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Comments 28

synn January 12 2007, 04:04:15 UTC
Have an icon! *points to icon*


nightdog_barks January 12 2007, 04:18:11 UTC
... the next museum we went to was called the "Please Don't Touch Museum" ...


Oh, a memory! Yes ... um ... for many years I used to have a recurring dream (not a nightmare) of being in a dimly-lit museum. I was always in an area where there were lots of glass cases holding ancient turquoise jewelry.

Nothing ever happened in the dreams -- I was always just walking around, looking at the exhibits.

I haven't had one of these dreams for a long time, but I still remember them.


bironic January 14 2007, 00:51:00 UTC
Do you think the dream stems from a place you visited when you were very young?

Funny you should comment on this post after a few days off -- it was the "Please Don't Touch Museum" that came to mind when you wrote about the "don't touch" room. Quite different connotations there.


daasgrrl January 12 2007, 04:26:53 UTC
and then the lights would go off, you'd strike a pose, a bright light would flash, and a few moments later the lights would come back up and you could see everyone's silhouettes on the wall.

Hey, I went to one of those not all that long ago - saw the fabulous Omnimax movie on sea creatures as well *g*


nightdog_barks January 12 2007, 04:40:22 UTC

I need your help!

*roams over to your LJ to ask you a question*

*apologizes to bironic for the brief threadjack* :-)


bironic January 14 2007, 00:53:14 UTC
Oh, neat. All the museum websites I checked don't seem to this exhibit anymore; I'm glad they're not all gone.

And yay Omnimax. That wasn't the one that showed last year in London, with James Cameron and submersible cameras capturing never-before-seen creatures of the deep?


daasgrrl January 14 2007, 01:03:17 UTC
Admittedly, it was a completely deserted exhibit, which might explain a lot *g*

A little rummage around shows you mean "Volcanoes of the Deep Sea" - no, not that one. It was just called "Deep Sea", and narrated by Kate Winslet and Johnny Depp. The creatures were just amazing, though - pretty much the equivalent of alien life on earth, some of them.


thewlisian_afer January 12 2007, 05:14:43 UTC
The Girl Scouts around here do this thing every year (or at least they used to when I was a Girl Scout -- dunno if they still do) where they go to the NYS museum in Albany and ... well, I guess the point is to learn. We got packets we had to fill out and there were craft activities and trivia games and all kinds of stuff. It was always a lot of fun but the best part was we got to spend the night in the museum. My troop always chose to sleep in the area with the displays about animals of the northeast. One year I woke up in the middle of the night to my friend Ashley gripping my arm tight enough that it hurt and shaking it. She insisted that the life-sized deer that we were sleeping near had been moving. Neither of us slept the rest of the night and obviously we didn't see it move anymore. But deer still freak me out.


bironic January 14 2007, 00:54:35 UTC
I wish we'd had an opportunity to stay overnight in a museum, even if I'd probably have been as scared as your friend. When the Museum of Natural History announced the start of those school sleepovers leading up to the release of "Night at the Museum," I was a little jealous of all the kids who'd get to spend the night in there. :)


mer_duff January 12 2007, 05:26:10 UTC
When I was twelve my friend KC invited me to go to Victoria with her for the day. I think her father had a meeting and her mother had things to do on her own, so I was invited to keep KC company. I remember we went to the Royal BC Museum in the morning and had tea at the Empress, which made us feel very grown-up, and then we were allowed to wander on our own. We went to the Royal London Wax Museum and what was then called Land of the Little People (now the more PC Miniature World), which I adored in all it's somewhat cheesy splendour.


bironic January 14 2007, 01:25:18 UTC
Sounds like fun. Plus things tend to be more exciting when you're young and unsupervised.

On our trip to Vancouver we spent one day on Vancouver Island (minus ferry time) and about an hour in Victoria and didn't get to visit any of the places you mention, although we had a lovely time and Butchart Gardens was beautiful.


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