Return of Memoryfest - Day 13 & 14/31

Jan 13, 2007 19:42

Lost our internet connection last night and this morning. Always annoying, but at least this time I didn't have a critical project to upload for work. Two memories tonight to catch up.

13. Middle School

The World Wide Web started to become really popular when I was in middle school. Being in the technology field, my dad was the first to learn about it, and he showed the rest of us what could be done: research, email, surfing, etc. One of the earliest memories I have of using the Internet is sitting at my mom's computer with this new and wonderful Netscape browser offering access to an unfathomable amount of information. I typed the names of all the stores I could think of into the address bar to see if they had websites. Once one came up, there wasn't much to do but think of another. And when I started to run out of ideas, which didn't take long, I sat there and thought, Well, now what? Already there was this compulsion to keep going, to stay online, even when I couldn't think of what to do.

14. Elementary School

Our third-grade class was having a spelling lesson-"'I' before 'e' except after 'c,'" homonyms and homophones, that sort of thing. That day's lesson must have been about irregular spellings, because one of the words we were learning was "stomach." The reason I remember this at all is that a friend of mine sitting across the room was talking when she shouldn't have been, and our teacher reprimanded her for it. A. protested that she'd been paying attention. Our teacher asked her to please pronounce the word on the page. A. promptly said, with great confidence, "sto-MOSH."


memoryfest ii

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