2010 fic/vid/art year in review

Dec 31, 2010 11:58

I hereby declare that the end of the year will not occur until the end of the weekend. That way I can use the days off to finish this vid and maybe a story, and still have them count in the year they were started.

Anyway, here's the year's fannish productivity in review.

Since I mostly wrote for Porn Battle and SGA Kink Meme prompts, there was one burst of stories in January/early February and another in July. In addition to the usual suspects, I tried writing in some different fandoms. I made some covers for two people's House Big Bang stories. On the vidding side, my computer went all kablooey, twice, so I lost several months of vidding time and then had to rebuild three vids-in-progress; but I did get the machine temporarily patched up and then this month got a shiny new one. In the end, I didn't produce an astounding amount... but there was also the maid of honor thing and the freelancing after work thing and the family health thing and the WTF is wrong with me thing.

2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006

Fic in 2010

The SGA/American Idol fusion I'm not writing - Gen/ensemble, PG, 1,000 words

One Night in Princeton - SGA/House, Remy Hadley/Radek Zelenka, adult, 825 words

Hero Gets the Girl - SGA, Rodney/Jennifer, Rodney/Buffy (the Vampire Slayer) fantasy, PG-13, 425 words

Somewhere Over the Wormhole - Deep Space 9/SGA, Kira/Teyla, R, 2,850 words

Didn't find a large audience, unsurprisingly, but I like the connections these characters found (as well as the background reference to Worf and Ronon bonding, and McKay arguing/problem-solving with O'Brien, and Sheppard flirting with Dax, because of course Sheppard would flirt with Dax).

Doppelganger - True Blood/X-Men, Eric/Rogue, adult, 2,220 words

I'm still not sure this was the right direction to take the story in, with Eric being (characteristically, but still) so misogynist and Rogue not quite getting her own back. But there it is.

Tables Turned - SGA, John/Todd, so, so adult, 1,278 words

For me, the hottest story I wrote this year.

Untitled John/Teyla "vanilla" as kink - SGA, adult, 2,978 words

The one I put the most thought into. May do a DVD commentary on this one one day.

Exposed - SGA, Elizabeth Weir/Steven Caldwell, adult, 1,823 words

Secret: this one started life as a DS9 Mary Sue story.

Five Times the Inception Team Tried to Extract Information from the Atlantis Crew - Gen/ensemble with some Ariadne/Woolsey and Woolsey/Arthur, PG-13, 3,475 words

How fitting that my maybe-last story of the year would be Inception, since that's mostly what I've been reading these past few months. There are some things I'd change, now, having answered a few questions about the rules of dreaming as set forth in the film, but I still like each section very much.

There was also a Mary Sue story:

OFC/OMC semi-Trekverse noncon #4 (unrelated to #1-3) - NC-17, 2,000 words

And I let go of some WsIP I'm not likely to finish:

Amnesty: 4 stories
The Spike Effect, Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel, Spike/William, 4,000 words
Sestina!fic, Remus, Harry Potter, gen, 200ish words
Self-indulgent Rodney torture story, SGA, "Progeny" tag, gen, 2,800 words
House & Wilson stormy night fragment, House, gen, 400 words


Call Me Al - SGA, Rodney and team, humor, 1:45

I think this came out well. Just want to remaster it now that I know the proper production techniques.

Zombie snippet - SGA, gen, horror/humor, :14

Still makes me go "hee," even though I think nobody saw it.

Soccer Practice - SGA, John/Ronon, humor, 2:40

Love the way this turned out. Love the response it got, too. Learned a bit along the way as well, including through happy accidents such as the dance-like sequence of falling sewer monster/ZPM handoff.

~Mystery festivid~

~Second mystery festivid~

ETA: Oh, whoops! Also there was art. Well, "art."

Two covers for "Girl in the War" by lauriestein for House Big Bang

Cover for "A House Divided" by hilandmum for House Big Bang (scroll down the page)

83 tentacle icons for Kink Bingo

Care Bears Kink Bingo mini-fill thing (adult, warning for brain-scarring tentacles)

Ack, I also left off the podfic! A series of three for Claire/Alex in Cupid:

I. Gee by sheafrotherdon
Length: 6:35

II. Bend Over, Boyfriend by siriaeve
Length: 11:20

III. She's Giving Me Excitations by siriaeve
Length: 6:28


Fics: 10
Words (not counting Amnesty): 18,874 (half as much as last year)
WsIP word count: 4,500

Full vids: 4
Minutes: 13.5 (5 more than last year)
VsIP minutes: ~13

Graphics: 3 covers, 1 icon collection, 1 manip

Podfics: 3
Minutes: ~24

Het: 9
Slash: 2
Femslash: 2
Multi: 3
Gen: 6
Other: 1

Goals for 2011:
  • Figure out what the hell happened to my ability to produce creative work
  • Finish Lightfoot, Dylan, Oliver and femdom vids
  • Finish dance WIP
  • Have a vid shown at a con

The end.

Looking forward to other people's roundups; have already bookmarked a few. I missed a lot of stories this year.

fic list, my writing, art by meee, vid

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