Return of Memoryfest - Day 11/31

Jan 10, 2007 22:26

11. Middle School

Baskin Robbins ice cream stores give kids a free scoop on their birthdays. We had a Baskin Robbins in the mall by our house, right across the atrium from B. Dalton (a bookstore since acquired by Barnes & Noble). Once when we went for the annual clown cone (see icon)-I don't remember whether it was my birthday or my sister's-I had a library book in tow, a paperback about a raccoon in the Pacific Northwest that at one point drank something that made it seem rabid. 7-UP, maybe. Or it had been left in a hot car. Anyway, afterwards, following family tradition, we crossed over to B. Dalton to pick out books, and I realized I'd left the raccoon one at Baskin Robbins. It being a library book and not one of my own, my parents were especially worried that it had been lost, but I was positive it would be right where we left it. We went back, and sure enough I was able to pick it up off the table.


memoryfest ii

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