Return of Memoryfest - Day 12/31

Jan 11, 2007 22:53

12. Pre-school

I remember visiting a museum when we were very young that had a bare room in it where you'd mill about, and then the lights would go off, you'd strike a pose, a bright light would flash, and a few moments later the lights would come back up and you could see everyone's silhouettes on the wall. I'd say it was like magic except my dad was a science teacher, so half the fun was listening to him explain how it worked.

We visited a lot of museums back then, and while I remember things about each of them, I can't place this particular memory. I was just telling my sister I couldn't remember if this exhibit was in Sesame Place or some science museum, but she's positive it was the Please Touch Museum in Philadelphia. (That's a story in itself; our parents told us that the next museum we went to was called the "Please Don't Touch Museum" so we knew to keep our hands off the displays. For years afterwards I believed that was its actual name.)


memoryfest ii

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