cotton Candy!

Ty smiled in his rear view mirror as he saw his wife bringing his daughter outside and shook his head, regretting that he had to leave them behind. He just figured the faster he could get there, he could get back and with that drove away from the ranch.

Carrie watched her husband drive off to the feed store and smiled.


Hearing her daughter's light dulcet voice, she looked down seeing Phoenix in her cute overalls and white sandals. She didn't want to put on a shirt and Carrie was trying to teach her choose and put her own clothes on so she let her be shirtless.

"You ready for some flowers, Firebird?"

Phoenix nodded, holding a hand shovel that looked ten times to big for her pudgy little hands and a basket that held the bags of seeds. Carrie chuckled at how adorable her 2 year old was and picked her up.

"Then let's find a spot ok? A good spot where the flowers can get good sunlight, right?"

"Mmhmm...like McDonalds."

Carrie laughed, shaking her head. "I don't think so baby, but good try."

"I want to plants Chicken Nuggets, Mommy."

"Ohh...I just think somebody is hungry. We'll see what we can do about your nugget flowers ok?"

"Yesh. But first...these."

Carrie looked down at the package of deep red lipstick shaped flowers. "Tulips. You want to plant tulips, Phoenix?"

"No. Cuz I haf two alreadies."

"Silly goose."

After explaining that tulips were the name of the flowers, Carrie took her daughter to a patch of dirt that Ty had made just for their flowers. "We have to thank Daddy for our flower patch. Now, I'm going to put some seeds in your hand and we're going to put them in the dirt okay?" Phoenix nodded and started digging holes for the flowers. Some where bigger than they needed to be and sometimes she didn't even dig and just put seeds everywhere.

By the time Tyler got back home, Carrie was helping Phoenix sprinkle the garden with a watering can. "Well well...look at my green thumbs. What you planting up?" Phoenix left her mother to run to her Daddy's arms. "Thank yous the garden, Daddy. Now you got more lips in case you lose some." When Ty cocked his head, Carrie said, "We planted tulips." Ty's belly laugh echoed in the ranch and he tickled Phoenix. "You're a smart little firespark." Phoenix giggled and nodded, caressing her dad's bearded face. "Now what are you goin to plant?"

"Chicken Nuggets."


Carrie dusted her hands off on her gardening apron coming to her family.

"I think it's time for a trip to McDonalds, Daddy."

"Well after saving my lips from extinction, I would say you guys deserve it."

Phoenix and Carrie giggled.

[challenge] buttercream, [challenge] cotton candy, [topping] whipped cream, [author] bitz, [challenge] flavor of the day

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