Trying to preserve the mindset of a clean slate

Jan 01, 2011 10:10

Happy 2011, everyone.

I am starting the new year with a clean sink, a pop song stuck in my head (soon to be replaced by the song I'm vidding to) and the discovery that four (!) of my prompts were filled in the
kink_bingo December mini-challenge:
From what I read/watched of the month's collection, my favorite was the beautiful vid Repeat Encounter by pi (Mushi-Shi, Ginko/tentacles).

Heh, and then there was that Care Bears manip I did. All I can say is I'm sorry.


I've been thinking back to the last few New Years, noticing how life has changed.

December 31 three years ago, the president of Hell Job kept several of us in the office until well after dark to finish a major company project. The best part-the part I tell people about because it encapsulates so much of what was wrong at that place-was when (right after he'd shushed the head of IT, who'd been checking his watch and saying his family was expecting him for dinner) he declared he had to leave, hefted a case of champagne onto his shoulder and left us there to finish.

Two years ago, I spent the evening in my grad school apartment writing most of Outtakes with the Twilight Zone marathon in the background.

Last year and this year, deelaundry et al kindly had me over for a leisurely dinner and word games.

Next year-or, technically this year-I suppose I should do something special. We'll see what December brings.

kink bingo, memories, vidrec

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